-<description>Words, hosts, or domains that are banned from being
-<syntax>ProxyBlock *|<var>word</var>|<var>host</var>|<var>domain</var>
-[<var>word</var>|<var>host</var>|<var>domain</var>] ...</syntax>
+<description>Disallow proxy requests to certain hosts</description>
+<syntax>ProxyBlock *|<var>hostname</var>|<var>partial-hostname</var> [<var>hostname</var>|<var>partial-hostname</var>]...</syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
- <p>The <directive>ProxyBlock</directive> directive specifies a list of
- words, hosts and/or domains, separated by spaces. HTTP, HTTPS, and
- FTP document requests to sites whose names contain matched words,
- hosts or domains are <em>blocked</em> by the proxy server. The proxy
- module will also attempt to determine IP addresses of list items which
- may be hostnames during startup, and cache them for match test as
- well. That may slow down the startup time of the server.</p>
+ <p>The <directive>ProxyBlock</directive> directive can be used to
+ block FTP or HTTP access to certain hosts via the proxy, based on
+ a full or partial hostname match, or, if applicable, an IP address
+ comparison.</p>
+ <p>Each of the arguments to the <directive>ProxyBlock</directive>
+ directive can be either <code>*</code> or a alphanumeric string.
+ At startup, the module will attempt to resolve every alphanumeric
+ string from a DNS name to a set of IP addresses, but any DNS errors
+ are ignored.</p>
+ <p>If an asterisk "<code>*</code>" argument is specified,
+ <module>mod_proxy</module> will deny access to all FTP or HTTP
+ sites.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, for any request for an HTTP or FTP resource via the
+ proxy, <module>mod_proxy</module> will check the hostname of the
+ request URI against each specified string. If a partial string
+ match is found, access is denied. If no matches against hostnames
+ are found, and a remote (forward) proxy is configured using
+ <directive>ProxyRemote</directive> or
+ <directive>ProxyRemoteMatch</directive>, access is allowed. If no
+ remote (forward) proxy is configured, the IP address of the
+ hostname from the URI is compared against all resolved IP
+ addresses determined at startup. Access is denied if any match is
+ found.</p>
+ <p>Note that the DNS lookups may slow down the startup time of the
+ server.</p>
<highlight language="config">