fPicture = 0;
MaxOutputWidth = title->width - job->crop[2] - job->crop[3];
MaxOutputHeight = title->height - job->crop[0] - job->crop[1];
[self SettingsChanged: nil];
/* set the top of the hud controller boxes centered vertically with the origin of our window */
// Adjusts the window to draw the current picture (fPicture) adjusting its size as
// necessary to display as much of the picture as possible.
-- (void) displayPreview
+- (void) displayPreview
hb_job_t * job = fTitle->job;
/* lets make sure that the still picture view is not hidden and that
@"Source: %dx%d, Output: %dx%d, Anamorphic: %dx%d Custom",
fTitle->width, fTitle->height, output_width, output_height, fTitle->job->anamorphic.dar_width, fTitle->job->anamorphic.dar_height];
- displaySize.width = fTitle->job->anamorphic.dar_width + fTitle->job->crop[2] + fTitle->job->crop[3];
+ displaySize.width = fTitle->job->anamorphic.dar_width + fTitle->job->crop[2] + fTitle->job->crop[3] ;
displaySize.height = fTitle->job->anamorphic.dar_height + fTitle->job->crop[0] + fTitle->job->crop[1];
imageScaledSize.width = (int)fTitle->job->anamorphic.dar_width;
imageScaledSize.height = (int)fTitle->job->height;
sizeInfoString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Source: %dx%d, Output: %dx%d", fTitle->width, fTitle->height,
fTitle->job->width, fTitle->job->height];
- /* original
displaySize.width = fTitle->width;
displaySize.height = fTitle->height;
imageScaledSize.width = fTitle->job->width;
imageScaledSize.height = fTitle->job->height;
- */
- /* Test ... */
- displaySize.width = fTitle->width;
- displaySize.height = fTitle->height;
- imageScaledSize.width = fTitle->job->width + fTitle->job->crop[2] + fTitle->job->crop[3];
- imageScaledSize.height = fTitle->job->height + fTitle->job->crop[0] - fTitle->job->crop[1];
NSSize viewSize = [self optimalViewSizeForImageSize:displaySize];
+ [self resizeSheetForViewSize:viewSize];
+ NSSize windowSize = [[self window] frame].size;
- /* we also need to take into account scaling to full screen to activate switching the view size */
- if( [self viewNeedsToResizeToSize:viewSize])
+ if (scaleToScreen == YES)
- if (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode != 2 || (fTitle->job->anamorphic.mode == 2 && fTitle->width == fTitle->job->width))
+ /* Note: this should probably become a utility function */
+ /* We are in Scale To Screen mode so, we have to get the ratio for height and width against the window
+ *size so we can scale from there.
+ */
+ CGFloat deltaWidth = imageScaledSize.width / displaySize.width;
+ CGFloat deltaHeight = imageScaledSize.height /displaySize.height;
+ NSSize windowSize = [[self window] frame].size;
+ CGFloat pictureAspectRatio = imageScaledSize.width / imageScaledSize.height;
+ /* Set our min size to the storage size */
+ NSSize minSize;
+ minSize.width = fTitle->width;
+ minSize.height = fTitle->height;
+ /* Set delta's based on minimum size */
+ if (imageScaledSize.width < minSize.width)
+ {
+ deltaWidth = imageScaledSize.width / minSize.width;
+ }
+ else
- [self resizeSheetForViewSize:viewSize];
- [self setViewSize:viewSize];
+ deltaWidth = 1.0;
+ }
+ if (imageScaledSize.height < minSize.height)
+ {
+ deltaHeight = imageScaledSize.height / minSize.height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deltaHeight = 1.0;
+ }
+ /* Now apply our deltas to the full screen view */
+ if (pictureAspectRatio > 1.0) // we are wider than taller, so expand the width to fill the area and scale the height
+ {
+ viewSize.width = windowSize.width * deltaWidth;
+ viewSize.height = viewSize.width / pictureAspectRatio;
- }
- viewSize.width = viewSize.width - (viewSize.width - imageScaledSize.width);
- viewSize.height = viewSize.height - (viewSize.height - imageScaledSize.height);
- [self setViewSize:viewSize];
- /* special case for scaleToScreen */
- if (scaleToScreen == YES)
+ else
+ {
+ viewSize.height = windowSize.height * deltaHeight;
+ viewSize.width = viewSize.height * pictureAspectRatio;
+ }
+ }
+ else
- [fPreviewImage setSize: viewSize];
- [fPictureView setImage: fPreviewImage];
+ viewSize.width = viewSize.width - (viewSize.width - imageScaledSize.width);
