# Copies Unicode Character Database (UCD) files from a tree
# of files downloaded from (for example) ftp://www.unicode.org/Public/6.1.0/
-# to a folder like ICU's source/data/unidata/
+# to ICU's source/data/unidata/ and source/test/testdata/
# and modifies some of the files to make them more compact.
-# Parses them an writes a ppucd.txt file (PreParsed UCD) with simple syntax.
+# Parses them and writes unidata/ppucd.txt (PreParsed UCD) with simple syntax.
-# Invoke with two command-line parameters:
+# Invoke with three command-line parameters:
# 1. source folder with UCD files
-# 2. destination folder for processed output files
+# 2. ICU source root folder
+# 3. ICU tools root folder
# Sample invocation:
-# ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py$ ./preparseucd.py ~/uni61/20111205/ucd /tmp/ucd
+# ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ py/preparseucd.py ~/uni61/20111205mod/ucd ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src
import array
import bisect
# 0: Type of property (binary, enum, ...)
# 1: List of aliases; short & long name followed by other aliases.
# The short name is "" if it is listed as "n/a" in PropertyValueAliases.txt.
-# 2: Set of short property value names.
+# 2: Dictionary, maps short property value names
+# initially to None, later to ICU4C API enum constants.
# 3: Dictionary of property values.
# For Catalog & Enumerated properties,
# maps each value name to a list of aliases.
# Initialized after parsing is done.
_null_or_defaults = {}
+# Dictionary of short property names mapped to ICU4C UProperty enum constants.
+_property_name_to_enum = {}
_non_alnum_re = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
def NormPropName(pname):
raise SyntaxError("unable to parse line\n %s\n" % line)
+def AddBinaryProperty(short_name, long_name):
+ _null_values[short_name] = False
+ bin_prop = _properties["Math"]
+ prop = ("Binary", [short_name, long_name], bin_prop[2], bin_prop[3])
+ _properties[short_name] = prop
+ _properties[long_name] = prop
+ _properties[NormPropName(short_name)] = prop
+ _properties[NormPropName(long_name)] = prop
+def AddPOSIXBinaryProperty(short_name, long_name):
+ AddBinaryProperty(short_name, long_name)
+ # This is to match UProperty UCHAR_POSIX_ALNUM etc.
+ _properties["posix" + NormPropName(short_name)] = _properties[short_name]
# Match a comment line like
# PropertyAliases-6.1.0.txt
# and extract the Unicode version.
_null_values[name] = 0
_null_values[name] = null_value
- prop = (prop_type, aliases, set(), {})
+ prop = (prop_type, aliases, {}, {})
for alias in aliases:
_properties[alias] = prop
_properties[NormPropName(alias)] = prop
# Turkic_Case_Folding: The 'T' mappings in CaseFolding.txt.
name = "Turkic_Case_Folding"
_null_values[name] = ""
- prop = ("String", [name, name], set(), {})
+ prop = ("String", [name, name], {}, {})
_properties[name] = prop
_properties[NormPropName(name)] = prop
# Conditional_Case_Mappings: SpecialCasing.txt lines with conditions.
name = "Conditional_Case_Mappings"
_null_values[name] = ""
- prop = ("Miscellaneous", [name, name], set(), {})
+ prop = ("Miscellaneous", [name, name], {}, {})
_properties[name] = prop
_properties[NormPropName(name)] = prop
# lccc = ccc of first cp in canonical decomposition.
# Script_Extensions
if "scx" not in _properties:
_null_values["scx"] = ""
- prop = ("Miscellaneous", ["scx", "Script_Extensions"], set(), {})
+ prop = ("Miscellaneous", ["scx", "Script_Extensions"], {}, {})
_properties["scx"] = prop
_properties["Script_Extensions"] = prop
_properties["scriptextensions"] = prop
+ # General Category as a bit mask.
+ _null_values["gcm"] = "??"
+ gc_prop = _properties["gc"]
+ prop = ("Bitmask", ["gcm", "General_Category_Mask"], gc_prop[2], gc_prop[3])
+ _properties["gcm"] = prop
+ _properties["General_Category_Mask"] = prop
+ _properties["generalcategorymask"] = prop
+ # Various binary properties.
+ AddBinaryProperty("Sensitive", "Case_Sensitive")
+ AddBinaryProperty("nfdinert", "NFD_Inert")
+ AddBinaryProperty("nfkdinert", "NFKD_Inert")
+ AddBinaryProperty("nfcinert", "NFC_Inert")
+ AddBinaryProperty("nfkcinert", "NFKC_Inert")
+ AddBinaryProperty("segstart", "Segment_Starter")
+ # C/POSIX character classes that do not have Unicode property [value] aliases.
+ # See uchar.h.
+ AddPOSIXBinaryProperty("alnum", "alnum")
+ AddPOSIXBinaryProperty("blank", "blank")
+ AddPOSIXBinaryProperty("graph", "graph")
+ AddPOSIXBinaryProperty("print", "print")
+ AddPOSIXBinaryProperty("xdigit", "xdigit")
def ParsePropertyValueAliases(in_file):
if short_name == "n/a": # no short name
fields[0] = ""
short_name = fields[1]
- prop[2].add(short_name)
+ prop[2][short_name] = None
values = prop[3]
for alias in fields:
if alias:
_defaults["hst"] = "NA"
if "gc" not in _defaults: # No @missing line in any .txt file?
_defaults["gc"] = "Cn"
+ # Copy the gc default value to gcm.
