--- /dev/null
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)mextra.h 3.5 2006/01/03 */
+/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
+/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
+#ifndef MEXTRA_H
+#define MEXTRA_H
+#ifndef ALIGN_H
+#include "align.h"
+struct fakecorridor {
+ xchar fx,fy,ftyp;
+struct egd {
+ int fcbeg, fcend; /* fcend: first unused pos */
+ int vroom; /* room number of the vault */
+ xchar gdx, gdy; /* goal of guard's walk */
+ xchar ogx, ogy; /* guard's last position */
+ d_level gdlevel; /* level (& dungeon) guard was created in */
+ xchar warncnt; /* number of warnings to follow */
+ Bitfield(gddone,1); /* true iff guard has released player */
+ Bitfield(unused,7);
+ struct fakecorridor fakecorr[FCSIZ];
+struct epri {
+ aligntyp shralign; /* alignment of priest's shrine */
+ /* leave as first field to match emin */
+ schar shroom; /* index in rooms */
+ coord shrpos; /* position of shrine */
+ d_level shrlevel; /* level (& dungeon) of shrine */
+/* note: roaming priests (no shrine) switch from ispriest to isminion
+ (and emin extension) */
+#define REPAIR_DELAY 5 /* minimum delay between shop damage & repair */
+#define BILLSZ 200
+struct bill_x {
+ unsigned bo_id;
+ boolean useup;
+ long price; /* price per unit */
+ long bquan; /* amount used up */
+struct eshk {
+ long robbed; /* amount stolen by most recent customer */
+ long credit; /* amount credited to customer */
+ long debit; /* amount of debt for using unpaid items */
+ long loan; /* shop-gold picked (part of debit) */
+ int shoptype; /* the value of rooms[shoproom].rtype */
+ schar shoproom; /* index in rooms; set by inshop() */
+ schar unused; /* to force alignment for stupid compilers */
+ boolean following; /* following customer since he owes us sth */
+ boolean surcharge; /* angry shk inflates prices */
+ coord shk; /* usual position shopkeeper */
+ coord shd; /* position shop door */
+ d_level shoplevel; /* level (& dungeon) of his shop */
+ int billct; /* no. of entries of bill[] in use */
+ struct bill_x bill[BILLSZ];
+ struct bill_x *bill_p;
+ int visitct; /* nr of visits by most recent customer */
+ char customer[PL_NSIZ]; /* most recent customer */
+ char shknam[PL_NSIZ];
+#define NOTANGRY(mon) ((mon)->mpeaceful)
+#define ANGRY(mon) (!NOTANGRY(mon))
+struct emin {
+ aligntyp min_align; /* alignment of minion */
+ boolean renegade; /* hostile co-aligned priest or Angel */
+/* various types of pet food, the lower, the better liked. */
+#define DOGFOOD 0
+#define CADAVER 1
+#define ACCFOOD 2
+#define MANFOOD 3
+#define APPORT 4
+#define POISON 5
+#define UNDEF 6
+#define TABU 7
+struct edog {
+ long droptime; /* moment dog dropped object */
+ unsigned dropdist; /* dist of drpped obj from @ */
+ int apport; /* amount of training */
+ long whistletime; /* last time he whistled */
+ long hungrytime; /* will get hungry at this time */
+ coord ogoal; /* previous goal location */
+ int abuse; /* track abuses to this pet */
+ int revivals; /* count pet deaths */
+ int mhpmax_penalty; /* while starving, points reduced */
+ Bitfield(killed_by_u, 1); /* you attempted to kill him */
+struct mextra {
+ char *mname;
+ struct egd *egd;
+ struct epri *epri;
+ struct eshk *eshk;
+ struct emin *emin;
+ struct edog *edog;
+#define newmextra() \
+ (struct mextra *) memset((genericptr_t)alloc(sizeof(struct mextra)), \
+ 0, sizeof(struct mextra))
+#define MNAME(mon) ((mon)->mextra->mname)
+#define EGD(mon) ((mon)->mextra->egd)
+#define EPRI(mon) ((mon)->mextra->epri)
+#define ESHK(mon) ((mon)->mextra->eshk)
+#define EMIN(mon) ((mon)->mextra->emin)
+#define EDOG(mon) ((mon)->mextra->edog)
+#define has_name(mon) ((mon)->mextra && MNAME(mon))
+#endif /* MEXTRA_H */