Based on the limited research I've done, it does not appear that crocodiles
of any size have legs that can effectively kick doors, chests, et al. They
could kick objects, but kicking a monster would be more of a claw attack.
It's simpler to just print a message in all cases.
poor grammar: "The candelabrum now has seven candle attached."
vault guards won't ask who you are if you're unconscious or paralyzed
monsters should not repeatedly try to teleport on noteleport levels
+crocodiles legs are not designed for kicking open doors, chests, et al.
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
} else if (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER) {
Your("load is too heavy to balance yourself for a kick.");
no_kick = TRUE;
+ } else if (>mlet == S_LIZARD) {
+ Your("legs cannot kick effectively.");
+ no_kick = TRUE;
} else if (u.uinwater && !rn2(2)) {
Your("slow motion kick doesn't hit anything.");
no_kick = TRUE;