+ _defaults["gcm"] = _defaults["gc"]
# Add ISO 15924-only script codes.
# Only for the ICU script code API, not necessary for parsing the UCD.
script_prop = _properties["sc"]
- short_script_names = script_prop[2] # set
+ short_script_names = script_prop[2] # dict
script_values = script_prop[3] # dict
remove_scripts = []
for script in _scripts_only_in_iso15924:
if script in short_script_names:
- short_script_names.add(script)
+ short_script_names[script] = None
# Do not invent a Unicode long script name before the UCD adds the script.
script_list = [script, script] # [short, long]
script_values[script] = script_list
"%5d * %d-byte token for %2d='%s'") %
(i1, cumul_savings, t[0], t[1], n, len(t[2]), t[2]))
+# ICU API ------------------------------------------------------------------ ***
+# Sample line to match:
+# USCRIPT_LOMA = 139,/* Loma */
+_uscript_re = re.compile(
+ " *(USCRIPT_[A-Z_]+) *= *[0-9]+ *, */\* *([A-Z][a-z]{3}) *\*/")
+def ParseUScriptHeader(icu_src_root):
+ uscript_path = os.path.join(icu_src_root, "source",
+ "common", "unicode", "uscript.h")
+ short_script_name_to_enum = _properties["sc"][2]
+ scripts_not_in_ucd = set()
+ with open(uscript_path, "r") as uscript_file:
+ for line in uscript_file:
+ match = _uscript_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ script_enum = match.group(1)
+ script_code = match.group(2)
+ if script_code not in short_script_name_to_enum:
+ scripts_not_in_ucd.add(script_code)
+ else:
+ short_script_name_to_enum[script_code] = script_enum
+ if scripts_not_in_ucd:
+ raise ValueError("uscript.h has UScript constants for scripts "
+ "not in the UCD nor in ISO 15924: %s" % scripts_not_in_ucd)
+# Sample line to match:
+_uchar_re = re.compile(
+ " *(UCHAR_[0-9A-Z_]+) *= *(?:[0-9]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),")
+# Sample line to match:
+# /** L @stable ICU 2.0 */
+_bc_comment_re = re.compile(" */\*\* *([A-Z]+) *")
+# Sample line to match:
+_bc_re = re.compile(" *(U_[A-Z_]+) *= *[0-9]+,")
+# Sample line to match:
+# UBLOCK_CYRILLIC =9, /*[0400]*/
+_ublock_re = re.compile(" *(UBLOCK_[0-9A-Z_]+) *= *[0-9]+,")
+# Sample line to match:
+# U_EA_AMBIGUOUS, /*[A]*/
+_prop_and_value_re = re.compile(
+ " *(U_(DT|EA|GCB|HST|LB|JG|JT|NT|SB|WB)_([0-9A-Z_]+))")
+# Sample line to match if it has matched _prop_and_value_re
+# (we want to exclude aliases):
+_prop_and_alias_re = re.compile(" *U_[0-9A-Z_]+ *= *U")
+def ParseUCharHeader(icu_src_root):
+ uchar_path = os.path.join(icu_src_root, "source",
+ "common", "unicode", "uchar.h")
+ with open(uchar_path, "r") as uchar_file:
+ mode = ""
+ prop = None
+ comment_value = "??"
+ for line in uchar_file:
+ if "enum UCharDirection {" in line:
+ mode = "UCharDirection"
+ prop = _properties["bc"]
+ comment_value = "??"
+ continue
+ if mode == "UCharDirection":
+ if line.startswith("}"):
+ mode = ""
+ continue
+ match = _bc_comment_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ comment_value = match.group(1)
+ continue
+ match = _bc_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ bc_enum = match.group(1)
+ vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, comment_value)
+ prop[2][vname] = bc_enum
+ continue
+ match = _uchar_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ prop_enum = match.group(1)
+ if prop_enum.endswith("_LIMIT"):
+ # Ignore "UCHAR_BINARY_LIMIT=57," etc.
+ continue
+ pname = GetShortPropertyName(prop_enum[6:])
+ _property_name_to_enum[pname] = prop_enum
+ continue
+ match = _ublock_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ prop_enum = match.group(1)
+ if prop_enum == "UBLOCK_COUNT":
+ continue
+ prop = _properties["blk"]
+ vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, prop_enum[7:])
+ prop[2][vname] = prop_enum
+ continue
+ match = _prop_and_value_re.match(line)
+ if match:
+ prop_enum = match.group(1)
+ vname = match.group(3)
+ if vname == "COUNT" or _prop_and_alias_re.match(line):
+ continue
+ prop = GetProperty(match.group(2))
+ vname = GetShortPropertyValueName(prop, vname)
+ prop[2][vname] = prop_enum
+ # No need to parse predictable General_Category_Mask enum constants.
+ short_gcm_name_to_enum = _properties["gcm"][2]
+ for value in short_gcm_name_to_enum:
+ short_gcm_name_to_enum[value] = "U_GC_" + value.upper() + "_MASK"
+def WritePNamesDataHeader(icu_tools_root):
+ short_script_name_to_enum = _properties["sc"][2]
+ # print short_script_name_to_enum
+ # print _property_name_to_enum
+ print _properties["ea"][2]
+ print _properties["gcm"][2]
# main() ------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
def main():
global _null_or_defaults
- if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- print """Usage: preparseucd path/to/UCD/root path/to/ICU/src/root"""
+ if len(sys.argv) < 4:
+ print ("Usage: %s path/to/UCD/root path/to/ICU/src/root "
+ "path/to/ICU/tools/root" % sys.argv[0])
- ucd_root = sys.argv[1]
- icu_src_root = sys.argv[2]
+ (ucd_root, icu_src_root, icu_tools_root) = sys.argv[1:4]
source_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ucd_root):
for file in files:
# TODO: PrintNameStats()
+ ParseUScriptHeader(icu_src_root)
+ ParseUCharHeader(icu_src_root)
+ WritePNamesDataHeader(icu_tools_root)
if __name__ == "__main__":