Problem: Saving and restoring called_emsg is clumsy.
Solution: Count the number of error messages.
if (stl_syntax & STL_IN_TITLE)
int use_sandbox = FALSE;
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
use_sandbox = was_set_insecurely((char_u *)"titlestring", 0);
# endif
- called_emsg = FALSE;
build_stl_str_hl(curwin, title_str, sizeof(buf),
p_titlestring, use_sandbox,
0, maxlen, NULL, NULL);
- if (called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before)
set_string_option_direct((char_u *)"titlestring", -1,
(char_u *)"", OPT_FREE, SID_ERROR);
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
if (stl_syntax & STL_IN_ICON)
int use_sandbox = FALSE;
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
use_sandbox = was_set_insecurely((char_u *)"iconstring", 0);
# endif
- called_emsg = FALSE;
build_stl_str_hl(curwin, icon_str, sizeof(buf),
p_iconstring, use_sandbox,
0, 0, NULL, NULL);
- if (called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before)
set_string_option_direct((char_u *)"iconstring", -1,
(char_u *)"", OPT_FREE, SID_ERROR);
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
if (STRCMP(cmd, "ex") == 0)
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
- called_emsg = FALSE;
ch_log(channel, "Executing ex command '%s'", (char *)arg);
- if (called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before)
ch_log(channel, "Ex command error: '%s'",
(char *)get_vim_var_str(VV_ERRMSG));
- called_emsg = save_called_emsg;
else if (STRCMP(cmd, "normal") == 0)
if (*p_ruf)
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
- called_emsg = FALSE;
win_redr_custom(wp, TRUE);
- if (called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before)
set_string_option_direct((char_u *)"rulerformat", -1,
(char_u *)"", OPT_FREE, SID_ERROR);
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
// the current scope, such as being inside a try/catch.
timer_busy = timer_busy > 0 || vgetc_busy > 0;
vgetc_busy = 0;
- called_emsg = FALSE;
+ called_emsg = 0;
did_emsg = FALSE;
did_uncaught_emsg = FALSE;
must_redraw = 0;
EXTERN int did_emsg_syntax; // did_emsg set because of a
// syntax error
-EXTERN int called_emsg; // always set by emsg()
+EXTERN int called_emsg; // always incremented by emsg()
EXTERN int ex_exitval INIT(= 0); // exit value for ex mode
EXTERN int emsg_on_display INIT(= FALSE); // there is an error message
EXTERN int rc_did_emsg INIT(= FALSE); // vim_regcomp() called emsg()
if (**opt != NUL)
int use_sandbox = FALSE;
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
char_u res[MAXPATHL];
tabpage_T *save_curtab;
char_u *opt_name = (char_u *)(tooltip ? "guitabtooltip"
: "guitablabel");
- called_emsg = FALSE;
printer_page_num = tabpage_index(tp);
# ifdef FEAT_EVAL
set_vim_var_nr(VV_LNUM, printer_page_num);
curwin = curtab->tp_curwin;
curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
- if (called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before)
set_string_option_direct(opt_name, -1,
(char_u *)"", OPT_FREE, SID_ERROR);
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
// If 'guitablabel'/'guitabtooltip' is not set or the result is empty then
linenr_T l;
colnr_T matchcol;
long nmatched;
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
// for :{range}s/pat only highlight inside the range
if (lnum < search_first_line || lnum > search_last_line)
* Repeat searching for a match until one is found that includes "mincol"
* or none is found in this line.
- called_emsg = FALSE;
for (;;)
if (regprog_is_copy)
cur->match.regprog = cur->hl.rm.regprog;
- if (called_emsg || got_int || timed_out)
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before || got_int || timed_out)
// Error while handling regexp: stop using this regexp.
if (shl == search_hl)
break; // useful match found
- // Restore called_emsg for assert_fails().
- called_emsg = save_called_emsg;
if (xterm_dpy != NULL)
res = serverGetVimNames(xterm_dpy);
# endif
- if (called_emsg)
+ if (did_emsg)
else if (STRICMP(argv[i], "--servername") == 0)
#if !defined(HAVE_STRERROR) || defined(PROTO)
* Replacement for perror() that behaves more or less like emsg() was called.
- * v:errmsg will be set and called_emsg will be set.
+ * v:errmsg will be set and called_emsg will be incremented.
do_perror(char *msg)
return msg_use_printf() ? FALSE : msg((char *)s);
- called_emsg = TRUE;
+ ++called_emsg;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
// If "emsg_severe" is TRUE: When an error exception is to be thrown,
regprog_T *prog = NULL;
char_u *expr = expr_arg;
- int save_called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before;
regexp_engine = p_re;
* First try the NFA engine, unless backtracking was requested.
- save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
- called_emsg = FALSE;
+ called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
if (regexp_engine != BACKTRACKING_ENGINE)
prog = nfa_regengine.regcomp(expr,
re_flags + (regexp_engine == AUTOMATIC_ENGINE ? RE_AUTO : 0));
* but are still valid patterns, thus a retry should work.
* But don't try if an error message was given.
- if (regexp_engine == AUTOMATIC_ENGINE && !called_emsg)
+ if (regexp_engine == AUTOMATIC_ENGINE
+ && called_emsg == called_emsg_before)
regexp_engine = BACKTRACKING_ENGINE;
prog = bt_regengine.regcomp(expr, re_flags);
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
if (prog != NULL)
long nmatched;
int submatch = 0;
int first_match = TRUE;
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
int break_loop = FALSE;
* find the string
- called_emsg = FALSE;
do // loop for count
// When not accepting a match at the start position set "extra_col" to
// Abort searching on an error (e.g., out of stack).
- if (called_emsg
+ if (called_emsg > called_emsg_before
|| (timed_out != NULL && *timed_out)
* specified, after an interrupt, after a match and after looping
* twice.
- if (!p_ws || stop_lnum != 0 || got_int || called_emsg
+ if (!p_ws || stop_lnum != 0 || got_int
+ || called_emsg > called_emsg_before
|| (timed_out != NULL && *timed_out)
if (extra_arg != NULL)
extra_arg->sa_wrapped = TRUE;
- if (got_int || called_emsg
+ if (got_int || called_emsg > called_emsg_before
|| (timed_out != NULL && *timed_out)
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
if (!found) // did not find it
if (got_int)
int nmatched = 0;
int result = -1;
pos_T pos;
- int save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
int flag = 0;
if (pattern == NULL)
// Zero-width pattern should match somewhere, then we can check if
// start and end are in the same position.
- called_emsg = FALSE;
} while (direction == FORWARD ? regmatch.startpos[0].col < pos.col
: regmatch.startpos[0].col > pos.col);
- if (!called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg == called_emsg_before)
result = (nmatched != 0
&& regmatch.startpos[0].lnum == regmatch.endpos[0].lnum
- called_emsg |= save_called_emsg;
return result;
char_u *cmd = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[0]);
garray_T ga;
int save_trylevel = trylevel;
+ int called_emsg_before = called_emsg;
// trylevel must be zero for a ":throw" command to be considered failed
trylevel = 0;
- called_emsg = FALSE;
suppress_errthrow = TRUE;
emsg_silent = TRUE;
- if (!called_emsg)
+ if (called_emsg == called_emsg_before)
ga_concat(&ga, (char_u *)"command did not fail: ");
trylevel = save_trylevel;
- called_emsg = FALSE;
suppress_errthrow = FALSE;
emsg_silent = FALSE;
emsg_on_display = FALSE;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 35,