%%% Support for 'include_config_file'
+get_config_option_key(Name, Val) ->
+ if Name == listen ->
+ lists:keyfind(port, 1, Val);
+ is_tuple(Val) ->
+ element(1, Val);
+ true ->
+ Val
+ end.
+maps_to_lists(IMap) ->
+ maps:fold(fun(host_config, Map, Res) ->
+ [{host_config, [{Host, maps_to_lists(SMap)} || {Host,SMap} <- maps:values(Map)]} | Res];
+ (Name, Map, Res) when is_map(Map) ->
+ [{Name, maps:values(Map)} | Res];
+ (Name, Val, Res) ->
+ [{Name, Val} | Res]
+ end, [], IMap).
+merge_configs(Terms, ResMap) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({Name, Val}, Map) when is_list(Val) ->
+ Old = maps:get(Name, Map, #{}),
+ New = lists:foldl(fun(SVal, OMap) ->
+ NVal = if Name == host_config ->
+ {Host, Opts} = SVal,
+ {_, SubMap} = maps:get(Host, OMap, {Host, #{}}),
+ {Host, merge_configs(Opts, SubMap)};
+ true ->
+ SVal
+ end,
+ maps:put(get_config_option_key(Name, SVal), NVal, OMap)
+ end, Old, Val),
+ maps:put(Name, New, Map);
+ ({Name, Val}, Map) ->
+ maps:put(Name, Val, Map)
+ end, ResMap, Terms).
%% @doc Include additional configuration files in the list of terms.
%% @spec ([term()]) -> [term()]
include_config_files(Terms) ->
include_config_file(File, Opts)
end, lists:flatten(FileOpts)),
- SpecialTerms = dict:from_list([{hosts, []}, {listen, []}, {modules, []}]),
- PartDict = dict:store(rest, [], SpecialTerms),
- Partition = fun(L) ->
- lists:foldr(fun({Name, Val} = Pair, Dict) ->
- case dict:find(Name, SpecialTerms) of
- {ok, _} ->
- dict:append_list(Name, Val, Dict);
- _ ->
- dict:append(rest, Pair, Dict)
- end;
- (Tuple, Dict2) ->
- dict:append(rest, Tuple, Dict2)
- end, PartDict, L)
- end,
- Merged = dict:merge(fun(_Name, V1, V2) -> V1 ++ V2 end,
- Partition(Terms1), Partition(Terms2)),
- Rest = dict:fetch(rest, Merged),
- dict:to_list(dict:erase(rest, Merged)) ++ Rest.
+ M1 = merge_configs(Terms1, #{}),
+ M2 = merge_configs(Terms2, M1),
+ maps_to_lists(M2).
transform_include_option({include_config_file, File}) when is_list(File) ->
case is_string(File) of