Build.ami Install.ami Makefile.ami Makefile.agc NetHack.cnf
amidos.c amidos.p amifont.uu amifont8.uu amigst.c
amii.hlp amimenu.c amirip.c amisnd.c amistack.c
-amitty.c amiwind.c amiwind.p ask.uu clipwin.c
-colorwin.c cvtsnd.c grave16.xpm ifchange mkdmake
-txt2iff.c winami.c winami.p winchar.c windefs.h
-winext.h winfuncs.c winkey.c winmenu.c winproto.h
-winreq.c winstr.c xpm2iff.c
+amitty.c amiwind.c amiwind.p clipwin.c colorwin.c
+cvtsnd.c grave16.xpm ifchange mkdmake txt2iff.c
+winami.c winami.p winchar.c windefs.h winext.h
+winfuncs.c winkey.c winmenu.c winproto.h winreq.c
+winstr.c xpm2iff.c
(files for Atari version)
mhrip.c mhrip.h mhsplash.h mhsplash.c mhstatus.c
mhstatus.h mhtext.c mhtext.h mnsel.uu mnselcnt.uu
mnunsel.uu mswproc.c nethack.dsw nethackw.dsp petmark.uu
-recover.dsp resource.h splash.uu tile2bmp.dsp tilemap.dsp
-tiles.dsp tiles.mak winhack.c winhack.h winhack.rc
+recover.dsp resource.h rip.uu splash.uu tile2bmp.dsp
+tilemap.dsp tiles.dsp tiles.mak uudecode.dsp winhack.c
+winhack.h winhack.rc winMS.h
+++ /dev/null
-# A '#' at the beginning of a line means the rest of the line is a comment.
-# This configuration file is set up for two cases, for a hard disk
-# (as drive C:), and for one (double sided) floppy disk.
-# To change the configuration, comment out the unwanted lines, and
-# uncomment the configuration you want.
-# *** OPTIONS ***
-# If you want people to play NetHack over the modem, you should probably
-# uncomment the following line:
-# Some options to set personal preferences. Uncomment and change these to
-# suit your personal preference. If several people are to use the same
-# configuration, options like these should not be set.
-#OPTIONS=packorder:")[%?+/=!(*0_`,scores:10 top/2 around/own
-# Other general options. You might also set "silent" so as not to attract
-# the boss's attention.
-# Color: if you have a color monitor and *don't* want colors,
-# comment out the following line. (Mono users don't get color no matter what.)
-# LEVELS and SAVE default to HACKDIR
-# appending a ";n" to SAVE means don't prompt to insert a disk.
-# Using a ramdisk speeds things up.
-# NOTE: the RAMDISK *must* be on a different drive from HACKDIR, LEVELS, and
-# SAVE. If you're already keeping your LEVELS on a ramdisk, the RAMDISK=
-# variable is redundant.
-# See the on-line help or the Guidebook for which symbols are in which
-# positions.
-# An example using the hackfnt.prg font:
-#DUNGEON= 032 217 218 194 195 192 193 216 197 196 \
-# 199 198 202 201 201 200 200 035 035 202 \
-# 203 203 210 211 212 213 209 124 208 205 \
-# 204 214 202 214 042 042 215 215 046 035 \
-# 214
-#TRAPS= 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 \
-# 207 207 207 207 207 206 207 207 207 207 \
-# 207 207
-#EFFECTS= 058 045 092 047 042 033 041 040 \
-# 048 035 064 042 \
-# 194 218 195 217 217 192 218 193 \
-# 047 045 092 058 032 058 092 045 047