. Added a form of the list() construct where keys can be specified. (Andrea)
. Number operators taking numeric strings now emit E_NOTICEs or E_WARNINGs
when given malformed numeric strings. (Andrea)
- . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), integer
- operators and other conversions now always respect scientific notation in
- numeric strings. (Andrea)
+ . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), decbin(),
+ decoct(), dechex(), integer operators and other conversions now always
+ respect scientific notation in numeric strings. (Andrea)
- FTP:
. Implemented FR #55651 (Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address).
- Core:
. 'void' can no longer be used as the name of a class, interface, or trait.
This applies to declarations, class_alias() and use statements.
- . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), integer
- operators and other conversions now always respect scientific notation in
- numeric strings.
+ . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), decbin(),
+ decoct(), dechex(), integer operators and other conversions now always
+ respect scientific notation in numeric strings.
(RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/invalid_strings_in_arithmetic)
. Number operators taking numeric strings now emit "A non well formed numeric
string encountered" E_NOTICEs for leading-numeric strings, and "A
non-numeric string encountered" E_WARNINGs for non-numeric strings.
+ This always applies to the +, -, *, /, **, %, << and >> operators, and
+ their assignment counterparts +=, -=, *=, /=, **=, %=, <<= and >>=.
+ For the bitwise operators |, & and ^, and their assignment counterparts
+ |=, &= and ^=, this only applies where only one operand is a string.
+ Note that this never applies to the bitwise NOT operator, ~, which does not
+ handle numeric strings, nor to the increment and decrement operators
+ ++ and --, which have a unique approach to handling numeric strings.
(RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/invalid_strings_in_arithmetic)