--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+FROM debian:jessie
+MAINTAINER Rafael Römhild <rafael@roemhild.de>
+ENV XMPP_DOMAIN=localhost \
+ EJABBERD_HOME=/opt/ejabberd \
+ PATH=/opt/ejabberd/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
+ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 \
+ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
+# bootstrap
+COPY . /tmp/ejabberd
+RUN /tmp/ejabberd/docker/bootstrap.sh
+# Continue as user
+USER ejabberd
+# Set workdir to ejabberd root
+WORKDIR /opt/ejabberd
+VOLUME ["/opt/ejabberd/conf", "/opt/ejabberd/database", "/opt/ejabberd/ssl", "/opt/ejabberd/backup", "/opt/ejabberd/upload", "/opt/ejabberd/modules"]
+EXPOSE 4560 5222 5269 5280 5443
+ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/ejabberd/docker/start.sh"]
--- /dev/null
+ejabberd container
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+ - [Persistence](#persistence)
+ - [SSL Certificates](#ssl-certificates)
+ - [Base Image](#base-image)
+- [Ejabberd Configuration](#ejabberd-configuration)
+ - [Served Hostnames](#served-hostnames)
+ - [Authentication](#authentication)
+ - [Admins](#admins)
+ - [Users](#users)
+ - [SSL](#ssl)
+ - [Modules](#modules)
+ - [Logging](#logging)
+ - [Mount Configurations](#mount-configurations)
+ - [Erlang Configuration](#erlang-configuration)
+- [Maintenance](#maintenance)
+ - [Register Users](#register-users)
+ - [Creating Backups](#creating-backups)
+ - [Restoring Backups](#restoring-backups)
+- [Debug](#debug)
+ - [Erlang Shell](#erlang-shell)
+ - [System Shell](#system-shell)
+ - [System Commands](#system-commands)
+- [Exposed Ports](#exposed-ports)
+# Introduction
+Dockerfile to build an [ejabberd](https://www.ejabberd.im/) container image.
+Docker Tag Names are based on ejabberd versions in git [tags][]. The image tag `:latest` is based on the master branch.
+[tags]: https://github.com/rroemhild/ejabberd/tags
+# Quick Start
+You can start of with the following container:
+docker run -d \
+ --name "ejabberd" \
+ -p 5222:5222 \
+ -p 5269:5269 \
+ -p 5280:5280 \
+ -h 'xmpp.example.de' \
+ -e "XMPP_DOMAIN=example.de" \
+ -e "ERLANG_NODE=nodename" \
+ -e "EJABBERD_ADMINS=admin@example.de admin2@example.de" \
+ -e "EJABBERD_USERS=admin@example.de:password1234 admin2@example.de" \
+ -e "TZ=Europe/Berlin" \
+ rroemhild/ejabberd
+# Usage
+## Persistence
+For storage of the application data, you can mount volumes at
+* `/opt/ejabberd/ssl`
+* `/opt/ejabberd/backup`
+* `/opt/ejabberd/upload`
+* `/opt/ejabberd/database`
+or use a data container
+docker create --name ejabberd-data rroemhild/ejabberd-data
+docker run -d --name ejabberd --volumes-from processone-data rroemhild/ejabberd
+## SSL Certificates
+TLS is enabled by default and the run script will auto-generate two snake-oil certificates during boot if you don't provide your SSL certificates.
+To use your own certificates, there are two options.
+1. Mount the volume `/opt/ejabberd/ssl` to a local directory with the `.pem` files:
+ * /tmp/ssl/host.pem (SERVER_HOSTNAME)
+ * /tmp/ssl/xmpp_domain.pem (XMPP_DOMAIN)
+ Make sure that the certificate and private key are in one `.pem` file. If one file is missing it will be auto-generated. I.e. you can provide your certificate for your **XMMP_DOMAIN** and use a snake-oil certificate for the `SERVER_HOSTNAME`.
+2. Specify the certificates via environment variables: **EJABBERD_SSLCERT_HOST** and **EJABBERD_SSLCERT_EXAMPLE_COM**. For the
+domain certificates, make sure you match the domain names given in **XMPP_DOMAIN** and replace dots and dashes with underscore.
+## Base Image
+Build your own ejabberd container image and add your config templates, certificates or [extend](#cluster-example) it for your needs.
+FROM rroemhild/ejabberd
+ADD ./ejabberd.yml.tpl /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml.tpl
+ADD ./ejabberdctl.cfg.tpl /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberdctl.cfg.tpl
+ADD ./example.com.pem /opt/ejabberd/ssl/example.com.pem
+If you need root privileges switch to `USER root` and go back to `USER ejabberd` when you're done.
+# Ejabberd Configuration
+You can additionally provide extra runtime configuration in a downstream image by replacing the config template `ejabberd.yml.tpl` with one based on this image's template and include extra interpolation of environment variables. The template is parsed by Jinja2 with the runtime environment (equivalent to Python's `os.environ` available as `env`).
+## Served Hostnames
+By default the container will serve the XMPP domain `localhost`. In order to serve a different domain at runtime, provide the **XMPP_DOMAIN** variable with a domain name. You can add more domains separated with whitespace.
+XMPP_DOMAIN=example.ninja xyz.io test.com
+## Authentication
+Authentication methods can be set with the **EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD** environment variable. The default authentication mode is `internal`.
+Supported authentication methods:
+* anonymous
+* internal
+* external
+* ldap
+Internal and anonymous authentication example:
+EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD=internal anonymous
+[External authentication](http://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/guide/configuration/#external-script) example:
+**EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_INSTANCES** must be an integer with a minimum value of 1. **EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_CACHE** can be set to "false" or an integer value representing cache time in seconds. Note that caching should not be enabled if internal auth is also enabled.
+### MySQL Authentication
+Set `EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD=external` and `EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_PROGRAM=/opt/ejabberd/scripts/lib/auth_mysql.py` to enable MySQL authentication. Use the following environment variables to configure the database connection and the layout of the database. Password changing, registration, and unregistration are optional features and are enabled only if the respective queries are provided.
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_HOST**: The MySQL host
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_USER**: Username to connect to the MySQL host
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_PASSWORD**: Password to connect to the MySQL host
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_DATABASE**: Database name where to find the user information
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_HASHALG**: Format of the password in the database. Default is cleartext. Options are `crypt`, `md5`, `sha1`, `sha224`, `sha256`, `sha384`, `sha512`. `crypt` is recommended, as it is salted. When setting the password, `crypt` uses SHA-512 (prefix `$6$`).
