update pit trapped time when polymorphing to or from a monster that passes_walls
show artifact hit message which affect the monster that swallowed the hero
revived pet corpse from bones file should not be loyal to current player
+finding a statue trap you are about to dig should stop your occupation
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
} else if (cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER)
pline("Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly %s!",
canspotmon(mon) ? "comes to life" : "disappears");
- else /* cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL */
+ else { /* cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL */
You("find %s posing as a statue.",
canspotmon(mon) ? a_monnam(mon) : something);
+ stop_occupation();
+ }
/* avoid hiding under nothing */
if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy &&
Upolyd && hides_under(youmonst.data) && !OBJ_AT(x, y))