from TypeinWidget import TypeinWidget
from StripWidget import StripWidget
+ABOUTTEXT = '''Pynche 1.0 -- The Pythonically Natural Color and Hue Editor
+Copyright (C) 1998 Barry A. Warsaw
+Pynche is based on ICE 1.2 (Interactive Color Editor), written by
+Barry A. Warsaw for the SunView window system in 1987.'''
def constant(numchips):
step = 255.0 / (numchips - 1)
class PyncheWidget(Pmw.MegaWidget):
def __init__(self, colordb, parent=None, **kw):
self.__colordb = colordb
+ self.__parent = parent
+ self.__about = None
options = (('color', (128, 128, 128), self.__set_color),
('delegate', None, None),
# initialize base class -- after defining options
Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- interiorarg = (self.interior(),)
+ # create menubar
+ self.__menubar = Pmw.MenuBar(parent,
+ hull_relief=RAISED,
+ hull_borderwidth=1)
+ self.__menubar.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
+ self.__menubar.addmenu('File', None)
+ self.__menubar.addmenuitem('File',
+ type=COMMAND,
+ label='Quit',
+ command=self.__quit,
+ accelerator='Alt-Q')
+ self.__menubar.addmenu('Help', None, side=RIGHT)
+ self.__menubar.addmenuitem('Help',
+ type=COMMAND,
+ label='About...',
+ command=self.__popup_about,
+ accelerator='Alt-A')
+ parent.bind('<Alt-q>', self.__quit)
+ parent.bind('<Alt-Q>', self.__quit)
+ parent.bind('<Alt-a>', self.__popup_about)
+ parent.bind('<Alt-A>', self.__popup_about)
# create color selectors
group = Pmw.Group(parent, tag_text='Variations')
self.__nearest = ChipWidget(group.interior(),
self.__nearest.grid(row=0, column=1)
- chip = self.__nearest.component('chip')
- chip.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.__set_color_to_chip)
+ # TBD: this is somewhat bogus, as the code should be in a derived
+ # class of ChipWidget.
+ self.__chip = self.__nearest.component('chip')
+ self.__chip.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.__buttonpress)
+ self.__chip.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.__buttonrelease)
# create the options window
self.__typein = TypeinWidget(group.interior())
def __set_color(self):
self.set_color(self, self['color'])
- def __set_color_to_chip(self, event=None):
+ def __buttonpress(self, event=None):
+ self.__chip.configure(relief=SUNKEN)
+ def __buttonrelease(self, event=None):
+ self.__chip.configure(relief=RAISED)
color = self.__nearest['color']
rgbtuple = self.__colordb.find_byname(color)
self.set_color(self, rgbtuple)
+ def __quit(self, event=None):
+ self.__parent.quit()
+ def __popup_about(self, event=None):
+ if not self.__about:
+ Pmw.aboutversion('1.0')
+ Pmw.aboutcopyright('Copyright (C) 1998 Barry A. Warsaw\n'
+ 'All rights reserved')
+ Pmw.aboutcontact('For information about Pynche contact:\n'
+ 'Barry A. Warsaw\n'
+ 'email:')
+ self.__about = Pmw.AboutDialog(
+ applicationname='Pynche -- the PYthonically Natural\n'
+ 'Color and Hue Editor')