if (EG(error_reporting)&E_WARNING) {
mem_header *t = (mem_header *) data;
-# if APACHE /* log into the errorlog, since at this time we can't send messages to the browser */
char memory_leak_buf[512];
- snprintf(memory_leak_buf,512,"Possible PHP4 memory leak detected (harmless): 0x%0.8lX, %d bytes from %s:%d", (long) t, t->size, t->filename, t->lineno);
-# if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970831
- aplog_error(NULL, 0, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, ((request_rec *) SG(server_context))->server, memory_leak_buf);
-# else
- log_error(memory_leak_buf, ((request_rec *) SG(server_context))->server);
-# endif
+ snprintf(memory_leak_buf, 512, "Freeing 0x%0.8X (%d bytes), allocated in %s on line %d<br>\n",(void *)((char *)t+sizeof(mem_header)+PLATFORM_PADDING),t->size,t->filename,t->lineno);
+# if WIN32||WINNT
+ OutputDebugString(memory_leak_buf);
# else
- php3_printf("Freeing 0x%0.8X (%d bytes), allocated in %s on line %d<br>\n",(void *)((char *)t+sizeof(mem_header)+PLATFORM_PADDING),t->size,t->filename,t->lineno);
+ fprintf(stderr, memory_leak_buf);
# endif