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_QUERY_GETPASS**: Get the password for a user. Use the placeholders `%(user)s`, `%(host)s`. Example: `SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = CONCAT(%(user)s, '@', %(host)s)`
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_QUERY_SETPASS**: Update the password for a user. Leave empty to disable. Placeholder `%(password)s` contains the hashed password. Example: `UPDATE users SET password = %(password)s WHERE username = CONCAT(%(user)s, '@', %(host)s)`
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_QUERY_REGISTER**: Register a new user. Leave empty to disable. Example: `INSERT INTO users ( username, password ) VALUES ( CONCAT(%(user)s, '@', %(host)s), %(password)s )`
+- **AUTH_MYSQL_QUERY_UNREGISTER**: Removes a user. Leave empty to disable. Example: `DELETE FROM users WHERE username = CONCAT(%(user)s, '@', %(host)s)`
+Note that the MySQL authentication script writes a debug log into the file `/var/log/ejabberd/extauth.log`. To get its content, execute the following command:
+docker exec -ti ejabberd tail -n50 -f /var/log/ejabberd/extauth.log
+To find out more about the mysql authentication script, check out the [ejabberd-auth-mysql](https://github.com/rankenstein/ejabberd-auth-mysql) repository.
+### LDAP Auth
+Full documentation http://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/guide/configuration/#ldap.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_SERVERS**: List of IP addresses or DNS names of your LDAP servers. This option is required.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_ENCRYPT**: The value `tls` enables encryption by using LDAP over SSL. The default value is: `none`.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_TLS_VERIFY**: `false|soft|hard` This option specifies whether to verify LDAP server certificate or not when TLS is enabled. The default is `false` which means no checks are performed.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_TLS_CACERTFILE**: Path to file containing PEM encoded CA certificates.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_TLS_DEPTH**: Specifies the maximum verification depth when TLS verification is enabled. The default value is 1.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_PORT**: The default port is `389` if encryption is disabled; and `636` if encryption is enabled.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_ROOTDN**: Bind DN. The default value is "" which means ‘anonymous connection’.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_PASSWORD**: Bind password. The default value is "".
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_DEREF_ALIASES**: `never|always|finding|searching`
+ Whether or not to dereference aliases. The default is `never`.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_BASE**: LDAP base directory which stores users accounts. This option is required.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_UIDS**: `ldap_uidattr:ldap_uidattr_format` The default attributes are `uid:%u`.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_FILTER**: RFC 4515 LDAP filter. The default Filter value is undefined.
+- **EJABBERD_LDAP_DN_FILTER**: `{ Filter: FilterAttrs }` This filter is applied on the results returned by the main filter. By default ldap_dn_filter is undefined.
+## Admins
+Set one or more admin user (seperated by whitespace) with the **EJABBERD_ADMINS** environment variable. You can register admin users with the **EJABBERD_USERS** environment variable during container startup, use you favorite XMPP client or the `ejabberdctl` command line utility.
+## Users
+Automatically register users during container startup. Uses random password if you don't provide a password for the user. Format is `JID:PASSWORD`. Register more users separated with whitespace.
+Register the admin user from **EJABBERD_ADMINS** with a give password:
+Or without a random password printed to stdout (check container logs):
+Register more than one user:
+EJABBERD_USERS=admin@example.ninja:password1234 user1@test.com user1@xyz.io
+## SSL
+- **EJABBERD_SSLCERT_HOST**: SSL Certificate for the hostname.
+- **EJABBERD_SSLCERT_EXAMPLE_COM**: SSL Certificates for XMPP domains.
+- **EJABBERD_STARTTLS**: Set to `false` to disable StartTLS for client to server connections. Default: `true`.
+- **EJABBERD_S2S_SSL**: Set to `false` to disable SSL in server 2 server connections. Default: `true`.
+- **EJABBERD_HTTPS**: If your proxy terminates SSL you may want to disable HTTPS on port 5280 and 5443. Default: `true`.
+- **EJABBERD_PROTOCOL_OPTIONS_TLSV1**: Allow TLSv1 protocol. Default: `false`.
+- **EJABBERD_PROTOCOL_OPTIONS_TLSV1_1**: Allow TLSv1.1 protocol. Default: `true`.
+- **EJABBERD_CIPHERS**: Cipher suite. Default: `HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES`.
+- **EJABBERD_DHPARAM**: Set to `true` to use or generate custom DH parameters. Default: `false`.
+## Modules
+- **EJABBERD_SKIP_MODULES_UPDATE**: If you do not need to update ejabberd modules specs, skip the update task and speedup start. Default: `false`.
+- **EJABBERD_MOD_MUC_ADMIN**: Activate the mod_muc_admin module. Default: `false`.
+- **EJABBERD_MOD_ADMIN_EXTRA**: Activate the mod_muc_admin module. Default: `true`.
+- **EJABBERD_REGISTER_TRUSTED_NETWORK_ONLY**: Only allow user registration from the trusted_network access rule. Default: `true`.
+- **EJABBERD_MOD_VERSION**: Activate the mod_version module. Default: `true`.
+## Logging
+Use the **EJABBERD_LOGLEVEL** environment variable to set verbosity. Default: `4` (Info).
+loglevel: Verbosity of log files generated by ejabberd.
+0: No ejabberd log at all (not recommended)
+1: Critical
+2: Error
+3: Warning
+4: Info
+5: Debug
+## Mount Configurations
+If you prefer to use your own configuration files and avoid passing docker environment variables (```-e```), you can do so by mounting a host directory.
+Pass in an additional ```-v``` to the ```docker run``` command, like so:
+docker run -d \
+ --name "ejabberd" \
+ -p 5222:5222 \
+ -p 5269:5269 \
+ -p 5280:5280 \
+ -h 'xmpp.example.de' \
+ -v /<host_path>/conf:/opt/ejabberd/conf \
+ rroemhild/ejabberd
+Your ```/<host_path>/conf``` folder should look like so:
+├── ejabberdctl.cfg
+├── ejabberd.yml
+└── inetrc
+Example configuration files can be downloaded from the ejabberd [github](https://github.com/rroemhild/ejabberd) page.
+When these files exist in ```/opt/ejabberd/conf```, the run script will ignore the configuration templates.
+## Erlang Configuration
+With the following environment variables you can configure options that are passed by ejabberdctl to the erlang runtime system when starting ejabberd.
+- **POLL**: Set to `false` to disable Kernel polling. Default: `true`.
+- **SMP**: SMP support `enable`, `auto`, `disable`. Default: `auto`.
