puts _("\
-A <alias>\texpand the given alias\n\
- -a <file>\tattach a file to the message\n\
+ -a <file> [...] --\tattach file(s) to the message\n\
+\t\tthe list of files must be terminated with the \"--\" sequence\n\
-b <address>\tspecify a blind carbon-copy (BCC) address\n\
-c <address>\tspecify a carbon-copy (CC) address\n\
-D\t\tprint the value of all variables to stdout");
-z\t\texit immediately if there are no messages in the mailbox\n\
-Z\t\topen the first folder with new message, exit immediately if none\n\
-h\t\tthis help message");
- puts _(" --\t\tseparate filename(s) and recipients,\n\
-\t\twhen using -a, -- is mandatory");
exit (0);