#include "uhash.h"
#include "uvector.h"
+// RBBI Monkey Test. Run break iterators against randomly generated strings, compare results with
+// an independent reference implementation.
+// The monkey test can be run with parameters, e.g.
+// intltest rbbi/RBBIMonkeyTest@loop=-1,rules=word.txt
+// will run word break testing in an infinite loop.
+// Summary of options
+// test=name Test against the named reference rule file.
+// Files are found in source/test/testdata/break_rules
+// loop=nnn Loop nnn times. -1 for no limit. loop of 1 is useful for debugging.
+// seed=nnnn Random number generator seed. Allows recreation of a failure.
+// Error messages include the necessary seed value.
+// verbose Display details of a failure. Useful for debugging. Use with loop=1.
+// expansions Debug option, show expansions of rules and sets.
// TODO:
// Develop a tailoring format.