+- **ERL_MAX_PORTS**: Maximum number of simultaneously open Erlang ports. Default: `32000`.
+- **FIREWALL_WINDOW**: Range of allowed ports to pass through a firewall. Default: `not defined`.
+- **INET_DIST_INTERFACE**: IP address where this Erlang node listens other nodes. Default: ``.
+- **ERL_EPMD_ADDRESS**: IP addresses where epmd listens for connections. Default: ``.
+- **ERL_PROCESSES**: Maximum number of Erlang processes. Default: `250000`.
+- **ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES**: Maximum number of Erlang processes. Default: `1400`.
+- **ERLANG_OPTIONS**: Overwrite additional options passed to erlang while starting ejabberd. Default: `-noshell`
+- **ERLANG_NODE**: Allows to explicitly specify erlang node for ejabberd. Set to `nodename` lets erlang add the hostname. Default: `ejabberd@localhost`.
+- **EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH**: ejabberd configuration file. Default: `/opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml`.
+- **CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH**: contributed ejabberd modules path. Default: `/opt/ejabberd/modules`.
+- **CONTRIB_MODULES_CONF_DIR**: configuration directory for contributed modules. Default: `/opt/ejabberd/modules/conf`.
+- **ERLANG_COOKIE**: Set erlang cookie. Default is to auto-generated cookie.
+# Maintenance
+The `ejabberdctl` command is in the search path and can be run by:
+docker exec CONTAINER ejabberdctl help
+## Register Users
+docker exec CONTAINER ejabberdctl register user XMPP_DOMAIN PASSWORD
+## Creating Backups
+Create a backupfile with ejabberdctl and copy the file from the container to localhost
+docker exec CONTAINER ejabberdctl backup /opt/ejabberd/backup/ejabberd.backup
+docker cp CONTAINER:/opt/ejabberd/backup/ejabberd.backup /tmp/ejabberd.backup
+## Restoring Backups
+Copy the backupfile from localhost to the running container and restore with ejabberdctl
+docker cp /tmp/ejabberd.backup CONTAINER:/opt/ejabberd/backup/ejabberd.backup
+docker exec CONTAINER ejabberdctl restore /opt/ejabberd/backup/ejabberd.backup
+# Debug
+## Erlang Shell
+Set `-i` and `-t` option and append `live` to get an interactive erlang shell:
+docker run -i -t -P rroemhild/ejabberd live
+You can terminate the erlang shell with `q().`.
+## System Shell
+docker run -i -t rroemhild/ejabberd shell
+## System Commands
+docker run -i -t rroemhild/ejabberd env
+# Exposed Ports
+* 4560 (XMLRPC)
+* 5222 (Client 2 Server)
+* 5269 (Server 2 Server)
+* 5280 (HTTP admin/websocket/http-bind)
+* 5443 (HTTP Upload)
--- /dev/null
+set -ex
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
+readonly buildDeps='
+ git-core
+ build-essential
+ automake
+ libssl-dev
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libexpat-dev
+ libyaml-dev
+ libsqlite3-dev
+ erlang-src erlang-dev'
+readonly requiredAptPackages='
+ locales
+ ldnsutils
+ python2.7
+ python-jinja2
+ ca-certificates
+ libyaml-0-2
+ erlang-base erlang-snmp erlang-ssl erlang-ssh erlang-webtool
+ erlang-tools erlang-xmerl erlang-corba erlang-diameter erlang-eldap
+ erlang-eunit erlang-ic erlang-odbc erlang-os-mon
+ erlang-parsetools erlang-percept erlang-typer
+ python-mysqldb
+ imagemagick'
+apt-key adv \
+ --keyserver keys.gnupg.net \
+ --recv-keys 434975BD900CCBE4F7EE1B1ED208507CA14F4FCA
+apt-get update
+apt-get install -y $buildDeps $requiredAptPackages --no-install-recommends
+dpkg-reconfigure locales && locale-gen C.UTF-8
+/usr/sbin/update-locale LANG=C.UTF-8
+echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' >> /etc/locale.gen
+# add ejabberd user
+useradd --home $EJABBERD_HOME -M --system ejabberd
+cd /tmp/ejabberd
+chmod +x ./autogen.sh
+./configure --enable-user=ejabberd \
+ --enable-all \
+ --disable-tools \
+ --disable-pam
+make install
+mkdir -p logs ssl backup upload module_source modules/conf
+mv /tmp/ejabberd/docker $EJABBERD_HOME
+# Move config to homedir
+mv /etc/ejabberd conf
+ln -s $EJABBERD_HOME/conf /etc/ejabberd
+# rename original configs
+mv conf/ejabberd.yml conf/ejabberd.yml.orig
+mv conf/ejabberdctl.cfg conf/ejabberdctl.cfg.orig
+# clean up
+rm -rf /tmp/ejabberd
+rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+apt-get purge -y --auto-remove $buildDeps
+# change owner for ejabberd home
+chown -R ejabberd $EJABBERD_HOME
--- /dev/null
+### ejabberd configuration file
+### The parameters used in this configuration file are explained in more detail
+### in the ejabberd Installation and Operation Guide.
+### Please consult the Guide in case of doubts, it is included with
+### your copy of ejabberd, and is also available online at
+### http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/docs/
+### =======
+loglevel: {{ env['EJABBERD_LOGLEVEL'] or 4 }}
+log_rotate_size: 10485760
+log_rotate_count: 0
+log_rate_limit: 100
+## watchdog_admins:
+## - "bob@example.com"
+### ================
+{%- for xmpp_domain in env['XMPP_DOMAIN'].split() %}
+ - "{{ xmpp_domain }}"
+{%- endfor %}
+## route_subdomains: Delegate subdomains to other XMPP servers.
+## For example, if this ejabberd serves example.org and you want
+## to allow communication with an XMPP server called im.example.org.
