template = _compile_repl(template, pattern)
literals = template[1]
- sub = 0 # temporarly disabled, see bug #449000
- if (sub and not count and pattern._isliteral() and
- len(literals) == 1 and literals[0]):
- # shortcut: both pattern and string are literals
- return string.replace(text, pattern.pattern, literals[0]), 0
+ if sub and not count:
+ literal = pattern._getliteral()
+ if literal and "\\" in literal:
+ literal = None # may contain untranslated escapes
+ if literal is not None and len(literals) == 1 and literals[0]:
+ # shortcut: both pattern and string are literals
+ return string.replace(text, pattern.pattern, literals[0]), 0
def filter(match, template=template):
return sre_parse.expand_template(template, match)
n = i = 0
p.append((LITERAL, literal))
sep = source[:0]
if type(sep) is type(""):
- char = chr
+ makechar = chr
- char = unichr
+ makechar = unichr
while 1:
this = s.get()
if this is None:
if not code:
this = this[1:]
- code = LITERAL, char(atoi(this[-6:], 8) & 0xff)
+ code = LITERAL, makechar(atoi(this[-6:], 8) & 0xff)
if code[0] is LITERAL:
- this = char(ESCAPES[this][1])
+ this = makechar(ESCAPES[this][1])
except KeyError:
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<unk>x)', '\g<unk>\g<unk>', 'xx')""", 'xxxx')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<unk>x)', '\g<1>\g<1>', 'xx')""", 'xxxx')
+# bug 449964: fails for group followed by other escape
+test(r"""sre.sub(r'(?P<unk>x)', '\g<1>\g<1>\\b', 'xx')""", 'xx\bxx\b')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', r'\t\n\v\r\f\a\b\B\Z\a\A\w\W\s\S\d\D', 'a')""", '\t\n\v\r\f\a\b\\B\\Z\a\\A\\w\\W\\s\\S\\d\\D')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', '\t\n\v\r\f\a', 'a')""", '\t\n\v\r\f\a')
test(r"""sre.sub(r'a', '\t\n\v\r\f\a', 'a')""", (chr(9)+chr(10)+chr(11)+chr(13)+chr(12)+chr(7)))
* 2001-04-28 fl added __copy__ methods (work in progress)
* 2001-05-14 fl fixes for 1.5.2
* 2001-07-01 fl added BIGCHARSET support (from Martin von Loewis)
- * 2001-09-18 fl
+ * 2001-09-18 fl added _getliteral helper
* Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
static PyObject*
-pattern_isliteral(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args)
+pattern_getliteral(PatternObject* self, PyObject* args)
- /* internal: return true if pattern consists of literal text only */
+ /* internal: if the pattern is a literal string, return that
+ string. otherwise, return None */
SRE_CODE* code;
- PyObject* isliteral;
+ PyObject* literal;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":_isliteral"))
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":_getliteral"))
return NULL;
code = PatternObject_GetCode(self);
- if (code[0] == SRE_OP_INFO && code[2] & SRE_INFO_LITERAL)
- isliteral = Py_True;
- else
- isliteral = Py_False;
+ if (code[0] == SRE_OP_INFO && code[2] & SRE_INFO_LITERAL) {
+ /* FIXME: extract literal string from code buffer. we can't
+ use the pattern member, since it may contain untranslated
+ escape codes (see SF bug 449000) */
+ literal = Py_None;
+ } else
+ literal = Py_None; /* no literal */
- Py_INCREF(isliteral);
- return isliteral;
+ Py_INCREF(literal);
+ return literal;
static PyMethodDef pattern_methods[] = {
{"scanner", (PyCFunction) pattern_scanner, METH_VARARGS},
{"__copy__", (PyCFunction) pattern_copy, METH_VARARGS},
{"__deepcopy__", (PyCFunction) pattern_deepcopy, METH_VARARGS},
- {"_isliteral", (PyCFunction) pattern_isliteral, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"_getliteral", (PyCFunction) pattern_getliteral, METH_VARARGS},