my $disable_checkpoint = 0;
my $avg_minutes = 5;
my $last_parsed = '';
+my $report_title = 'PgBadger: PostgreSQL log analyzer';
my $NUMPROGRESS = 10000;
my @DIMENSIONS = (800, 300);
# get the command line parameters
my $result = GetOptions(
+ "a|average=i" => \$avg_minutes,
+ "b|begin=s" => \$from,
+ "d|dbname=s" => \$dbname,
+ "e|end=s" => \$to,
"f|format=s" => \$format,
- "o|outfile=s" => \$outfile,
+ "g|graph!" => \$graph,
"h|help!" => \$help,
- "v|version!" => \$ver,
- "d|dbname=s" => \$dbname,
- "u|dbuser=s" => \$dbuser,
"i|ident=s" => \$ident,
- "t|top=i" => \$top,
+ "l|last-parsed=s" => \$last_parsed,
+ "m|maxlength=i" => \$maxlength,
+ "n|nohighlight!" => \$nohighlight,
+ "o|outfile=s" => \$outfile,
+ "p|progress!" => \$progress,
+ "q|quiet!" => \$quiet,
"s|sample=i" => \$sample,
+ "t|top=i" => \$top,
+ "T|title=s" => \$report_title,
+ "u|dbuser=s" => \$dbuser,
+ "v|verbose!" => \$debug,
+ "V|version!" => \$ver,
+ "w|watch-mode!" => \$error_only,
"x|extension=s" => \$extension,
- "m|maxlength=i" => \$maxlength,
- "g|graph!" => \$graph,
"z|zcat=s" => \$zcat,
- "n|nohighlight!" => \$nohighlight,
- "b|begin=s" => \$from,
- "e|end=s" => \$to,
"regex-db=s" => \$regex_prefix_dbname,
"regex-user=s" => \$regex_prefix_dbuser,
- "q|quiet!" => \$quiet,
- "p|progress!" => \$progress,
- "a|average=i" => \$avg_minutes,
"pie-limit=i" => \$pie_percentage_limit,
"image-format=s" => \$img_format,
- "w|watch-mode!" => \$error_only,
- "v|verbose!" => \$debug,
"exclude-query=s" => \@exclude_query,
"exclude-file=s" => \$exclude_file,
"disable-error!" => \$disable_error,
"disable-lock!" => \$disable_lock,
"disable-temporary!" => \$disable_temporary,
"disable-checkpoint!" => \$disable_checkpoint,
- "-l|last-parsed=s" => \$last_parsed,
if ($ver) {
my @exclq = <IN>;
- map { s/\r//; } @exclq;
+ map {s/\r//;} @exclq;
foreach my $r (@exclq) {
&check_regex($r, '--exclude-file');
my ($gsec, $gmin, $ghour, $gmday, $gmon, $gyear, $gwday, $gyday, $gisdst) = localtime(time);
$gyear += 1900;
my $CURRENT_DATE = $gyear . sprintf("%02d", $gmon + 1) . sprintf("%02d", $gmday);
# Get size of the file
my $totalsize = (stat("$logfile"))[7] || 0;
- my $cursize = 0;
+ my $cursize = 0;
if ($format eq 'csv') {
require Text::CSV;
- my $csv = Text::CSV->new ({ binary => 1, eol => $/ });
+ my $csv = Text::CSV->new({binary => 1, eol => $/});
open(my $io, "<", $logfile) or die "FATAL: cannot read csvlog file $logfile. $!\n";
# Parse csvlog lines
while (my $row = $csv->getline($io)) {
# Process the log line
- $row->[4], # connection from
- $row->[3], # pid
- $row->[5], # session
- 'user=' . $row->[1] . ',db=' . $row->[2], # logprefix
- $row->[11], # loglevel
- $row->[13] || $row->[14] || $row->[15], # message || detail || hint
+ $row->[4], # connection from
+ $row->[3], # pid
+ $row->[5], # session
+ 'user=' . $row->[1] . ',db=' . $row->[2], # logprefix
+ $row->[11], # loglevel
+ $row->[13] || $row->[14] || $row->[15], # message || detail || hint
$csv->eof or die "FATAL: cannot use CSV, " . $csv->error_diag() . "\n";
} else {
# Open log file for reading
- my $lfile = new IO::File;
+ my $lfile = new IO::File;
if ($logfile !~ /\.gz/) {
$lfile->open($logfile) || die "FATAL: cannot read log file $logfile. $!\n";
} else {
} elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
# Parse stderr lines
- if ($line =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*([^:]*?)\s*([A-Z]+?):\s+(.*)/)
+ if ($line =~
+ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*([^:]*?)\s*([A-Z]+?):\s+(.*)/)
# Skip unwanted lines
-q | --quiet : don't print anything to stdout.
-s | --sample number : number of query sample to store/display. Default: 3
-t | --top number : number of query to store/display. Default: 20
+ -T | --title string : change title of the HTML page report.
-u | --dbuser username : only report what concern the given user
-v | --verbose : enable verbose or debug mode. Disabled by default.
+ -V | --version : show pgBadger version and exit.
-w | --watch-mode : only report errors just like logwatch could do.
-x | --extension : output format. Values: text or html. Default: html
-z | --zcat exec_path : set the full path to the zcat program. Use it if
$logfile_str .= ', ..., ' . $log_files[-1];
print $fh qq{
- Global informations --------------------------------------------------
$logfile_str .= ', ..., ' . $log_files[-1];
print $fh qq{
- Global informations --------------------------------------------------
print $fh qq{<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<title>PgBadger: PostgreSQL log analyzer</title>
<meta NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="$date">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Generator" CONTENT="PgBadger v$VERSION">
<div id="content">
-<h1 id="top">PgBadger</h1>
+<h1 id="top">$report_title</h1>
print $fh qq{
<div class="menu">