+## route_subdomains: s2s
+### ===============
+ -
+ port: 5222
+ module: ejabberd_c2s
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_STARTTLS'] == "true" %}
+ starttls_required: true
+ {%- endif %}
+ protocol_options:
+ - "no_sslv3"
+ {%- if env.get('EJABBERD_PROTOCOL_OPTIONS_TLSV1', "false") == "false" %}
+ - "no_tlsv1"
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if env.get('EJABBERD_PROTOCOL_OPTIONS_TLSV1_1', "true") == "false" %}
+ - "no_tlsv1_1"
+ {%- endif %}
+ max_stanza_size: 65536
+ shaper: c2s_shaper
+ access: c2s
+ ciphers: "{{ env.get('EJABBERD_CIPHERS', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES') }}"
+ {%- if env.get('EJABBERD_DHPARAM', false) == "true" %}
+ dhfile: "/opt/ejabberd/ssl/dh.pem"
+ {%- endif %}
+ -
+ port: 5269
+ module: ejabberd_s2s_in
+ -
+ port: 4560
+ module: ejabberd_xmlrpc
+ access_commands:
+ configure:
+ all: []
+ -
+ port: 5280
+ module: ejabberd_http
+ request_handlers:
+ "/websocket": ejabberd_http_ws
+ ## "/pub/archive": mod_http_fileserver
+ web_admin: true
+ http_bind: true
+ ## register: true
+ captcha: true
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_HTTPS'] == "true" %}
+ tls: true
+ certfile: "/opt/ejabberd/ssl/host.pem"
+ {% endif %}
+ -
+ port: 5443
+ module: ejabberd_http
+ request_handlers:
+ "": mod_http_upload
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_HTTPS'] == "true" %}
+ tls: true
+ certfile: "/opt/ejabberd/ssl/host.pem"
+ {% endif %}
+### ================
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_S2S_SSL'] == "true" %}
+s2s_use_starttls: required
+s2s_certfile: "/opt/ejabberd/ssl/host.pem"
+ - "no_sslv3"
+ {%- if env.get('EJABBERD_PROTOCOL_OPTIONS_TLSV1', "false") == "false" %}
+ - "no_tlsv1"
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if env.get('EJABBERD_PROTOCOL_OPTIONS_TLSV1_1', "true") == "false" %}
+ - "no_tlsv1_1"
+ {%- endif %}
+s2s_ciphers: "{{ env.get('EJABBERD_CIPHERS', 'HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES') }}"
+{%- if env.get('EJABBERD_DHPARAM', false) == "true" %}
+s2s_dhfile: "/opt/ejabberd/ssl/dh.pem"
+{%- endif %}
+{% endif %}
+### ==============
+{%- for auth_method in env.get('EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD', 'internal').split() %}
+ - {{ auth_method }}
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- if 'anonymous' in env.get('EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD', 'internal').split() %}
+anonymous_protocol: login_anon
+allow_multiple_connections: true
+{%- endif %}
+## LDAP authentication
+{%- if 'ldap' in env.get('EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD', 'internal').split() %}
+{%- for ldap_server in env.get('EJABBERD_LDAP_SERVERS', 'internal').split() %}
+ - "{{ ldap_server }}"
+{%- endfor %}
+ldap_encrypt: {{ env.get('EJABBERD_LDAP_ENCRYPT', 'none') }}
+ldap_tls_verify: {{ env.get('EJABBERD_LDAP_TLS_VERIFY', 'false') }}
+ldap_tls_cacertfile: "{{ env['EJABBERD_LDAP_TLS_CACERTFILE'] }}"
+{%- endif %}
+ldap_tls_depth: {{ env.get('EJABBERD_LDAP_TLS_DEPTH', 1) }}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_LDAP_PORT'] %}
+ldap_port: {{ env['EJABBERD_LDAP_PORT'] }}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_LDAP_ROOTDN'] %}
+ldap_rootdn: "{{ env['EJABBERD_LDAP_ROOTDN'] }}"
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_LDAP_PASSWORD'] %}
+ldap_password: "{{ env['EJABBERD_LDAP_PASSWORD'] }}"
+{%- endif %}
+ldap_deref_aliases: {{ env.get('EJABBERD_LDAP_DEREF_ALIASES', 'never') }}
+ldap_base: "{{ env['EJABBERD_LDAP_BASE'] }}"
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_LDAP_UIDS'] %}
+{%- for ldap_uid in env['EJABBERD_LDAP_UIDS'].split() %}
+ "{{ ldap_uid.split(':')[0] }}": "{{ ldap_uid.split(':')[1] }}"
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_LDAP_FILTER'] %}
+ldap_filter: "{{ env['EJABBERD_LDAP_FILTER'] }}"
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_LDAP_DN_FILTER'] %}
+{%- for dn_filter in env['EJABBERD_LDAP_DN_FILTER'].split() %}
+ "{{ dn_filter.split(':')[0] }}": ["{{ dn_filter.split(':')[1] }}"]
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- endif %}
+{%- if 'external' in env.get('EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD', 'internal').split() %}
+extauth_program: "{{ env['EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_PROGRAM'] }}"
+ {%- endif %}
+extauth_instances: {{ env['EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_INSTANCES'] }}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- if 'internal' in env.get('EJABBERD_AUTH_METHOD').split() %}
+extauth_cache: false
+ {%- elif env['EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_CACHE'] %}
+extauth_cache: {{ env['EJABBERD_EXTAUTH_CACHE'] }}
+ {%- endif %}
+{% endif %}
+### ===============
+ normal: 1000
+ fast: 50000
+max_fsm_queue: 1000
+### ====================
+ admin:
+ user:
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_ADMINS'] %}
+ {%- for admin in env['EJABBERD_ADMINS'].split() %}
+ - "{{ admin.split('@')[0] }}": "{{ admin.split('@')[1] }}"
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- else %}
+ - "admin": "{{ env['XMPP_DOMAIN'].split()[0] }}"
+ {%- endif %}
+ local:
+ user_regexp: ""
+### ============
+ ## Maximum number of simultaneous sessions allowed for a single user:
+ max_user_sessions:
+ all: 10
+ ## Maximum number of offline messages that users can have:
+ max_user_offline_messages:
+ admin: 5000
+ all: 100
+ ## This rule allows access only for local users:
+ local:
+ local: allow
+ ## Only non-blocked users can use c2s connections:
+ c2s:
+ blocked: deny
+ all: allow
+ ## For C2S connections, all users except admins use the "normal" shaper
+ c2s_shaper:
+ admin: none
+ all: normal
+ ## All S2S connections use the "fast" shaper
+ s2s_shaper:
+ all: fast
+ ## Only admins can send announcement messages:
+ announce:
+ admin: allow
+ ## Only admins can use the configuration interface:
+ configure:
+ admin: allow
+ ## Admins of this server are also admins of the MUC service:
+ muc_admin:
+ admin: allow
+ ## Only accounts of the local ejabberd server, or only admins can create rooms, depending on environment variable:
+ muc_create:
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_MUC_CREATE_ADMIN_ONLY'] == "true" %}
+ admin: allow
+ {% else %}
+ local: allow
+ {% endif %}
+ ## All users are allowed to use the MUC service:
+ muc:
+ all: allow
+ ## Only accounts on the local ejabberd server can create Pubsub nodes:
+ pubsub_createnode:
+ local: allow
+ ## In-band registration allows registration of any possible username.
