<!ENTITY % programlisting.element "INCLUDE">
-<!ELEMENT programlisting %ho; (%para.char.mix; | co | lineannotation)*>
+<!ELEMENT programlisting %ho; (%para.char.mix; | co | coref | lineannotation)*>
<!--end of programlisting.element-->]]>
<!ENTITY % programlisting.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % literallayout.element "INCLUDE">
-<!ELEMENT literallayout %ho; (%para.char.mix; | lineannotation | co)*>
+<!ELEMENT literallayout %ho; (%para.char.mix; | co| coref | lineannotation)*>
<!--end of literallayout.element-->]]>
<!ENTITY % literallayout.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % screen.element "INCLUDE">
-<!ELEMENT screen %ho; (%para.char.mix; | co | lineannotation)*>
+<!ELEMENT screen %ho; (%para.char.mix; | co | coref | lineannotation)*>
<!--end of screen.element-->]]>
<!ENTITY % screen.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % synopsis.element "INCLUDE">
-<!ELEMENT synopsis %ho; (%para.char.mix; | graphic | mediaobject | lineannotation | co)*>
+<!ELEMENT synopsis %ho; (%para.char.mix;|graphic|mediaobject|co|coref|lineannotation)*>
<!--end of synopsis.element-->]]>
<!ENTITY % synopsis.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!--end of co.attlist-->]]>
<!--end of co.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % coref.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.coref.attrib "">
+<!-- COREF is a reference to a CO -->
+<!ENTITY % coref.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % coref.element "INCLUDE">
+<!ELEMENT coref %ho; EMPTY>
+<!--end of coref.element-->]]>
+<!-- bug number/symbol override or initialization -->
+<!-- to any related information -->
+<!ENTITY % coref.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST coref
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkendreq.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %coref.role.attrib;
+ %local.coref.attrib;
+<!--end of coref.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of coref.module-->]]>
<!ENTITY % command.module "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % local.command.attrib "">