--- /dev/null
+Some notes on running and extending the recursor tests
+The recursor regression suite requires a series of available IPs to bind to.
+Debian/Ubuntu example:
+ $ grep -w lo /etc/network/interfaces
+ auto lo
+ iface lo inet loopback
+ up /sbin/ip addr add dev lo
+The suite also requires `bind()` access to port 53. The example config
+relies on authbind for this:
+ $ ls -al /etc/authbind/byport/53
+ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 May 31 2012 /etc/authbind/byport/53
+Other dependencies: daemontools.
+Copy `vars.sample` to `vars`
+ $ cp vars.sample vars
+Edit `vars`.
+The /24 to bind the various daemons in:
+ PREFIX=10.0.3
+How to run the auth server (usually no need to change this):
+ AUTHRUN="exec authbind ../../../pdns/pdns_server --config-dir=. > logfile 2>&1"
+How to run the recursor (usually, again, no need to change this):
+ RECRUN="exec authbind ../../../pdns/pdns_recursor --config-dir=. --socket-dir=. --daemon=no --trace=yes --dont-query= --local-address=$PREFIX.9 --hint-file=hintfile --packetcache-ttl=0 --max-cache-ttl=15 --threads=1 > logfile 2>&1"
+Write out the various configuration files, create the service dirs (this uses
+ $ ./config.sh
+Start all daemons:
+ $ ./start.sh
+Check that they are all up:
+ $ svstat configs/*
+ configs/ up (pid 1145) 13 seconds
+ configs/ up (pid 1141) 13 seconds
+ configs/ up (pid 1137) 13 seconds
+ ...
+ configs/ up (pid 1138) 13 seconds
+ configs/recursor-service: up (pid 1140) 13 seconds
+ configs/run-auth: unable to chdir: not a directory
+(They all need to be up more than a few seconds, otherwise they might be
+crashing on startup. Check the per-service `logfile` if something is wrong).
+The `run- auth` error is normal.
+Run the tests:
+ $ ./runtests
+Various things might go wrong the first time you run the tests. Correct them
+and try again. If you think you have fixed everything and you still have some
+tests failing (most importantly the ghost-* tests), run `svc -t configs/*` and
+try again.
+ 12 out of 12 (100.00%) tests passed, 0 were skipped
+Stop all daemons:
+ $ ./stop.sh
+Remove config dirs:
+ $ ./clean.sh
+The testing setup consists of one recursor (at .9), one auth for our fake root
+zone (at .8) and another bunch of auths for deeper zones (at .10 and up).
+`config.sh` creates all the daemon configs, zonefiles, and, where necessary,
+Lua prequery scripts to emulate behaviour that `pdns_server` cannot produce
+Figure out whether your new test needs another zone, and edit config.sh accordingly.
+Create a new directory for your test. It should at least have `command` (don't forget
+chmod +x), `description`, and an `expected_result` file (often empty at this stage).
+When you have that set up, run `./runtests` again. Your test will fail; check the
+`real_result` file. If it looks alright, copy it to `expected_result`.
+Congratulations, you have just written a test!