-# $File: map,v 1.6 2019/04/19 00:42:27 christos Exp $
+# $File: map,v 1.7 2019/04/30 04:02:04 christos Exp $
# map: file(1) magic for Map data
#>0xF ubyte x \b, Checksum 0x%x
# Signature: DSKIMG 0x00 or DSDIMG 0x00 for demo map
>0x10 string !DSKIMG \b, signature "%.7s"
-# Creation year
->0x39 uleshort x \b, created %u
-# Creation month (0-11)
->0x3b ubyte x \b-%.2u
-# Creation day (1-31)
->0x3c ubyte x \b-%.2u
-# Creation hour (0-23)
->0x3d ubyte x %u
-# Creation minute (0-59)
->0x3e ubyte x \b:%.2u
-# Creation second (0-59)
->0x3f ubyte x \b:%.2u
+>0x39 use garmin-date
# Map file identifier like GARMIN\0
>0x41 string !GARMIN \b, id "%.7s"
# Block size exponent, E1; appears to always be 0x09; minimum block size 512 bytes
# 32-bit block sequence numbers
#>>>0x20 ubequad x \b, seq. 0x%16.16llx
+# display date stored inside Garmin maps like yyyy-mm-dd h:mm:ss
+0 name garmin-date
+# year like 2018
+>0 uleshort x \b, created %u
+# month (0-11)
+>2 ubyte x \b-%.2u
+# day (1-31)
+>3 ubyte x \b-%.2u
+# hour (0-23)
+>4 ubyte x %u
+# minute (0-59)
+>5 ubyte x \b:%.2u
+# second (0-59)
+>6 ubyte x \b:%.2u
+# Summary: Garmin Map subfiles
+# From: Joerg Jenderek
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/IMG_File_Format
+# Garmin Common Header
+2 string GARMIN\
+# skip ASCII text by checking for low header length
+>0 uleshort <0x1000 Garmin map,
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/GMP_Subfile_Format
+>>9 string GMP subtile
+!:mime application/x-garmin-gpm
+!:ext gmp
+# copyright message
+>>>(0.s) string x %s
+>>>0x0E use garmin-date
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/MDR_Subfile_Format
+# This contains the searchable address table used for finding routing destinations
+>>9 string MDR address table
+!:mime application/x-garmin-mdr
+!:ext mdr
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/NOD_Subfile_Format
+# http://svn.parabola.me.uk/display/trunk/doc/nod.txt
+# This contains the routing information
+>>9 string NOD routing
+!:mime application/x-garmin-nod
+!:ext nod
+>>>0x0E use garmin-date
+#>>>0x15 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x19 ulelong x 0x%x bytes NOD1
+#>>>0x25 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x29 ulelong x 0x%x bytes NOD2
+#>>>0x31 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x35 ulelong x 0x%x bytes NOD3
+# URL: http://www.pinns.co.uk/osm/net.html
+# routable highways (length, direction, allowed speed,house address information)
+>>9 string NET highways
+!:mime application/x-garmin-net
+!:ext net
+#>>>0x15 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x19 ulelong x 0x%x bytes NET1
+#>>>0x22 ulelong >0
+#>>>>0x1E ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>>0x22 ulelong x 0x%x bytes NET2
+#>>>0x2B ulelong >0
+#>>>>0x27 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>>0x2B ulelong x 0x%x bytes NET3
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/LBL_Subfile_Format
+>>9 string LBL labels
+!:mime application/x-garmin-lbl
+!:ext lbl
+>>>(0.s) string x %s
+# Label coding type 6h 9h and ah
+>>>0x1E ubyte x \b, coding type 0x%x
+#>>>0x15 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x19 ulelong x 0x%x bytes LBL1
+#>>>0x1F ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x23 ulelong x 0x%x bytes LBL2
+#>>>0x2D ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x31 ulelong x 0x%x bytes LBL3
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/SRT_Subfile_Format
+# A lookup table of the chars in the map's codepage, and their collating sequence
+>>9 string SRT sort table
+!:mime application/x-garmin-srt
+!:ext srt
+>>>0x0E use garmin-date
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/TRE_Subfile_Format
+>>9 string TRE tree
+!:mime application/x-garmin-tre
+!:ext tre
+# title like City Nav Europe NTU 2019.2 Basemap
+# or OSM Street map
+>>>(0.s) string x %s
+# 2nd title like Copyright 1995-2018 by GARMIN Corporation.
+# or http://www.openstreetmap.org/
+>>>>&1 string x %s
+>>>0x0E use garmin-date
+#>>>0x21 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x25 ulelong x 0x%x bytes TRE1
+#>>>0x29 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x2D ulelong x 0x%x bytes TRE2
+#>>>0x31 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x35 ulelong x 0x%x bytes TRE3
+# Copyright record size
+#>>>0x39 uleshort x \b, copyright record size %u
+# Map ID
+>>>0x74 ulelong x \b, ID 0x%x
+# URL: https://www.gpspower.net/garmin-tutorials/353310-basecamp-installing-free-desktop-map.html
+# For road traffic information service (RDS/TMS/TMC). Commonly seen in City Navigator maps
+>>9 string TRF traffic,
+!:mime application/x-garmin-trf
+!:ext trf
+# city/region like Preitenegg
+>>>(0.s+1) string x 1st %s
+# highway part like L606/L148
+>>>>&1 string x %s
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Format
+# Reference: http://www.pinns.co.uk/osm/typformat.html
+# customize the appearance of objects. For GPS and MapSource/Qlandkarte better looking maps
+>>9 string TYP types
+!:mime application/x-garmin-typ
+!:ext typ
+>>>0x0E use garmin-date
+# character set 1252 65001~UTF8
+>>>0x15 uleshort x \b, code page %u
+# POIs
+#>>>0x17 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x1B ulelong x 0x%x bytes TYP1
+# extra pois
+#>>>0x5B ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x5F ulelong x 0x%x bytes TYP8
+# URL: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/RGN_Subfile_Format
+# http://www.pinns.co.uk/osm/RGN.html
+# region data used by the Garmin software
+>>9 string RGN region
+!:mime application/x-garmin-rgn
+!:ext rgn
+# POIs,Indexed POIs,Polylines or Polygons or first map level
+#>>>0x15 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>0x19 ulelong x 0x%x bytes RGN1
+# polygons with extended types
+#>>>0x21 ulelong >0
+#>>>>0x1D ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>>0x21 ulelong x 0x%x bytes RGN2
+# polylines with extended types
+#>>>0x3D ulelong >0
+#>>>>0x39 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>>0x3D ulelong x 0x%x bytes RGN3
+# extended POIs
+#>>>0x59 ulelong >0
+#>>>>0x55 ulelong x \b, at 0x%x
+#>>>>0x59 ulelong x 0x%x bytes RGN3
+#>>9 default x unknown map type
+# Header length; GMP:31h 35h 3Dh,MDR:11Eh 238h 2C4h 310h,NOD:3Fh 7Fh,NET:64h,
+# LBL:2A9h,SRT:1Dh 25h 27h,TRE:CFh 135h,TRF:5Ah,TYP:5Bh 6Eh 7Ch AEh,RGN:7Dh
+>>0 uleshort x \b, header length 0x%x
# TOM TOM GPS watches ttbin files:
# https://github.com/ryanbinns/ttwatch/tree/master/ttbin
# From: Daniel Lenski