rm -f pg_rewind$(X) $(OBJS) xlogreader.c
rm -rf tmp_check regress_log
-check: all
- $(prove_check) :: local
- $(prove_check) :: remote
+ $(prove_check)
# master and standby servers. The data directories are also available
# in paths $test_master_datadir and $test_standby_datadir
+use strict;
+use warnings;
use TestLib;
use Test::More;
# Adjust these paths for your environment
my $testroot = "./tmp_check";
+our $test_master_datadir="$testroot/data_master";
+our $test_standby_datadir="$testroot/data_standby";
mkdir $testroot;
my $log_path;
my $tempdir_short;
+my $connstr_master="port=$port_master";
+my $connstr_standby="port=$port_standby";
$ENV{PGDATABASE} = "postgres";
sub init_rewind_test
- ($testname, $test_mode) = @_;
+ my $testname = shift;
+ my $test_mode = shift;
# Now promote slave and insert some new data on master, this will put
# the master out-of-sync with the standby.
system_or_bail("pg_ctl -w -D $test_standby_datadir promote >>$log_path 2>&1");
- sleep 1;
+ sleep 2;
sub run_pg_rewind
+ my $test_mode = shift;
# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
system_or_bail("pg_ctl -w -D $test_master_datadir stop -m fast >>$log_path 2>&1");
# overwritten during the rewind.
copy("$test_master_datadir/postgresql.conf", "$testroot/master-postgresql.conf.tmp");
# Now run pg_rewind
- if ($test_mode == "local")
+ if ($test_mode eq "local")
# Do rewind using a local pgdata as source
# Stop the master and be ready to perform the rewind
'>>', $log_path, '2>&1');
ok ($result, 'pg_rewind local');
- elsif ($test_mode == "remote")
+ elsif ($test_mode eq "remote")
# Do rewind using a remote connection as source
my $result =
- "--source-server=\"port=$port_standby dbname=postgres\"",
+ "--source-server", "port=$port_standby dbname=postgres",
'>>', $log_path, '2>&1');
ok ($result, 'pg_rewind remote');
use strict;
use warnings;
use TestLib;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Test::More tests => 8;
use RewindTest;
-my $testmode = shift;
+sub run_test
+ my $test_mode = shift;
-RewindTest::init_rewind_test('basic', $testmode);
+ RewindTest::init_rewind_test('basic', $test_mode);
+ RewindTest::setup_cluster();
-# Create a test table and insert a row in master.
-master_psql("CREATE TABLE tbl1 (d text)");
-master_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES ('in master')");
+ # Create a test table and insert a row in master.
+ master_psql("CREATE TABLE tbl1 (d text)");
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES ('in master')");
-# This test table will be used to test truncation, i.e. the table
-# is extended in the old master after promotion
-master_psql("CREATE TABLE trunc_tbl (d text)");
-master_psql("INSERT INTO trunc_tbl VALUES ('in master')");
+ # This test table will be used to test truncation, i.e. the table
+ # is extended in the old master after promotion
+ master_psql("CREATE TABLE trunc_tbl (d text)");
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO trunc_tbl VALUES ('in master')");
-# This test table will be used to test the "copy-tail" case, i.e. the
-# table is truncated in the old master after promotion
-master_psql("CREATE TABLE tail_tbl (id integer, d text)");
-master_psql("INSERT INTO tail_tbl VALUES (0, 'in master')");
+ # This test table will be used to test the "copy-tail" case, i.e. the
+ # table is truncated in the old master after promotion
+ master_psql("CREATE TABLE tail_tbl (id integer, d text)");
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO tail_tbl VALUES (0, 'in master')");
+ master_psql("CHECKPOINT");
+ RewindTest::create_standby();
+ # Insert additional data on master that will be replicated to standby
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 values ('in master, before promotion')");
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO trunc_tbl values ('in master, before promotion')");
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO tail_tbl SELECT g, 'in master, before promotion: ' || g FROM generate_series(1, 10000) g");
-# Insert additional data on master that will be replicated to standby
-master_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 values ('in master, before promotion')");
-master_psql("INSERT INTO trunc_tbl values ('in master, before promotion')");
-master_psql("INSERT INTO tail_tbl SELECT g, 'in master, before promotion: ' || g FROM generate_series(1, 10000) g");
+ master_psql('CHECKPOINT');
+ RewindTest::promote_standby();
+ # Insert a row in the old master. This causes the master and standby
+ # to have "diverged", it's no longer possible to just apply the
+ # standy's logs over master directory - you need to rewind.
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES ('in master, after promotion')");
-# Insert a row in the old master. This causes the master and standby
-# to have "diverged", it's no longer possible to just apply the
-# standy's logs over master directory - you need to rewind.
-master_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES ('in master, after promotion')");
+ # Also insert a new row in the standby, which won't be present in the
+ # old master.
+ standby_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES ('in standby, after promotion')");
-# Also insert a new row in the standby, which won't be present in the
-# old master.
-standby_psql("INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES ('in standby, after promotion')");
+ # Insert enough rows to trunc_tbl to extend the file. pg_rewind should
+ # truncate it back to the old size.
+ master_psql("INSERT INTO trunc_tbl SELECT 'in master, after promotion: ' || g FROM generate_series(1, 10000) g");
-# Insert enough rows to trunc_tbl to extend the file. pg_rewind should
-# truncate it back to the old size.
