# ********************************************************************
-# * Copyright (c) 2005-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and
+# * Copyright (c) 2005-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and
# * others. All Rights Reserved.
# ********************************************************************
use PerfFramework;
-# This test should be run on Windows.
-if (!$OnWindows) {
- print "This test should be run on Windows.\n";
- exit(1);
my $options = {
"title"=>"Collation performance: ICU,POSIX,and Win",
"headers"=>"ICU POSIX WIN",
+my $p;
+if ($OnWindows) {
+ $p = $ICUPathLatest."/collperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/collperf.exe";
+} else {
+ $p = $ICUPathLatest."/collperf/collperf";
# programs
# tests will be done for all the programs. Results will be stored and connected
-my $p = $ICUPathLatest."/collperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/collperf.exe";
-my $tests = {
+my $test;
+if ($OnWindows) {
+ $tests = {
"Key Gen null", ["$p TestIcu_KeyGen_null", "$p TestPosix_KeyGen_null", "$p TestWin_KeyGen_null"],
"qsort strcoll null", ["$p TestIcu_qsort_strcoll_null", "$p TestPosix_qsort_strcoll_null", "$p TestWin_qsort_CompareStringW_null"],
"qsort use key", ["$p TestIcu_qsort_usekey", "$p TestPosix_qsort_usekey", "$p TestWin_qsort_usekey"],
#"Binary Search win use key", ["$p TestWin_BinarySearch_usekey"],
#"Binary Search win wcscmp", ["$p TestWin_BinarySearch_wcscmp"],
+} else {
+ $tests = {
+ "Key Gen null", ["$p TestIcu_KeyGen_null", "$p TestPosix_KeyGen_null"],
+ "qsort strcoll null", ["$p TestIcu_qsort_strcoll_null", "$p TestPosix_qsort_strcoll_null"],
+ "qsort use key", ["$p TestIcu_qsort_usekey", "$p TestPosix_qsort_usekey"],
+ "Binary Search icu strcoll null", ["$p TestIcu_BinarySearch_strcoll_null", "$p TestPosix_BinarySearch_strcoll_null"],
+ "Binary Search icu use key", ["$p TestIcu_BinarySearch_usekey", "$p TestPosix_BinarySearch_usekey"],
+ };
my $dataFiles = {
- "Testnames_Russian.txt",
+ "TestNames_Russian.txt",
-* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 IBM, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2012 IBM, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "unicode/coll.h"
#include <unicode/ucoleitr.h>
+#define DWORD uint32_t
+#define WCHAR wchar_t
/* To store an array of string<UNIT> in continue space.
Since string<UNIT> itself is treated as an array of UNIT, this
ucol_getSortKey(col, data[i].icu_data, data[i].icu_data_len, icu_key, MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
// pre-generated in CollPerfTest::prepareData(), need not to check error here
void win_key_null(int32_t i){
//LCMAP_SORTsk 0x00000400 // WC sort sk (normalize)
void win_key_len(int32_t i){
LCMapStringW(win_langid, LCMAP_SORTKEY, data[i].win_data, data[i].win_data_len, win_key, MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
void posix_key_null(int32_t i){
strxfrm(posix_key, data[i].posix_data, MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
return strcmp((char *) da->icu_key, (char *) db->icu_key);
static int win_cmp_null(const void *a, const void *b) {
return t - CSTR_EQUAL;
#define QFUNC(name, func, data) \
static int name (const void *a, const void *b){ \
QFUNC(posix_strcoll_null, strcoll, posix_data)
QFUNC(posix_cmpkey, strcmp, posix_key)
QFUNC(win_cmpkey, strcmp, win_key)
QFUNC(win_wcscmp, wcscmp, win_data)
QFUNC(icu_strcmp, u_strcmp, icu_data)
QFUNC(icu_cmpcpo, u_strcmpCodePointOrder, icu_data)
return strcmp( (char *) rnd[i].icu_key, (char *) ord[j].icu_key );
int win_cmp_null(int32_t i, int32_t j) {
int t = CompareStringW(win_langid, 0, rnd[i].win_data, -1, ord[j].win_data, -1);
if (t == 0){
return t - CSTR_EQUAL;
#define BFUNC(name, func, data) \
int name(int32_t i, int32_t j) { \
locale = "en_US"; // set default locale
if (options[i].doesOccur) {
char *endp;
int tmp = strtol(options[i].value, &endp, 0);
} else {
win_langid = uloc_getLCID(locale);
- //#endif
// Set up an ICU collator
if (options[r].doesOccur) {
TEST_KEYGEN(TestIcu_KeyGen_null, icu_key_null);
TEST_KEYGEN(TestIcu_KeyGen_len, icu_key_len);
TEST_KEYGEN(TestPosix_KeyGen_null, posix_key_null);
TEST_KEYGEN(TestWin_KeyGen_null, win_key_null);
TEST_KEYGEN(TestWin_KeyGen_len, win_key_len);
#define TEST_ITER(testname, func)\
TEST(testname, CmdIter, col, count, icu_data, &CmdIter::func,0,0)
TEST_QSORT(TestIcu_qsort_usekey, icu_cmpkey);
TEST_QSORT(TestPosix_qsort_strcoll_null, posix_strcoll_null);
TEST_QSORT(TestPosix_qsort_usekey, posix_cmpkey);
TEST_QSORT(TestWin_qsort_CompareStringW_null, win_cmp_null);
TEST_QSORT(TestWin_qsort_CompareStringW_len, win_cmp_len);
TEST_QSORT(TestWin_qsort_usekey, win_cmpkey);
#define TEST_BIN(testname, func)\
TEST(testname, CmdBinSearch, col, win_langid, count, rnd_index, ord_icu_key, &CmdBinSearch::func)
TEST_BIN(TestIcu_BinarySearch_cmpCPO, icu_cmpcpo);
TEST_BIN(TestPosix_BinarySearch_strcoll_null, posix_strcoll_null);
TEST_BIN(TestPosix_BinarySearch_usekey, posix_cmpkey);
TEST_BIN(TestWin_BinarySearch_CompareStringW_null, win_cmp_null);
TEST_BIN(TestWin_BinarySearch_CompareStringW_len, win_cmp_len);
TEST_BIN(TestWin_BinarySearch_usekey, win_cmpkey);
TEST_BIN(TestWin_BinarySearch_wcscmp, win_wcscmp);
t = strxfrm(posix_key->last(), posix_data->dataOf(i), s);
if (t != s) {status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;return;}
// Win data
s = icu_data->lengthOf(i) + 1; // plus terminal NULL
t = LCMapStringW(win_langid, LCMAP_SORTKEY, win_data->dataOf(i), win_data->lengthOf(i), (WCHAR *)(win_key->last()),s);
if (t != s) {status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;return;}
// append_one() will make points shifting, should not merge following code into previous iteration
rnd_index[i].posix_key = posix_key->last();
rnd_index[i].posix_data = posix_data->dataOf(i);
rnd_index[i].posix_data_len = posix_data->lengthOf(i);
rnd_index[i].win_key = win_key->dataOf(i);
rnd_index[i].win_data = win_data->dataOf(i);
rnd_index[i].win_data_len = win_data->lengthOf(i);
SORT(ord_icu_key, icu_cmpkey);
SORT(ord_posix_data, posix_strcoll_null);
SORT(ord_posix_key, posix_cmpkey);
SORT(ord_win_data, win_cmp_len);
SORT(ord_win_key, win_cmpkey);
SORT(ord_win_wcscmp, win_wcscmp);
SORT(ord_icu_strcmp, icu_strcmp);
SORT(ord_icu_cmpcpo, icu_cmpcpo);