esp_err_t esp_phy_store_cal_data_to_nvs(const esp_phy_calibration_data_t* cal_data);
+ * @brief Erase PHY calibration data which is stored in the NVS
+ *
+ * This is a function which can be used to trigger full calibration as a last-resort remedy
+ * if partial calibration is used. It can be called in the application based on some conditions
+ * (e.g. an option provided in some diagnostic mode).
+ *
+ * @return ESP_OK on success
+ * @return others on fail. Please refer to NVS API return value error number.
+ */
+esp_err_t esp_phy_erase_cal_data_in_nvs(void);
* @brief Initialize PHY and RF module
+esp_err_t esp_phy_erase_cal_data_in_nvs(void)
+ nvs_handle handle;
+ esp_err_t err = nvs_open(PHY_NAMESPACE, NVS_READWRITE, &handle);
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: failed to open NVS phy namespace (0x%x)", __func__, err);
+ return err;
+ }
+ else {
+ err = nvs_erase_all(handle);
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: failed to erase NVS phy namespace (0x%x)", __func__, err);
+ }
+ else {
+ err = nvs_commit(handle);
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: failed to commit NVS phy namespace (0x%x)", __func__, err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nvs_close(handle);
+ return err;
static esp_err_t load_cal_data_from_nvs_handle(nvs_handle handle,
esp_phy_calibration_data_t* out_cal_data)
--- /dev/null
+RF calibration
+ESP32 supports three RF calibration methods during RF initialization:
+1. Partial calibration
+2. Full calibration
+3. No calibration
+Partial calibration
+During RF initialization, the partial calibration method is used by default for RF calibration.
+It is done based on the full calibration data which is stored in the NVS.
+To use this method, please go to ``menuconfig`` and enable :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_CALIBRATION_AND_DATA_STORAGE`.
+Full calibration
+Full calibration is triggered in the follwing conditions:
+1. NVS does not exist.
+2. The NVS partition to store calibration data is erased.
+3. Hardware MAC address is changed.
+4. PHY library version is changed.
+5. The RF calibration data loaded from the NVS partition is broken.
+It takes about 100ms more than partial calibration.
+If boot duration is not critical, it is suggested to use the full calibration method.
+To switch to the full calibration method, go to ``menuconfig`` and disable :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_CALIBRATION_AND_DATA_STORAGE`.
+If you use the default method of RF calibration, there are two ways to add the function of triggering full calibration as a last-resort remedy.
+1. Erase the NVS partition if you don't mind all of the data stored in the NVS partition is erased. That is indeed the easiest way.
+2. Call API :cpp:func:`esp_phy_erase_cal_data_in_nvs` before initializing WiFi and BT/BLE based on some conditions (e.g. an option provided in some diagnostic mode).
+ In this case, only phy namespace of the NVS partition is erased.
+No calibration
+No calibration method is only used when ESP32 wakes up from deep sleep.
+PHY initialization data
+The PHY initialization data is used for RF calibration.
+There are two ways to get the PHY initialization data.
+One is the default initialization data which is located in the header file :idf_file:`components/esp32/phy_init_data.h`.
+It is embedded into the application binary after compiling and then stored into read-only memory (DROM).
+To use the default initialization data, please go to ``menuconfig`` and disable :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION`.
+Another is the initialization data which is stored in a partition.
+When using a custom partition table, make sure that PHY data partition is included (type: `data`, subtype: `phy`).
+With default partition table, this is done automatically.
+If initialization data is stored in a partition, it has to be flashed there, otherwise runtime error will occur.
+To switch to the initialization data stored in a partition, go to ``menuconfig`` and enable :ref:`CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION`.
Application Level Tracing <app_trace>
Console Component <console>
ROM debug console <romconsole>
+ RF Calibration <RF_calibration>
WiFi Driver <wifi>
ESP-MESH <mesh>
BluFi <blufi>
External SPI-connected RAM <external-ram>
- Linker Script Generation <linker-script-generation>
\ No newline at end of file
+ Linker Script Generation <linker-script-generation>