+ register:
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_REGISTER_ADMIN_ONLY'] == "true" %}
+ all: deny
+ admin: allow
+ {% else %}
+ all: allow
+ {% endif %}
+ ## Only allow to register from localhost
+ trusted_network:
+ loopback: allow
+ soft_upload_quota:
+ all: 400 # MiB
+ hard_upload_quota:
+ all: 500 # MiB
+language: "en"
+### =======
+ mod_adhoc: {}
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_MOD_ADMIN_EXTRA'] == "true" %}
+ mod_admin_extra: {}
+ {% endif %}
+ mod_announce: # recommends mod_adhoc
+ access: announce
+ mod_blocking: {} # requires mod_privacy
+ mod_caps: {}
+ mod_carboncopy: {}
+ mod_client_state:
+ drop_chat_states: true
+ queue_presence: false
+ mod_configure: {} # requires mod_adhoc
+ mod_disco: {}
+ ## mod_echo: {}
+ mod_irc: {}
+ mod_http_bind: {}
+ ## mod_http_fileserver:
+ ## docroot: "/var/www"
+ ## accesslog: "/var/log/ejabberd/access.log"
+ mod_last: {}
+ mod_muc:
+ host: "conference.@HOST@"
+ access: muc
+ access_create: muc_create
+ access_persistent: muc_create
+ access_admin: muc_admin
+ history_size: 50
+ default_room_options:
+ persistent: true
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_MOD_MUC_ADMIN'] == "true" %}
+ mod_muc_admin: {}
+ {% endif %}
+ ## mod_muc_log: {}
+ ## mod_multicast: {}
+ mod_offline:
+ access_max_user_messages: max_user_offline_messages
+ mod_ping: {}
+ ## mod_pres_counter:
+ ## count: 5
+ ## interval: 60
+ mod_privacy: {}
+ mod_private: {}
+ ## mod_proxy65: {}
+ mod_pubsub:
+ access_createnode: pubsub_createnode
+ ## reduces resource comsumption, but XEP incompliant
+ ignore_pep_from_offline: true
+ ## XEP compliant, but increases resource comsumption
+ ## ignore_pep_from_offline: false
+ last_item_cache: false
+ plugins:
+ - "flat"
+ - "hometree"
+ - "pep" # pep requires mod_caps
+ mod_register:
+ ##
+ ## Protect In-Band account registrations with CAPTCHA.
+ ##
+ ## captcha_protected: true
+ ##
+ ## Set the minimum informational entropy for passwords.
+ ##
+ ## password_strength: 32
+ ##
+ ## After successful registration, the user receives
+ ## a message with this subject and body.
+ ##
+ welcome_message:
+ subject: "Welcome!"
+ body: |-
+ Hi.
+ Welcome to this XMPP server.
+ ##
+ ## Only clients in the server machine can register accounts
+ ##
+ ip_access: trusted_network
+ {% endif %}
+ access: register
+ mod_roster: {}
+ mod_shared_roster: {}
+ mod_stats: {}
+ mod_time: {}
+ mod_vcard: {}
+ {% if env.get('EJABBERD_MOD_VERSION', true) == "true" %}
+ mod_version: {}
+ {% endif %}
+ mod_http_upload:
+ docroot: "/opt/ejabberd/upload"
+ {%- if env['EJABBERD_HTTPS'] == "true" %}
+ put_url: "https://@HOST@:5443"
+ {%- else %}
+ put_url: "http://@HOST@:5443"
+ {% endif %}
+ mod_http_upload_quota:
+ max_days: 10
+### ============
+{%- for xmpp_domain in env['XMPP_DOMAIN'].split() %}
+ "{{ xmpp_domain }}":
+ domain_certfile: "/opt/ejabberd/ssl/{{ xmpp_domain }}.pem"
+{%- endfor %}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_CONFIGURE_ODBC'] == "true" %}
+### ====================
+odbc_type: {{ env['EJABBERD_ODBC_TYPE'] }}
+odbc_server: {{ env['EJABBERD_ODBC_SERVER'] }}
+odbc_database: {{ env['EJABBERD_ODBC_DATABASE'] }}
+odbc_username: {{ env['EJABBERD_ODBC_USERNAME'] }}
+odbc_password: {{ env['EJABBERD_ODBC_PASSWORD'] }}
+odbc_pool_size: {{ env['EJABBERD_ODBC_POOL_SIZE'] }}
+{% endif %}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_DEFAULT_DB'] is defined %}
+default_db: {{ env['EJABBERD_DEFAULT_DB'] }}
+{% endif %}
+### =====================
+sm_db_type: {{ env['EJABBERD_SESSION_DB'] or "mnesia" }}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_CONFIGURE_REDIS'] == "true" %}
+### ====================
+redis_server: {{ env['EJABBERD_REDIS_SERVER'] or "localhost" }}
+redis_port: {{ env['EJABBERD_REDIS_PORT'] or 6379 }}
+{%- if env['EJABBERD_REDIS_PASSWORD'] is defined %}
+redis_password: {{ env['EJABBERD_REDIS_PASSWORD'] }}
+{% endif %}
+redis_db: {{ env['EJABBERD_REDIS_DB'] or 0}}
+redis_reconnect_timeout: {{ env['EJABBERD_REDIS_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT'] or 1 }}
+redis_connect_timeout: {{ env['EJABBERD_REDIS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT'] or 1 }}
+{% endif %}
--- /dev/null
+# In this file you can configure options that are passed by ejabberdctl
+# to the erlang runtime system when starting ejabberd
+#' POLL: Kernel polling ([true|false])
+# The kernel polling option requires support in the kernel.
+# Additionally, you need to enable this feature while compiling Erlang.
+# Default: true
+POLL={{ env['POLL'] or 'true' }}
+#' SMP: SMP support ([enable|auto|disable])
+# Explanation in Erlang/OTP documentation:
+# enable: starts the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled.
+# This may fail if no runtime system with SMP support is available.
+# auto: starts the Erlang runtime system with SMP support enabled if it
+# is available and more than one logical processor are detected.
+# disable: starts a runtime system without SMP support.
+# Default: auto
+SMP={{ env['SMP'] or 'auto' }}
+#' ERL_MAX_PORTS: Maximum number of simultaneously open Erlang ports
+# ejabberd consumes two or three ports for every connection, either
+# from a client or from another Jabber server. So take this into
+# account when setting this limit.
