" def _while: "
" if cond then ., (update | _while) else empty end; "
" _while;",
+ "def limit(n; exp): if n < 0 then exp else foreach exp as $item ([n, null]; if .[0] < 1 then empty else [.[0] -1, $item] end; .[1]) end;",
#undef LIBM_DD
gen_op_bound(LOADVN, res_var));
+block gen_foreach(const char* varname, block source, block init, block update, block extract) {
+ block output = gen_op_targetlater(JUMP);
+ block state_var = gen_op_var_fresh(STOREV, "foreach");
+ block loop = BLOCK(gen_op_simple(DUP),
+ // get a value from the source expression:
+ source,
+ // bind the $varname to that value for all the code in
+ // this block_bind() to see:
+ block_bind(gen_op_unbound(STOREV, varname),
+ // load the loop state variable
+ BLOCK(gen_op_bound(LOADVN, state_var),
+ // generate updated state
+ update,
+ // save the updated state for value extraction
+ gen_op_simple(DUP),
+ // save new state
+ gen_op_bound(STOREV, state_var),
+ // extract an output...
+ extract,
+ // ...and output it
+ output),
+ block foreach = BLOCK(gen_op_simple(DUP),
+ init,
+ state_var,
+ gen_op_target(FORK, loop),
+ loop,
+ // At this point `foreach`'s input will be on
+ // top of the stack, and we don't want to output
+ // it, so we backtrack.
+ gen_op_simple(BACKTRACK));
+ inst_set_target(output, foreach);
+ return foreach;
block gen_definedor(block a, block b) {
// var found := false
block found_var = gen_op_var_fresh(STOREV, "found");
block gen_both(block a, block b);
block gen_collect(block expr);
block gen_reduce(const char* varname, block source, block init, block body);
+block gen_foreach(const char* varname, block source, block init, block update, block extract);
block gen_definedor(block a, block b);
block gen_condbranch(block iftrue, block iffalse);
block gen_and(block a, block b);
input: '[10,2,5,3]'
output: ['20']
+ - title: `limit(n; exp)`
+ body: |
+ The `limit` function extracts up to `n` outputs from `exp`.
+ examples:
+ - program: '[limit(3;.[])]'
+ input: '[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]'
+ output: ['[0,1,2]']
+ - title: `foreach`
+ body: |
+ The `foreach` syntax is similar to `reduce`, but intended to
+ allow the construction of `limit` and reducers that produce
+ intermediate results (see example).
+ The form is `foreach EXP as $var (INIT; UPDATE; EXTRACT)`.
+ Like `reduce`, `INIT` is evaluated once to produce a state
+ value, then each output of `EXP` is bound to `$var`, `UPDATE`
+ is evaluated for each output of `EXP` with the current state
+ and with `$var` visible. Each value output by `UPDATE`
+ replaces the previous state. Finally, `EXTRACT` is evaluated
+ for each new state to extract an output of `foreach`.
+ This is mostly useful only for constructing `reduce`- and
+ `limit`-like functions.
+ examples:
+ - program: '[foreach .[] as $item
+ ([[],[]];
+ if $item == null then [[],.[0]] else [(.[0] + [$item]),[]] end;
+ if $item == null then .[1] else empty end)]'
+ input: '[1,2,3,4,null,"a","b",null]'
+ output: ['[[1,2,3,4],["a","b"]]']
- title: Recursion
body: |
"or" { return OR; }
"end" { return END; }
"reduce" { return REDUCE; }
+"foreach" { return FOREACH; }
"//" { return DEFINEDOR; }
"try" { return TRY; }
"catch" { return CATCH; }
%token ELSE "else"
%token ELSE_IF "elif"
%token REDUCE "reduce"
+%token FOREACH "foreach"
%token END "end"
%token AND "and"
%token OR "or"
} |
+"foreach" Term "as" '$' IDENT '(' Exp ';' Exp ';' Exp ')' {
+ $$ = gen_foreach(jv_string_value($5), $2, $7, $9, $11);
+ jv_free($5);
+} |
"if" Exp "then" Exp ElseBody {
$$ = gen_cond($2, $4, $5);
} |
+[foreach .[] as $item ([3, null]; if .[0] < 1 then empty else [.[0] -1, $item] end; .[1])]
+[limit(3; .[])]
# Slices