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+Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 14:25:51 -0800 (PST)
+From: Stephan Szabo <>
+To: "Beth K. Gatewood" <>
+Subject: Re: [GENERAL] a request for some experienced input.....
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+On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Beth K. Gatewood wrote:
+> >
+> Stephan-
+> Thank you so much for taking the effort to answer this these questions. You
+> help is truly appreciated....
+> I just have a few points for clarification.
+> >
+> > MATCH PARTIAL is a specific match type which describes which rows are
+> > considered matching rows for purposes of meeting or failing the
+> > constraint. (In match partial, a fktable (NULL, 2) would match a pk
+> > table (1,2) as well as a pk table (2,2). It's different from match
+> > full in which case (NULL,2) would be invalid or match unspecified
+> > in which case it would match due to the existance of the NULL in any
+> > case). There are some bizarre implementation details involved with
+> > it and it's different from the others in ways that make it difficult.
+> > It's in my list of things to do, but I haven't come up with an acceptable
+> > mechanism in my head yet.
+> Does this mean, currently that I can not have foreign keys with null values?
+Not exactly...
+Match full = In FK row, all columns must be NULL or the value of each
+ column must not be null and there is a row in the PK table where
+ each referencing column equals the corresponding referenced
+ column.
+Unspecified = In FK row, at least one column must be NULL or each
+ referencing column shall be equal to the corresponding referenced
+ column in some row of the referenced table
+Match partial is similar to match full except we ignore the null columns
+ for purposes of the each referencing column equals bit.
+For example:
+ PK Table Key values: (1,2), (1,3), (3,3)
+ Attempted FK Table Key values: (1,2), (1,NULL), (5,NULL), (NULL, NULL)
+ (hopefully I get this right)...
+ In match full, only the 1st and 4th fk values are valid.
+ In match partial, the 1st, 2nd, and 4th fk values are valid.
+ In match unspecified, all the fk values are valid.
+The other note is that generally speaking, all three are basically the
+same for the single column key. If you're only doing references on one
+column, the match type is mostly meaningless.
+> > PENDANT adds that for each row of the referenced table the values of
+> > the specified column(s) are the same as the values of the specified
+> > column(s) in some row of the referencing tables.
+> I am not sure I know what you mean here.....Are you saying that the value for
+> the FK column must match the value for the PK column?
+I haven't really looked at PENDANT, the above was just a small rewrite of
+some descriptive text in the sql99 draft I have. There's a whole bunch
+of rules in the actual text of the referential constraint definition.
+The base stuff seems to be: (Rf is the referencing columns, T is the
+referenced table)
+ 3) If PENDANT is specified, then:
+ a) For a given row in the referencing table, let pendant
+ reference designate an instance in which all Rf are
+ non-null.
+ b) Let number of pendant paths be the number of pendant
+ references to the same referenced row in a referenced table
+ from all referencing rows in all base tables.
+ c) For every row in T, the number of pendant paths is equal to
+ or greater than 1.
+So, I'd read it as every row in T must have at least one referencing row
+in some base table.
+There are some details about updates and that you can't mix PENDANT and
+> > The main issues in 7.0 are that older versions (might be fixed in
+> > 7.0.3) would fail very badly if you used alter table to rename tables that
+> > were referenced in a fk constraint and that you need to give update
+> > permission to the referenced table. For the former, 7.1 will (and 7.0.3
+> > may) give an elog(ERROR) to you rather than crashing the backend and the
+> > latter should be fixed for 7.1 (although you still need to have write
+> > perms to the referencing table for referential actions to work properly)
+> Are the steps to this outlined somewhere then?
+The permissions stuff is just a matter of using GRANT and REVOKE to set
+the permissions that a user has to a table.