+# Default: 32000
+# Maximum: 268435456
+ERL_MAX_PORTS={{ env['ERL_MAX_PORTS'] or '32000' }}
+#' FIREWALL_WINDOW: Range of allowed ports to pass through a firewall
+# If Ejabberd is configured to run in cluster, and a firewall is blocking ports,
+# it's possible to make Erlang use a defined range of port (instead of dynamic
+# ports) for node communication.
+# Default: not defined
+# Example: 4200-4210
+{%- if env['FIREWALL_WINDOW'] %}
+{%- endif %}
+#' INET_DIST_INTERFACE: IP address where this Erlang node listens other nodes
+# This communication is used by ejabberdctl command line tool,
+# and in a cluster of several ejabberd nodes.
+# Default:
+{%- if env['INET_DIST_INTERFACE'] %}
+{%- endif %}
+#' ERL_EPMD_ADDRESS: IP addresses where epmd listens for connections
+# IMPORTANT: This option works only in Erlang/OTP R14B03 and newer.
+# This environment variable may be set to a comma-separated
+# list of IP addresses, in which case the epmd daemon
+# will listen only on the specified address(es) and on the
+# loopback address (which is implicitly added to the list if it
+# has not been specified). The default behaviour is to listen on
+# all available IP addresses.
+# Default:
+{%- if env['ERL_EPMD_ADDRESS'] %}
+{%- endif %}
+#' ERL_PROCESSES: Maximum number of Erlang processes
+# Erlang consumes a lot of lightweight processes. If there is a lot of activity
+# on ejabberd so that the maximum number of processes is reached, people will
+# experience greater latency times. As these processes are implemented in
+# Erlang, and therefore not related to the operating system processes, you do
+# not have to worry about allowing a huge number of them.
+# Default: 250000
+# Maximum: 268435456
+ERL_PROCESSES={{ env['ERL_PROCESSES'] or '250000' }}
+#' ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES: Maximum number of ETS and Mnesia tables
+# The number of concurrent ETS and Mnesia tables is limited. When the limit is
+# reached, errors will appear in the logs:
+# ** Too many db tables **
+# You can safely increase this limit when starting ejabberd. It impacts memory
+# consumption but the difference will be quite small.
+# Default: 1400
+ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES={{ env['ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES'] or '1400' }}
+#' ERL_OPTIONS: Additional Erlang options
+# The next variable allows to specify additional options passed to erlang while
+# starting ejabberd. Some useful options are -noshell, -detached, -heart. When
+# ejabberd is started from an init.d script options -noshell and -detached are
+# added implicitly. See erl(1) for more info.
+# It might be useful to add "-pa /usr/local/lib/ejabberd/ebin" if you
+# want to add local modules in this path.
+# Default: ""
+ERL_OPTIONS="{{ env['ERL_OPTIONS'] or '-noshell' }}"
+#' ERLANG_NODE: Erlang node name
+# The next variable allows to explicitly specify erlang node for ejabberd
+# It can be given in different formats:
+# ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd
+# Lets erlang add hostname to the node (ejabberd uses short name in this case)
+# ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd@hostname
+# Erlang uses node name as is (so make sure that hostname is a real
+# machine hostname or you'll not be able to control ejabberd)
+# ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd@hostname.domainname
+# The same as previous, but erlang will use long hostname
+# (see erl (1) manual for details)
+# Default: ejabberd@localhost
+ERLANG_NODE={{ env['ERLANG_NODE'] or 'ejabberd@localhost' }}
+#' EJABBERD_PID_PATH: ejabberd PID file
+# Indicate the full path to the ejabberd Process identifier (PID) file.
+# If this variable is defined, ejabberd writes the PID file when starts,
+# and deletes it when stops.
+# Remember to create the directory and grant write permission to ejabberd.
+# Default: don't write PID file
+#' EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH: ejabberd configuration file
+# Specify the full path to the ejabberd configuration file. If the file name has
+# yml or yaml extension, it is parsed as a YAML file; otherwise, Erlang syntax is
+# expected.
+# Default: $ETC_DIR/ejabberd.yml
+EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH={{ env['EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH'] or '/opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml' }}
+#' CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH: contributed ejabberd modules path
+# Specify the full path to the contributed ejabberd modules. If the path is not
+# defined, ejabberd will use ~/.ejabberd-modules in home of user running ejabberd.
+# Default: $HOME/.ejabberd-modules
+CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH={{ env['CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH'] or '/opt/ejabberd/modules' }}
+#' CONTRIB_MODULES_CONF_DIR: configuration directory for contributed modules
+# Specify the full path to the configuration directory for contributed ejabberd
+# modules. In order to configure a module named mod_foo, a mod_foo.yml file can
+# be created in this directory. This file will then be used instead of the
+# default configuration file provided with the module.
+# Default: $CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH/conf
+CONTRIB_MODULES_CONF_DIR={{ env['CONTRIB_MODULES_CONF_DIR'] or '/opt/ejabberd/modules/conf' }}
+# Default: don't bypass the warning
+# vim: foldmarker=#',#. foldmethod=marker:
--- /dev/null
+readonly HOSTIP=$(hostname -i)
+readonly HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f)
+readonly DOMAINNAME=$(hostname -d)
+readonly DOCKER_LIB="${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib"
+readonly ERLANGCOOKIEFILE="${EJABBERD_HOME}/.erlang.cookie"
+readonly EJABBERDCTL="/sbin/ejabberdctl"
+readonly CONFIGDIR="${EJABBERD_HOME}/conf"
+readonly CONFIGTMPDIR="${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/conf"
+readonly SSLCERTHOST="${SSLCERTDIR}/host.pem"
+readonly LOGDIR="/var/log/ejabberd"
+readonly FIRST_START_DONE_FILE="${EJABBERD_HOME}/first-start-done"
+readonly CLUSTER_NODE_FILE="${EJABBERD_HOME}/cluster-done"
+readonly PYTHON_JINJA2="import os;
+import sys;
+import jinja2;
+ jinja2.Template
+ (sys.stdin.read()
+ ).render(env=os.environ))"
--- /dev/null
+is_set() {
+ local var=$1
+ [[ -n $var ]]
+is_zero() {
+ local var=$1
+ [[ -z $var ]]
+file_exist() {
+ local file=$1
+ [[ -e $file ]]
+is_true() {
+ local var=${1,,}
+ local choices=("yes" "1" "y" "true")
+ for ((i=0;i < ${#choices[@]};i++)) {
+ [[ "${choices[i]}" == $var ]] && return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+log() {
+ local message=$1
+ echo $message
+# overwrite this function to get hostname from other sources
+# like dns or etcd
+get_nodename() {
+ log ${HOSTNAME}
+join_cluster() {
+ local cluster_node=$1
+ is_zero ${cluster_node} \
+ && exit 0
+ log "Join cluster..."
