selectCallee(const ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<GlobalValueSummary>> CalleeSummaryList,
unsigned Threshold, StringRef CallerModulePath) {
+ // Find the first eligible callee (e.g. legality checks).
auto It = llvm::find_if(
[&](const std::unique_ptr<GlobalValueSummary> &SummaryPtr) {
Summary->modulePath() != CallerModulePath)
return false;
- if (Summary->instCount() > Threshold)
- return false;
if (Summary->notEligibleToImport())
return false;
if (It == CalleeSummaryList.end())
return nullptr;
- return cast<GlobalValueSummary>(It->get());
+ // Now check if the first eligible callee is under the instruction
+ // threshold. Checking this on the first eligible callee ensures that
+ // we don't end up selecting different callees to import when we invoke
+ // this routine with different thresholds (when there are multiple copies,
+ // i.e. with weak or linkonce linkage).
+ auto *Summary = dyn_cast<FunctionSummary>(It->get());
+ if (auto *AS = dyn_cast<AliasSummary>(It->get()))
+ Summary = cast<FunctionSummary>(&AS->getAliasee());
+ assert(Summary && "Expected FunctionSummary, or alias to one");
+ if (Summary->instCount() > Threshold)
+ return nullptr;
+ return Summary;
using EdgeInfo = std::tuple<const FunctionSummary *, unsigned /* Threshold */,
--- /dev/null
+; Test to ensure that we always select the same copy of a linkonce function
+; when it is encountered with different thresholds. Initially, we will encounter
+; the copy in funcimport_resolved1.ll with a lower threshold by reaching it
+; from the deeper call chain via foo(), and it won't be selected for importing.
+; Later we encounter it with a higher threshold via the direct call from main()
+; and it will be selected. We don't want to select both the copy from
+; funcimport_resolved1.ll and the smaller one from funcimport_resolved2.ll,
+; leaving it up to the backend to figure out which one to actually import.
+; The linkonce_odr may have different instruction counts in practice due to
+; different inlines in the compile step.
+; RUN: opt -module-summary %s -o %t.bc
+; RUN: opt -module-summary %p/Inputs/funcimport_resolved1.ll -o %t2.bc
+; RUN: opt -module-summary %p/Inputs/funcimport_resolved2.ll -o %t3.bc
+; First do a sanity check that all callees are imported with the default
+; instruction limit
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.bc %t2.bc %t3.bc -o %t4 -r=%t.bc,_main,pl -r=%t.bc,_linkonceodrfunc,l -r=%t.bc,_foo,l -r=%t2.bc,_foo,pl -r=%t2.bc,_linkonceodrfunc,pl -r=%t2.bc,_linkonceodrfunc2,pl -r=%t3.bc,_linkonceodrfunc,l -debug-only=function-import 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=INSTLIMDEFAULT
+; INSTLIMDEFAULT-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} foo from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; INSTLIMDEFAULT-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} linkonceodrfunc from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; INSTLIMDEFAULT-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} linkonceodrfunc2 from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; INSTLIMDEFAULT-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} f from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; Now run with the lower threshold that will only allow linkonceodrfunc to be
+; imported from funcimport_resolved1.ll the second time it is encountered.
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.bc %t2.bc %t3.bc -o %t4 -r=%t.bc,_main,pl -r=%t.bc,_linkonceodrfunc,l -r=%t.bc,_foo,l -r=%t2.bc,_foo,pl -r=%t2.bc,_linkonceodrfunc,pl -r=%t2.bc,_linkonceodrfunc2,pl -r=%t3.bc,_linkonceodrfunc,l -debug-only=function-import -import-instr-limit=8 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=INSTLIM8
+; INSTLIM8-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} foo from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; INSTLIM8-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} linkonceodrfunc from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; INSTLIM8-DAG: Not importing function {{.*}} linkonceodrfunc2 from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+; INSTLIM8-DAG: Is importing function {{.*}} f from {{.*}}funcimport_resolved1.ll
+target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.11.0"
+define i32 @main() #0 {
+ call void (...) @foo()
+ call void (...) @linkonceodrfunc()
+ ret i32 0
+declare void @foo(...) #1
+declare void @linkonceodrfunc(...) #1