+#define MagickPIL 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288420L
static MagickRealType Bessel(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
if (x == 0.0)
- return((MagickRealType) (MagickPI/4.0));
- return(BesselOrderOne(MagickPI*x)/(2.0*x));
+ return(0.25*MagickPIL);
+ return(BesselOrderOne(MagickPIL*x)/(x+x));
static MagickRealType Blackman(const MagickRealType x,
Blackman: 2nd order cosine windowing function:
0.42 + 0.5 cos(pi x) + 0.08 cos(2pi x)
- Refactored by Chantal Racette and Nicolas Robidoux to one trig call and
- five flops.
+ Refactored by Chantal Racette and Nicolas Robidoux to one trig
+ call and five flops.
- const double alpha = cos(MagickPI*(double) x);
- return(0.34+alpha*(0.5+alpha*0.16));
+ const double pix = MagickPIL*x;
+ const MagickRealType cospix = cos(pix);
+ return(0.34+cospix*(0.5+cospix*0.16));
static MagickRealType Bohman(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- Bohman: 2rd Order cosine windowing function.
+ Bohman: 2rd Order cosine windowing function:
+ (1-x) cos(pi x) + sin(pi x) / pi.
- return((1-x)*cos(MagickPI*(double) x)+sin(MagickPI*(double) x)/MagickPI);
+ const double pix = MagickPIL*x;
+ return((1-x)*cos(pix)+(1.0/MagickPIL)*sin(pix));
static MagickRealType Box(const MagickRealType magick_unused(x),
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- Just return 1.0, filter will still be clipped by its support window.
+ Just return 1.0; the filter will be clipped by its support window.
static MagickRealType Gaussian(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- return(exp((double) (-2.0*x*x))*sqrt(2.0/MagickPI));
+ /*
+ Unnormalized Gaussian with variance sqrt(pi)/(4*sqrt(2)):
+ exp(-2 x^2/sqrt(pi/2))
+ */
+ const MagickRealType alpha = sqrt((double) (8.0/MagickPIL));
+ return(exp((double) (-alpha*x*x)));
static MagickRealType Hanning(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- A Cosine windowing function.
+ Cosine window function: .5 + .5 cos(pi x).
- return(0.5+0.5*cos(MagickPI*(double) x));
+ const double pix = MagickPIL*x;
+ const MagickRealType cospix = cos(pix);
+ return(0.5+0.5*cospix);
static MagickRealType Hamming(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- A offset Cosine windowing function.
+ Offset cosine window function: .54 + .46 cos(pi x).
- return(0.54+0.46*cos(MagickPI*(double) x));
+ const double pix = MagickPIL*x;
+ const MagickRealType cospix = cos(pix);
+ return(0.54+0.46*cospix);
static MagickRealType Kaiser(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- This function actually a X-scaled Sinc(x) function.
+ X-scaled Sinc(x) function: sin(pi x)/(pi x).
if (x == 0.0)
- return(sin(MagickPI*(double) x)/(MagickPI*(double) x));
+ {
+ const MagickRealType pix = MagickPIL*x;
+ const MagickRealType sinpix = sin((double) pix);
+ return(sinpix/pix);
+ }
static MagickRealType SincPolynomial(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
- const double xd = x;
- if (fabs(xd) > 4.0)
- return(sin(MagickPI*xd)/(MagickPI*x));
+ /*
+ Approximations of the sinc function sin(pi x)/(pi x) over the
+ interval [-4,4] constructed by Nicolas Robidoux and Chantal
+ Racette with funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
+ Research Council of Canada.
+ */
+ const MagickRealType xx = x*x;
+ if (xx > 16.0)
+ {
+ const MagickRealType pix = MagickPIL*x;
+ const MagickRealType sinpix = sin((double) pix);
+ return(sinpix/pix);
+ }
- /*
- Approximations of the sinc function over the interval [-4,4]
- constructed by Nicolas Robidoux and Chantal Racette with funding
- from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
- Canada.
- */
- const MagickRealType xx = x*x;
Maximum relative error 8.9e-4 < 1/2^10.
Welsh parabolic windowing filter.
- if (x < 1.0)
+ if (x < 1.0)
assert(resize_filter != (ResizeFilter *) NULL);
assert(resize_filter->signature == MagickSignature);
- blur=fabs(x)/resize_filter->blur; /* X offset with blur scaling */
+ blur=fabs((double) x)/resize_filter->blur; /* X offset with blur scaling */
if ((resize_filter->window_support < MagickEpsilon) ||
(resize_filter->window == Box))
scale=1.0; /* Point/Box Filter -- avoid division by zero */