+ local erlang_node_name=${ERLANG_NODE%@*}
+ local erlang_cluster_node="${erlang_node_name}@${cluster_node}"
+ response=$(${EJABBERDCTL} ping ${erlang_cluster_node})
+ while [ "$response" != "pong" ]; do
+ log "Waiting for ${erlang_cluster_node}..."
+ sleep 2
+ response=$(${EJABBERDCTL} ping ${erlang_cluster_node})
+ done
+ log "Join cluster at ${erlang_cluster_node}... "
+ NO_WARNINGS=true ${EJABBERDCTL} join_cluster $erlang_cluster_node
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ else
+ log "cloud not join cluster"
+ exit 1
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# Overridable file
--- /dev/null
+# Overridable file
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# Updates the known modules as to be found in https://github.com/processone/ejabberd-contrib
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+run_modules_update_specs() {
+ log "Updating module specs... "
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} modules_update_specs
+ && exit 0
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# Installs modules as defined in environment variables
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+install_module_from_source() {
+ local module_name=$1
+ local module_source_path=${EJABBERD_HOME}/module_source/${module_name}
+ local module_install_folder=${EJABBERD_HOME}/.ejabberd-modules/sources/${module_name}
+ log "Analyzing module ${module_name} for installation"
+ # Make sure that the module exists in the source folder before attempting a copy
+ if [ ! -d ${module_source_path} ]; then
+ log "Error: Module ${module_name} not found in ${EJABBERD_HOME}/module_source"
+ log "Please use a shared volume to populate your module in ${EJABBERD_HOME}/module_source"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ # Check to see if the module is already installed
+ local install_count=$(${EJABBERDCTL} modules_installed | grep -ce "^${module_name}[[:space:]]")
+ if [ $install_count -gt 0 ]; then
+ log "Error: Module already installed: ${module_name}"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ # Copy the module into the shared folder
+ log "Copying module to ejabberd folder ${module_install_folder}"
+ mkdir -p ${module_install_folder}
+ cp -R ${module_source_path} ${module_install_folder}
+ # Run the ejabberdctl module_check on the module
+ log "Running module_check on ${module_name}"
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} module_check ${module_name}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log "Module check failed for ${module_name}"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ log "Module check succeeded for ${module_name}"
+ # Install the module
+ log "Running module_install on ${module_name}"
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} module_install ${module_name}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log "Module installation failed for ${module_name}"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ log "Module installation succeeded for ${module_name}"
+ return 0;
+install_module_from_ejabberd_contrib() {
+ local module_name=$1
+ # Check to see if the module is already installed
+ local install_count=$(${EJABBERDCTL} modules_installed | grep -ce "^${module_name}[[:space:]]")
+ if [ $install_count -gt 0 ]; then
+ log "Error: Module already installed: ejabberd_contrib ${module_name}"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ # Install the module
+ log "Running module_install on ejabberd_contrib ${module_name}"
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} module_install ${module_name}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log "Module installation failed for ejabberd_contrib ${module_name}"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ log "Module installation succeeded for ejabberd_contrib ${module_name}"
+ return 0;
+enable_custom_auth_module_override() {
+ module_name=$1;
+ # When using custom authentication modules, the module name must be
+ # in the following pattern: ejabberd_auth_foo, where foo is the
+ # value you will use for your auth_method yml configuration.
+ required_prefix="ejabberd_auth_"
+ if [[ "${module_name}" != "${required_prefix}"* ]]; then
+ log "Error: module_name must begin with ${required_prefix}"
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+ log "Checking custom auth module: ${module_name}"
+ # Make sure the auth module is installed
+ local install_count=$(${EJABBERDCTL} modules_installed | grep -ce "^${module_name}[[:space:]]")
+ if [ $install_count -eq 0 ]; then
+ log "Error: custom auth_module not installed: ${module_name}"
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ custom_auth_method=${module_name#$required_prefix}
+ echo -e "\nauth_method: [${custom_auth_method}]" >> ${CONFIGFILE}
+ log "Custom auth module ${module_name} configuration complete."
+file_exist ${FIRST_START_DONE_FILE} \
+ && exit 0
+if [ -n "${EJABBERD_SOURCE_MODULES}" ]; then
+ for module_name in ${EJABBERD_SOURCE_MODULES} ; do
+ install_module_from_source ${module_name}
+ done
+ is_restart_needed=1;
+# Check the EJABBERD_CONTRIB_MODULES variable for any ejabberd_contrib modules
+if [ -n "${EJABBERD_CONTRIB_MODULES}" ]; then
+ for module_name in ${EJABBERD_CONTRIB_MODULES} ; do
+ install_module_from_ejabberd_contrib ${module_name}
+ done
+ is_restart_needed=1;
+# If a custom module was defined for handling auth, we need to override
+# the pre-defined auth methods in the config.
+ enable_custom_auth_module_override "${EJABBERD_CUSTOM_AUTH_MODULE_OVERRIDE}"
+ is_restart_needed=1;
+# If any modules were installed, restart the server, if the option is enabled
+if [ ${is_restart_needed} -eq 1 ]; then
+ log "Restarting ejabberd after successful module installation(s)"
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} restart
+ child=$!
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} "started"
+ wait $child
+ fi
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+# Do not exit if users already registered
+set +e
+randpw() {
+ < /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c ${1:-16};
+ echo;
+register_user() {
+ local user=$1
+ local domain=$2
+ local password=$3
+ ${EJABBERDCTL} register ${user} ${domain} ${password}
+ return $?
+register_all_users() {
+ # register users from environment $EJABBERD_USERS with given
+ # password or random password written to stout. Use whitespace
+ # to seperate users.
+ #
+ # sample:
+ # - add a user with an given password:
+ # -e "EJABBERD_USERS=admin@example.com:adminSecret"
+ # - add a user with a random password:
+ # -e "EJABBERD_USERS=user@example.com"
+ # - set password for admin and use random for user1:
+ # -e "EJABBERD_USERS=admin@example.com:adminSecret user@example.com"
+ for user in ${EJABBERD_USERS} ; do
+ local jid=${user%%:*}
+ local password=${user#*:}
+ local username=${jid%%@*}
+ local domain=${jid#*@}
+ [[ "${password}" == "${jid}" ]] \
+ && password=$(randpw)
+ register_user ${username} ${domain} ${password}
+ local retval=$?
