Rounder::chooseMultiplierAndApply(impl::DecimalQuantity &input, const impl::MultiplierProducer &producer,
UErrorCode &status) {
- // TODO: Make a better and more efficient implementation.
- // TODO: Avoid the object creation here.
- DecimalQuantity copy(input);
+ // Do not call this method with zero.
- int32_t magnitude = input.getMagnitude();
- int32_t multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
+ // Perform the first attempt at rounding.
+ int magnitude = input.getMagnitude();
+ int multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
apply(input, status);
- // If the number turned to zero when rounding, do not re-attempt the rounding.
- if (!input.isZero() && input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier + 1) {
- magnitude += 1;
- input = copy;
- multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
- input.adjustMagnitude(multiplier);
- U_ASSERT(input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier - 1);
- apply(input, status);
- U_ASSERT(input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier);
+ // If the number rounded to zero, exit.
+ if (input.isZero() || U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return multiplier;
+ }
+ // If the new magnitude after rounding is the same as it was before rounding, then we are done.
+ // This case applies to most numbers.
+ if (input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier) {
+ return multiplier;
- return multiplier;
+ // If the above case DIDN'T apply, then we have a case like 99.9 -> 100 or 999.9 -> 1000:
+ // The number rounded up to the next magnitude. Check if the multiplier changes; if it doesn't,
+ // we do not need to make any more adjustments.
+ int _multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude + 1);
+ if (multiplier == _multiplier) {
+ return multiplier;
+ }
+ // We have a case like 999.9 -> 1000, where the correct output is "1K", not "1000".
+ // Fix the magnitude and re-apply the rounding strategy.
+ input.adjustMagnitude(_multiplier - multiplier);
+ apply(input, status);
+ return _multiplier;
/** This is the method that contains the actual rounding logic. */
virtual void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity& quantity, MicroProps& micros, UErrorCode& status) const = 0;
+ * An interface used by compact notation and scientific notation to choose a multiplier while rounding.
+ */
class MultiplierProducer {
virtual ~MultiplierProducer() = default;
+ /**
+ * Maps a magnitude to a multiplier in powers of ten. For example, in compact notation in English, a magnitude of 5
+ * (e.g., 100,000) should return a multiplier of -3, since the number is displayed in thousands.
+ *
+ * @param magnitude
+ * The power of ten of the input number.
+ * @return The shift in powers of ten.
+ */
virtual int32_t getMultiplier(int32_t magnitude) const = 0;
/** Version of {@link #apply} that obeys minInt constraints. Used for scientific notation compatibility mode. */
void apply(impl::DecimalQuantity &value, int32_t minInt, UErrorCode status);
+ /**
+ * Rounding endpoint used by Engineering and Compact notation. Chooses the most appropriate multiplier (magnitude
+ * adjustment), applies the adjustment, rounds, and returns the chosen multiplier.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In most cases, this is simple. However, when rounding the number causes it to cross a multiplier boundary, we
+ * need to re-do the rounding. For example, to display 999,999 in Engineering notation with 2 sigfigs, first you
+ * guess the multiplier to be -3. However, then you end up getting 1000E3, which is not the correct output. You then
+ * change your multiplier to be -6, and you get 1.0E6, which is correct.
+ *
+ * @param input The quantity to process.
+ * @param producer Function to call to return a multiplier based on a magnitude.
+ * @return The number of orders of magnitude the input was adjusted by this method.
+ */
chooseMultiplierAndApply(impl::DecimalQuantity &input, const impl::MultiplierProducer &producer,
UErrorCode &status);
* An interface used by compact notation and scientific notation to choose a multiplier while rounding.
public interface MultiplierProducer {
+ /**
+ * Maps a magnitude to a multiplier in powers of ten. For example, in compact notation in English, a magnitude of 5
+ * (e.g., 100,000) should return a multiplier of -3, since the number is displayed in thousands.
+ *
+ * @param magnitude
+ * The power of ten of the input number.
+ * @return The shift in powers of ten.
+ */
int getMultiplier(int magnitude);
+ /**
+ * Rounding endpoint used by Engineering and Compact notation. Chooses the most appropriate multiplier (magnitude
+ * adjustment), applies the adjustment, rounds, and returns the chosen multiplier.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In most cases, this is simple. However, when rounding the number causes it to cross a multiplier boundary, we
+ * need to re-do the rounding. For example, to display 999,999 in Engineering notation with 2 sigfigs, first you
+ * guess the multiplier to be -3. However, then you end up getting 1000E3, which is not the correct output. You then
+ * change your multiplier to be -6, and you get 1.0E6, which is correct.
+ *
+ * @param input The quantity to process.
+ * @param producer Function to call to return a multiplier based on a magnitude.
+ * @return The number of orders of magnitude the input was adjusted by this method.
+ */
int chooseMultiplierAndApply(DecimalQuantity input, MultiplierProducer producer) {
- // TODO: Make a better and more efficient implementation.
- // TODO: Avoid the object creation here.
- DecimalQuantity copy = input.createCopy();
+ // Do not call this method with zero.
assert !input.isZero();
+ // Perform the first attempt at rounding.
int magnitude = input.getMagnitude();
int multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
- // If the number turned to zero when rounding, do not re-attempt the rounding.
- if (!input.isZero() && input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier + 1) {
- magnitude += 1;
- input.copyFrom(copy);
- multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
- input.adjustMagnitude(multiplier);
- assert input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier - 1;
- apply(input);
- assert input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier;
+ // If the number rounded to zero, exit.
+ if (input.isZero()) {
+ return multiplier;
+ }
+ // If the new magnitude after rounding is the same as it was before rounding, then we are done.
+ // This case applies to most numbers.
+ if (input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier) {
+ return multiplier;
- return multiplier;
+ // If the above case DIDN'T apply, then we have a case like 99.9 -> 100 or 999.9 -> 1000:
+ // The number rounded up to the next magnitude. Check if the multiplier changes; if it doesn't,
+ // we do not need to make any more adjustments.
+ int _multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude + 1);
+ if (multiplier == _multiplier) {
+ return multiplier;
+ }
+ // We have a case like 999.9 -> 1000, where the correct output is "1K", not "1000".
+ // Fix the magnitude and re-apply the rounding strategy.
+ input.adjustMagnitude(_multiplier - multiplier);
+ apply(input);
+ return _multiplier;