Local variables used at the setjmp() site need to be marked volatile.
Relevant excerpt from the 'man longjmp':
The values of automatic variables are unspecified after a call to
longjmp() if they meet all the following criteria:
· they are local to the function that made the corresponding setjmp(3) call;
· their values are changed between the calls to setjmp(3) and longjmp(); and
· they are not declared as volatile.
Change-Id: I093e6eeeedbf5f781d202248ca701ba2c29d3064
VP9Decoder *vp9_decoder_create() {
- VP9Decoder *const pbi = vpx_memalign(32, sizeof(*pbi));
- VP9_COMMON *const cm = pbi ? &pbi->common : NULL;
+ VP9Decoder *volatile const pbi = vpx_memalign(32, sizeof(*pbi));
+ VP9_COMMON *volatile const cm = pbi ? &pbi->common : NULL;
if (!cm)
return NULL;
int vp9_receive_compressed_data(VP9Decoder *pbi,
size_t size, const uint8_t **psource) {
- VP9_COMMON *const cm = &pbi->common;
+ VP9_COMMON *volatile const cm = &pbi->common;
const uint8_t *source = *psource;
int retcode = 0;
VP9_COMP *vp9_create_compressor(VP9EncoderConfig *oxcf) {
unsigned int i;
- VP9_COMP *const cpi = vpx_memalign(32, sizeof(VP9_COMP));
- VP9_COMMON *const cm = cpi != NULL ? &cpi->common : NULL;
+ VP9_COMP *volatile const cpi = vpx_memalign(32, sizeof(VP9_COMP));
+ VP9_COMMON *volatile const cm = cpi != NULL ? &cpi->common : NULL;
if (!cm)
return NULL;