if (!fifo_ok && mkfifo(commandPath.CStr(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP) < 0) {
std::ostringstream msgbuf;
- msgbuf << "mkfifo() for fifo path '" << commandPath << "'failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
+ msgbuf << "mkfifo() for fifo path '" << commandPath << "' failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
Log(LogCritical, "ExternalCommandListener", msgbuf.str());
* fifo to get the right mask. */
if (chmod(commandPath.CStr(), mode) < 0) {
std::ostringstream msgbuf;
- msgbuf << "chmod() on fifo '" << commandPath << "'failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
+ msgbuf << "chmod() on fifo '" << commandPath << "' failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
Log(LogCritical, "ExternalCommandListener", msgbuf.str());
if (fd < 0) {
std::ostringstream msgbuf;
- msgbuf << "open() for fifo path '" << commandPath << "'failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
+ msgbuf << "open() for fifo path '" << commandPath << "' failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
Log(LogCritical, "ExternalCommandListener", msgbuf.str());
if (fp == NULL) {
std::ostringstream msgbuf;
- msgbuf << "fdopen() for fifo path '" << commandPath << "'failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
+ msgbuf << "fdopen() for fifo path '" << commandPath << "' failed with error code " << errno << ", \"" << Utility::FormatErrorNumber(errno) << "\"";
Log(LogCritical, "ExternalCommandListener", msgbuf.str());