+ [[ ${retval} -eq 0 ]] \
+ && log "Password for user ${username}@${domain} is ${password}"
+ done
+file_exist ${FIRST_START_DONE_FILE} \
+ && exit 0
+file_exist ${CLUSTER_NODE_FILE} \
+ && exit 0
+is_set ${EJABBERD_USERS} \
+ && register_all_users
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# Write a first-start-done file
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+if [ ! -e "${FIRST_START_DONE_FILE}" ]; then
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+# Instead of having to mount a direction, specify the ssl certs
+# via environment variables:
+write_file_from_env() {
+ log "Writing $1 to $2"
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname $2)"
+ log "${!1}" > $2
+# Write the host certificate
+ && write_file_from_env "EJABBERD_SSLCERT_HOST" ${SSLCERTHOST}
+# Write the domain certificates for each XMPP_DOMAIN
+for xmpp_domain in ${XMPP_DOMAIN} ; do
+ var="EJABBERD_SSLCERT_$(echo $xmpp_domain | awk '{print toupper($0)}' | sed 's/\./_/g;s/-/_/g')"
+ if is_set ${!var} ; then
+ file_exist "${SSLCERTDIR}/${xmpp_domain}.pem" \
+ || write_file_from_env "$var" "${SSLCERTDIR}/${xmpp_domain}.pem"
+ fi
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+make_snakeoil_certificate() {
+ local domain=$1
+ local certfile=$2
+ openssl req -subj "/CN=${domain}" \
+ -new \
+ -newkey rsa:4096 \
+ -days 365 \
+ -nodes \
+ -x509 \
+ -keyout /tmp/selfsigned.key \
+ -out /tmp/selfsigned.crt
+ log "Writing ssl cert and private key to '${certfile}'..."
+ cat /tmp/selfsigned.crt /tmp/selfsigned.key > ${certfile}
+ rm /tmp/selfsigned.crt /tmp/selfsigned.key
+make_host_snakeoil_certificate() {
+ local IFS=@
+ local domain='localhost'
+ local erlang_node=${ERLANG_NODE}
+ if is_true ${erlang_node} ; then
+ domain=${HOSTNAME}
+ elif is_set ${erlang_node} ; then
+ set ${erlang_node}
+ local nodehost=$2
+ if is_zero ${nodehost} ; then
+ domain=${HOSTNAME}
+ else
+ domain=${nodehost}
+ fi
+ fi
+ log "Generating snakeoil ssl cert for ${domain}..."
+ make_snakeoil_certificate ${domain} ${SSLCERTHOST}
+make_domain_snakeoil_certificate() {
+ local domain=$1
+ local certfile=$2
+ log "Generating snakeoil ssl cert for ${domain}..."
+ make_snakeoil_certificate ${domain} ${certfile}
+# generate host ssl cert if missing
+file_exist ${SSLCERTHOST} \
+ || make_host_snakeoil_certificate
+# generate xmmp domain ssl certificates if missing
+for xmpp_domain in ${XMPP_DOMAIN} ; do
+ domain_certfile="${SSLCERTDIR}/${xmpp_domain}.pem"
+ file_exist ${domain_certfile} \
+ || make_domain_snakeoil_certificate ${xmpp_domain} ${domain_certfile}
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+make_dhparam() {
+ local dhfile=$1
+ local bits=$2
+ log "Writing dh file to '${dhfile}'..."
+ openssl dhparam -out ${dhfile} ${bits}
+if is_true ${EJABBERD_DHPARAM} ; then
+ file_exist ${SSLDHPARAM} \
+ || make_dhparam ${SSLDHPARAM} 4096
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+set_erlang_cookie() {
+ log "Set erlang cookie to ${ERLANG_COOKIE}..."
+file_exist ${FIRST_START_DONE_FILE} \
+ && exit 0
+# set erlang cookie if ERLANG_COOKIE is set in environemt
+is_set ${ERLANG_COOKIE} \
+ && set_erlang_cookie
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+make_config() {
+ local filename=$1
+ local template="${CONFIGTMPDIR}/${filename}.tpl"
+ local configfile="${CONFIGDIR}/${filename}"
+ file_exist $configfile \
+ && return 1
+ if [ ! -e ${configfile} ]; then
+ log "Generating ${configfile} config file..."
+ cat $template \
+ | python -c "${PYTHON_JINJA2}" \
+ > $configfile
+ else
+ echo "File ${configfile} exists."
+ fi
+# /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml
+make_config "ejabberd.yml"
+# /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberdctl.cfg
+make_config "ejabberdctl.cfg"
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# Environment
+export EJABBERD_S2S_SSL=${EJABBERD_S2S_SSL:-'true'}
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+# discover hostname
+readonly nodename=$(get_nodename)
+# set erlang node to node name from get_nodename
+if [[ "$ERLANG_NODE" == "nodename" ]]; then
+ export ERLANG_NODE="ejabberd@${nodename}"
+run_scripts() {
+ local run_script=$1
+ local run_script_dir="${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/${run_script}"
+ log "Run ${run_script} scripts..."
+ for script in ${run_script_dir}/*.sh ; do
+ if [ -f ${script} -a -x ${script} ] ; then
+ ${script}
+ fi
+ done
+_trap() {
+ run_scripts "stop"
+ log "Stopping ejabberd..."
+ $EJABBERDCTL stopped
+ exit 0
+# Catch signals and shutdown ejabberd
+trap _trap SIGTERM SIGINT
+# print logfiles to stdout
+tail -F ${LOGDIR}/crash.log \
+ ${LOGDIR}/error.log \
+ ${LOGDIR}/erlang.log \
+ ${LOGDIR}/ejabberd.log &
+# start ejabberd
+run_scripts "pre"
+log "Starting ejabberd..."
+log "Ejabberd started."
+run_scripts "post"
+# run forever
+while true; do sleep 1; done
+log "Ejabberd stopped."
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/config.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/base_functions.sh"
+source "${EJABBERD_HOME}/docker/lib/functions.sh"
+leave_cluster() {
+ log "Leave cluster..."
+ NO_WARNINGS=true ${EJABBERDCTL} leave_cluster
+file_exist ${CLUSTER_NODE_FILE} \
+ && leave_cluster
+exit 0