-?? ??? 2016 PHP 7.0.11
+?? ??? 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC1
+ . Fixed bug #66005 (imagecopy does not support 1bit transparency on truecolor
+ images). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72913 (imagecopy() loses single-color transparency on palette
+ images). (cmb)
++ . Fixed bug #68716 (possible resource leaks in _php_image_convert()). (cmb)
+- Reflection:
+ . Reverted prepending \ for class names and ? for nullable types returned
+ from ReflectionType::__toString(). (Trowski)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #65732 (grapheme_*() is not Unicode compliant on CR LF
+ sequence). (cmb)
+- Reflection:
+ . Reverted prepending \ for class names and ? for nullable types returned
+ from ReflectionType::__toString(). (Trowski)
+- XML:
+ . Fixed bug #72714 (_xml_startElementHandler() segmentation fault). (cmb)
+18 Aug 2016, PHP 7.1.0beta3
- Core:
- . Fixed bug #72911 (Memleak in zend_binary_assign_op_obj_helper). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #72813 (Segfault with __get returned by ref). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #72767 (PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator).