armor vs cursed two-handed weapon anomalies: with 'T', couldn't remove armor,
but with 'A', could remove it, and with 'W', could put it on
don't print ape data.base description for other words that end in "ape"
-prevent crash after animating a statue via stone to flesh by avoiding use
+prevent crash after animating a statue via stone_to_flesh by avoiding use
of the obj in newsym() after it was deleted
print "magic spreads" message when eating ring of increase damage, etc.
grammar tid: "The looking glass miss the <monster>."
fix wishing for "looking glass" and "<color> glass"
+Archeologists suffer same alignment penalty for statue destruction by
+ stone_to_flesh as they do by other means of statue destruction
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
struct monst *mon = 0;
struct obj *item;
coord cc;
+ boolean historic = (Role_if(PM_ARCHEOLOGIST) && !flags.mon_moving && statue->spe);
if (statue->oxlth && statue->oattached == OATTACHED_MONST) {
cc.x = x, cc.y = y;
/* mimic statue becomes seen mimic; other hiders won't be hidden */
if (mon->m_ap_type) seemimic(mon);
else mon->mundetected = FALSE;
- if ((x == u.ux && y == || cause == ANIMATE_SPELL)
+ if ((x == u.ux && y == || cause == ANIMATE_SPELL) {
pline_The("statue %s!",
canspotmon(mon) ? "comes to life" : "disappears");
- else if (cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER)
+ if (historic) {
+ You_feel("guilty that the historic statue is now gone.");
+ adjalign(-1);
+ }
+ } else if (cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER)
pline("Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly %s!",
canspotmon(mon) ? "comes to life" : "disappears");
else /* cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL */