/* }}} */
-/* {{{ void imagetruecolortopalette(resource im, bool ditherFlag, int colorsWanted)
+/* {{{ proto void imagetruecolortopalette(resource im, bool ditherFlag, int colorsWanted)
Convert a true colour image to a palette based image with a number of colours, optionally using dithering. */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ The function in t1lib which this function uses seem to be buggy...
-proto int imagepscopyfont(int font_index)
-Make a copy of a font for purposes like extending or reenconding */
+/* {{{ proto int imagepscopyfont(int font_index)
+ Make a copy of a font for purposes like extending or reenconding */
+/* The function in t1lib which this function uses seem to be buggy...