-master_psql("INSERT INTO trunc_tbl SELECT 'in master, after promotion: ' || g FROM generate_series(1, 10000) g");
+ # Truncate tail_tbl. pg_rewind should copy back the truncated part
+ # (We cannot use an actual TRUNCATE command here, as that creates a
+ # whole new relfilenode)
+ master_psql("DELETE FROM tail_tbl WHERE id > 10");
+ master_psql("VACUUM tail_tbl");
-# Truncate tail_tbl. pg_rewind should copy back the truncated part
-# (We cannot use an actual TRUNCATE command here, as that creates a
-# whole new relfilenode)
-master_psql("DELETE FROM tail_tbl WHERE id > 10");
-master_psql("VACUUM tail_tbl");
+ RewindTest::run_pg_rewind($test_mode);
-check_query('SELECT * FROM tbl1',
- qq(in master
+ check_query('SELECT * FROM tbl1',
+ qq(in master
in master, before promotion
in standby, after promotion
- 'table content');
+ 'table content');
-check_query('SELECT * FROM trunc_tbl',
- qq(in master
+ check_query('SELECT * FROM trunc_tbl',
+ qq(in master
in master, before promotion
- 'truncation');
+ 'truncation');
-check_query('SELECT count(*) FROM tail_tbl',
- qq(10001
+ check_query('SELECT count(*) FROM tail_tbl',
+ qq(10001
- 'tail-copy');
+ 'tail-copy');
+# Run the test in both modes
use strict;
use warnings;
use TestLib;
-use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
use RewindTest;
-my $testmode = shift;
+sub run_test
+ my $test_mode = shift;
-RewindTest::init_rewind_test('databases', $testmode);
+ RewindTest::init_rewind_test('databases', $test_mode);
+ RewindTest::setup_cluster();
-# Create a database in master.
-master_psql('CREATE DATABASE inmaster');
+ # Create a database in master.
+ master_psql('CREATE DATABASE inmaster');
+ RewindTest::create_standby();
-# Create another database, the creation is replicated to the standby
-master_psql('CREATE DATABASE beforepromotion');
+ # Create another database, the creation is replicated to the standby
+ master_psql('CREATE DATABASE beforepromotion');
+ RewindTest::promote_standby();
-# Create databases in the old master and the new promoted standby.
-master_psql('CREATE DATABASE master_afterpromotion');
-standby_psql('CREATE DATABASE standby_afterpromotion');
-# The clusters are now diverged.
+ # Create databases in the old master and the new promoted standby.
+ master_psql('CREATE DATABASE master_afterpromotion');
+ standby_psql('CREATE DATABASE standby_afterpromotion');
+ # The clusters are now diverged.
+ RewindTest::run_pg_rewind($test_mode);
-# Check that the correct databases are present after pg_rewind.
-check_query('SELECT datname FROM pg_database',
- qq(template1
+ # Check that the correct databases are present after pg_rewind.
+ check_query('SELECT datname FROM pg_database',
+ qq(template1
- 'database names');
+ 'database names');
+# Run the test in both modes.
use strict;
use warnings;
use TestLib;
-use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
use File::Find;
use RewindTest;
-my $testmode = shift;
-RewindTest::init_rewind_test('extrafiles', $testmode);
-# Create a subdir and files that will be present in both
-mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir";
-append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file1", "in both1";
-append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file2", "in both2";
-mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir/";
-append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir/both_file3", "in both3";
-# Create different subdirs and files in master and standby
-mkdir "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir";
-append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file1", "in standby1";
-append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file2", "in standby2";
-mkdir "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir/";
-append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir/standby_file3", "in standby3";
-mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir";
-append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_file1", "in master1";
-append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_file2", "in master2";
-mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_subdir/";
-append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_subdir/master_file3", "in master3";
-# List files in the data directory after rewind.
-my @paths;
-find(sub {push @paths, $File::Find::name if $File::Find::name =~ m/.*tst_.*/},
- $test_master_datadir);
-@paths = sort @paths;
- ["$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file1",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file2",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir/both_file3",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file1",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file2",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir",
- "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir/standby_file3"],
- "file lists match");
+sub run_test
+ my $test_mode = shift;
+ RewindTest::init_rewind_test('extrafiles', $test_mode);
+ RewindTest::setup_cluster();
+ my $test_master_datadir = $RewindTest::test_master_datadir;
+ # Create a subdir and files that will be present in both
+ mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir";
+ append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file1", "in both1";
+ append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file2", "in both2";
+ mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir/";
+ append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir/both_file3", "in both3";
+ RewindTest::create_standby();
+ # Create different subdirs and files in master and standby
+ mkdir "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir";
+ append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file1", "in standby1";
+ append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file2", "in standby2";
+ mkdir "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir/";
+ append_to_file "$test_standby_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir/standby_file3", "in standby3";
+ mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir";
+ append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_file1", "in master1";
+ append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_file2", "in master2";
+ mkdir "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_subdir/";
+ append_to_file "$test_master_datadir/tst_master_dir/master_subdir/master_file3", "in master3";
+ RewindTest::promote_standby();
+ RewindTest::run_pg_rewind($test_mode);
+ # List files in the data directory after rewind.
+ my @paths;
+ find(sub {push @paths, $File::Find::name if $File::Find::name =~ m/.*tst_.*/},
+ $test_master_datadir);
+ @paths = sort @paths;
+ is_deeply(\@paths,
+ ["$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file1",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_file2",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_both_dir/both_subdir/both_file3",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file1",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_file2",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir",
+ "$test_master_datadir/tst_standby_dir/standby_subdir/standby_file3"],
+ "file lists match");
+# Run the test in both modes.