+ viewSize.height = viewSize.height - (viewSize.height - imageScaledSize.height);
+ if (fTitle->width > windowSize.width || fTitle->height > windowSize.height)
+ {
+ CGFloat viewSizeAspect = viewSize.width / viewSize.height;
+ if (viewSizeAspect > 1.0) // we are wider than taller, so expand the width to fill the area and scale the height
+ {
+ viewSize.width = viewSize.width * (windowSize.width / fTitle->width) ;
+ viewSize.height = viewSize.width / viewSizeAspect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ viewSize.height = viewSize.height * (windowSize.height / fTitle->height);
+ viewSize.width = viewSize.height * viewSizeAspect;
+ }
+ }
+ [self setViewSize:viewSize];
NSString *scaleString;
CGFloat scale = ( ( CGFloat )[fPictureView frame].size.width) / ( ( CGFloat )imageScaledSize.width);
if (scale * 100.0 != 100)
- //CGFloat scale = ( ( CGFloat )[fPictureView frame].size.width) / ( ( CGFloat )imageScaledSize.width);
scaleString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString( @" (%.0f%% actual size)",
@"String shown when a preview is scaled" ), scale * 100.0];
scaleString = @"(Actual size)";
+ if (scaleToScreen == YES)
+ {
+ scaleString = [scaleString stringByAppendingString:@" Scaled To Screen"];
+ }
/* Set the info fields in the hud controller */
[fInfoField setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@", sizeInfoString]];
[fMovieCreationProgressIndicator setHidden: YES];
[fEncodingControlBox setHidden: YES];
isEncoding = NO;
- /* we make sure the picture slider and preview match */
- [self pictureSliderChanged:nil];
// Show the movie view
[self showMoviePreview:fPreviewMoviePath];
NSSize movieSize= [[aMovie attributeForKey:QTMovieNaturalSizeAttribute] sizeValue];
movieBounds = [fMovieView movieBounds];
movieBounds.size.height = movieSize.height;
+ /* We also get our view size to use for scaling fMovieView's size */
+ NSSize scaledMovieViewSize = [fPictureView frame].size;
if ([fMovieView isControllerVisible])
CGFloat controllerBarHeight = [fMovieView controllerBarHeight];
if ( controllerBarHeight != 0 ) //Check if QTKit return a real value or not.
+ {
movieBounds.size.height += controllerBarHeight;
+ scaledMovieViewSize.height += controllerBarHeight;
+ }
+ {
movieBounds.size.height += 15;
+ scaledMovieViewSize.height += 15;
+ }
movieBounds.size.width = movieSize.width;
- /* We need to find out if the preview movie needs to be scaled down so
- * that it doesn't overflow our available viewing container (just like for image
- * in -displayPreview) for HD sources, etc. [fPictureViewArea frame].size.height*/
- if( (movieBounds.size.height) > [fPictureViewArea frame].size.height || scaleToScreen == YES )
+ /* we need to account for an issue where the scaledMovieViewSize > the window size */
+ if (scaledMovieViewSize.height > [[self window] frame].size.height)
- /* The preview movie would be larger than the available viewing area
- * in the preview movie, so we go ahead and scale it down to the same size
- * as the still preview or we readjust our window to allow for the added height if need be
+ [fHBController writeToActivityLog: "showMoviePreview: Our window is not tall enough to show the controller bar ..."];
+ /*we need to scale the movie down vertically by 15 px to allow for the controller bar
+ * and scale the width accordingly.
- NSSize displaySize = NSMakeSize( ( CGFloat ) movieBounds.size.width, ( CGFloat ) movieBounds.size.height );
- NSSize viewSize = [self optimalViewSizeForImageSize:displaySize];
- if( [self viewNeedsToResizeToSize:viewSize] )
- {
- [self resizeSheetForViewSize:viewSize];
- [self setViewSize:viewSize];
- }
- [fMovieView setFrameSize:viewSize];
- }
- else
- {
- /* Since the preview movie is smaller than the available viewing area
- * we can go ahead and use the preview movies native size */
- [fMovieView setFrameSize:movieBounds.size];
+ // FIX ME: currently trying to scale everything to show the controller bar does not work right.
+ // Commented out til fixed, resulting issue when the movie is the full size of the window is no
+ // controller bar is visible. Live Preview still plays fine though.
