<dd>The proxy module has been completely rewritten to take advantage
of the new filter infrastructure and to implement a more
- reliable, HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy.</dd>
+ reliable, HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy. In addition, new
+ <Proxy> configuration sections provide more readable
+ (and internally faster) control of proxied sites; overloaded
+ <Directory "proxy:..."> configuration are not supported. The
+ module is now divided into specific protocol support modules
+ including proxy_connect, proxy_ftp and proxy_http.</dd>
- <dd>Now supports multiple DBM-like databases using the <a
+ <dd>Now supports multiple type of DBM-like databases using the
+ <a
<dd>Has been removed in favor of mod_auth_dbm with the AuthDBMType
- <dt><strong>mod_proxy</strong></dt>
- <dd>New <Proxy> configuration sections provide more readable
- (and internally faster) control of proxied sites; overloaded
- <Directory "proxy:..."> configuration are not supported. The
- module is now divided into specific protocol support modules
- including proxy_connect, proxy_ftp and proxy_http.</dd>
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