+ * This utility routine traces the hooks called when the server starts up.
+ * It leaves a trace in a global variable, so it should not be called from
+ * a hook handler that runs in a multi-threaded situation.
+ */
+static void trace_startup(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s, x_cfg *mconfig,
+ const char *note)
+ const char *sofar;
+ char *where, *addon;
+ example_log_each(p, s, note);
+ /*
+ * If we weren't passed a configuration record, we can't figure out to
+ * what location this call applies. This only happens for co-routines
+ * that don't operate in a particular directory or server context. If we
+ * got a valid record, extract the location (directory or server) to which
+ * it applies.
+ */
+ where = (mconfig != NULL) ? mconfig->loc : "nowhere";
+ where = (where != NULL) ? where : "";
+ addon = apr_pstrcat(p,
+ " <li>\n"
+ " <dl>\n"
+ " <dt><samp>", note, "</samp></dt>\n"
+ " <dd><samp>[", where, "]</samp></dd>\n"
+ " </dl>\n"
+ " </li>\n",
+ NULL);
+ /*
+ * Make sure that we start with a valid string, even if we have never been
+ * called.
+ */
+ sofar = (trace == NULL) ? "" : trace;
+ trace = apr_pstrcat(p, sofar, addon, NULL);
* This utility route traces the hooks called as a request is handled.
* "Example Wuz Here"
cfg->local = 1;
- trace_add(cmd->server, NULL, cfg, "cmd_example()");
+ trace_startup(cmd->pool, cmd->server, cfg, "cmd_example()");
return NULL;
dname = (dname != NULL) ? dname : "";
cfg->loc = apr_pstrcat(p, "DIR(", dname, ")", NULL);
- note = apr_psprintf(p, "x_create_dir_config(p == 0x%x, dirspec == %s)", p, dirspec);
- trace_add(NULL, NULL, cfg, note);
+ note = apr_psprintf(p, "x_create_dir_config(p == 0x%x, dirspec == %s)",
+ p, dirspec);
+ trace_startup(p, NULL, cfg, note);
return (void *) cfg;
note = apr_psprintf(p, "x_merge_dir_config(p == 0x%x, parent_conf == "
"0x%x, newloc_conf == 0x%x)", p, parent_conf,
- trace_add(NULL, NULL, merged_config, note);
+ trace_startup(p, NULL, merged_config, note);
return (void *) merged_config;
sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : "";
cfg->loc = apr_pstrcat(p, "SVR(", sname, ")", NULL);
- trace_add(s, NULL, cfg, "x_create_server_config()");
+ trace_startup(p, s, cfg, "x_create_server_config()");
return (void *) cfg;
note = apr_pstrcat(p, "x_merge_server_config(\"", s1conf->loc, "\",\"",
s2conf->loc, "\")", NULL);
- trace_add(NULL, NULL, merged_config, note);
+ trace_startup(p, NULL, merged_config, note);
return (void *) merged_config;
* Log the call and exit.
- trace_add(NULL, NULL, NULL, "x_pre_config()");
+ trace_startup(ptemp, NULL, NULL, "x_pre_config()");
return OK;
* Log the call and exit.
- trace_add(s, NULL, NULL, "x_check_config()");
+ trace_startup(ptemp, s, NULL, "x_check_config()");
return OK;
apr_file_printf(out, "Example module configuration test routine\n");
- trace_add(s, NULL, NULL, "x_test_config()");
+ trace_startup(pconf, s, NULL, "x_test_config()");
* Log the call and exit.
- trace_add(s, NULL, NULL, "x_open_logs()");
+ trace_startup(ptemp, s, NULL, "x_open_logs()");
return OK;
* Log the call and exit.
- trace_add(s, NULL, NULL, "x_post_config()");
+ trace_startup(ptemp, s, NULL, "x_post_config()");
return OK;
sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : "";
note = apr_pstrcat(s->process->pool, "x_child_exit(", sname, ")", NULL);
- trace_add(s, NULL, NULL, note);
+ trace_startup(s->process->pool, s, NULL, note);
sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : "";
note = apr_pstrcat(p, "x_child_init(", sname, ")", NULL);
- trace_add(s, NULL, NULL, note);
+ trace_startup(p, s, NULL, note);
apr_pool_cleanup_register(p, s, x_child_exit, x_child_exit);