+ /*
+ CGFloat pictureAspectRatio = scaledMovieViewSize.width / scaledMovieViewSize.height;
+ scaledMovieViewSize.height = [[self window] frame].size.height - 15;
+ scaledMovieViewSize.width = scaledMovieViewSize.height * pictureAspectRatio;
+ NSRect windowFrame = [[self window] frame];
+ windowFrame.size.width = scaledMovieViewSize.width;
+ windowFrame.size.height = scaledMovieViewSize.height + 15;
+ [[self window] setFrame:windowFrame display:YES animate:YES];
+ [fPictureView setFrameSize:scaledMovieViewSize];
+ */
- //lets reposition the movie if need be
- NSPoint origin = [fPictureViewArea frame].origin;
- origin.x += trunc( ( [fPictureViewArea frame].size.width -
+ /* Scale the fMovieView to scaledMovieViewSize */
+ [fMovieView setFrameSize:scaledMovieViewSize];
+ /*set our origin try using fPictureViewArea or fPictureView */
+ NSPoint origin = [fPictureView frame].origin;
+ origin.x += trunc( ( [fPictureView frame].size.width -
[fMovieView frame].size.width ) / 2.0 );
- /* We need to detect whether or not we are currently less than the available height.*/
- if( movieBounds.size.height < [fPictureView frame].size.height )
- {
- /* If we are, we are adding 15 to the height to allow for the controller bar so
- * we need to subtract half of that for the origin.y to get the controller bar
- * below the movie to it lines up vertically with where our still preview was
- */
- origin.y += trunc( ( ( [fPictureViewArea frame].size.height -
+ origin.y += trunc( ( ( [fPictureView frame].size.height -
[fMovieView frame].size.height ) / 2.0 ) - 7.5 );
- }
- else
- {
- /* if we are >= to the height of the picture view area, the controller bar
- * gets taken care of with picture resizing, so we do not want to offset the height
- */
- origin.y += trunc( ( [fPictureViewArea frame].size.height -
- [fMovieView frame].size.height ) / 2.0 );
- }
[fMovieView setFrameOrigin:origin];
[fMovieView setMovie:aMovie];
[fMovieView setHidden:NO];
- (NSSize)optimalViewSizeForImageSize: (NSSize)imageSize
- // The min size is 320x240
+ // The min size is 480x360
CGFloat minWidth = 480.0;
CGFloat minHeight = 360.0;
- NSSize screenSize = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame].size;
+ NSSize screenSize = [[[self window] screen] visibleFrame].size;
NSSize sheetSize = [[self window] frame].size;
NSSize viewAreaSize = [fPictureViewArea frame].size;
- CGFloat paddingX = sheetSize.width - viewAreaSize.width;
- CGFloat paddingY = sheetSize.height - viewAreaSize.height;
+ CGFloat paddingX = 0.00;
+ CGFloat paddingY = 0.00;
+ if (fTitle->width > screenSize.width || fTitle->height > screenSize.height)
+ {
+ if (scaleToScreen == YES)
+ {
+ paddingX = screenSize.width - imageSize.width;
+ paddingY = screenSize.height - imageSize.height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ paddingX = sheetSize.width - viewAreaSize.width;
+ paddingY = sheetSize.height - viewAreaSize.height;
+ }
+ }
CGFloat maxWidth;
CGFloat maxHeight;
maxWidth = screenSize.width - paddingX;
maxHeight = screenSize.height - paddingY;
CGFloat screenAspect = screenSize.width / screenSize.height;
// Note, a standard dvd will use 720 x 480 which is a 1.5
CGFloat viewAreaAspect = viewAreaSize.width / viewAreaSize.height;
if (scaleToScreen == YES)
resultSize.height = minHeight;
- return resultSize;
+ return resultSize;
// Now resize the whole panel by those same deltas, but don't exceed the min
NSRect frame = [[self window] frame];
NSSize maxSize = [[[self window] screen] visibleFrame].size;
- NSSize minSize = [[self window] minSize];
+ /* if we are not Scale To Screen, put an 85% of visible screen on the window */
+ if (scaleToScreen == NO )
+ {
+ maxSize.width = maxSize.width * 0.85;
+ maxSize.height = maxSize.height * 0.85;
+ }
+ /* Set our min size to the storage size */
+ NSSize minSize;
+ minSize.width = fTitle->width;
+ minSize.height = fTitle->height;
frame.size.width += deltaX;
frame.size.height += deltaY;
frame.size.height = minSize.height;
/* compare frame to max size of screen */
if( frame.size.width > maxSize.width )
frame.size.width = maxSize.width;
// But now the sheet is off-center, so also shift the origin to center it and
- (void)setViewSize: (NSSize)viewSize
/* special case for scaleToScreen */
NSSize screenSize = [[[self window] screen] visibleFrame].size;
NSSize areaSize = [fPictureViewArea frame].size;
- if (scaleToScreen == YES || viewSize.width > areaSize.width || viewSize.height > areaSize.height)
+ NSSize pictureSize = [fPictureView frame].size;
+ CGFloat viewSizeAspect = viewSize.width / viewSize.height;
+ if (viewSize.width > areaSize.width || viewSize.height > areaSize.height)
- /* for scaleToScreen, we expand the fPictureView to fit the entire screen */
- CGFloat viewSizeAspect = viewSize.width / viewSize.height;
if (viewSizeAspect > 1.0) // we are wider than taller, so expand the width to fill the area and scale the height
viewSize.width = areaSize.width;
[fPictureView setFrameSize:viewSize];
+ NSSize newAreaSize = [fPictureViewArea frame].size;
// center it vertically and horizontally
NSPoint origin = [fPictureViewArea frame].origin;
origin.y += ([fPictureViewArea frame].size.height -