source shared.vim
-if has('win32') && has('gui')
- " Win32 GUI shows a dialog instead of displaying the error in the last line.
- finish
+"if has('win32') && has('gui')
+" " Win32 GUI shows a dialog instead of displaying the error in the last line.
+" finish
func Test_restricted()
- let cmd = GetVimCommand('Xrestricted')
- if cmd == ''
- return
- endif
- call writefile([
- \ "silent !ls",
- \ "call writefile([v:errmsg], 'Xrestrout')",
- \ "qa!",
- \ ], 'Xrestricted')
- call system(cmd . ' -Z')
- call assert_match('E145:', join(readfile('Xrestrout')))
- call delete('Xrestricted')
- call delete('Xrestrout')
+ call Run_restricted_test('!ls', 'E145:')
func Run_restricted_test(ex_cmd, error)
+ " Use a VimEnter autocommand to avoid that the error message is displayed in
+ " a dialog with an OK button.
call writefile([
- \ a:ex_cmd,
- \ "call writefile([v:errmsg], 'Xrestrout')",
- \ "qa!",
+ \ "func Init()",
+ \ " silent! " . a:ex_cmd,
+ \ " call writefile([v:errmsg], 'Xrestrout')",
+ \ " qa!",
+ \ "endfunc",
+ \ "au VimEnter * call Init()",
\ ], 'Xrestricted')
call system(cmd . ' -Z')
call assert_match(a:error, join(readfile('Xrestrout')))