# define rb_string_value_ptr dll_rb_string_value_ptr
# define rb_float_new dll_rb_float_new
# define rb_ary_new dll_rb_ary_new
+# ifdef rb_ary_new4
+# define RB_ARY_NEW4_MACRO 1
+# undef rb_ary_new4
+# endif
+# define rb_ary_new4 dll_rb_ary_new4
# define rb_ary_push dll_rb_ary_push
# if defined(RUBY19_OR_LATER) || defined(RUBY_INIT_STACK)
# ifdef __ia64
static char * (*dll_rb_string_value_ptr) (volatile VALUE*);
static VALUE (*dll_rb_float_new) (double);
static VALUE (*dll_rb_ary_new) (void);
+static VALUE (*dll_rb_ary_new4) (long n, const VALUE *elts);
static VALUE (*dll_rb_ary_push) (VALUE, VALUE);
# if defined(RUBY19_OR_LATER) || defined(RUBY_INIT_STACK)
# ifdef __ia64
{"rb_float_new_in_heap", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_rb_float_new},
# endif
{"rb_ary_new", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_rb_ary_new},
+# ifdef RB_ARY_NEW4_MACRO
+ {"rb_ary_new_from_values", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_rb_ary_new4},
+# else
+ {"rb_ary_new4", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_rb_ary_new4},
+# endif
{"rb_ary_push", (RUBY_PROC*)&dll_rb_ary_push},
# endif
# ifdef RUBY19_OR_LATER
int i;
VALUE str = rb_str_new("", 0);
+ VALUE ret = Qnil;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
rb_str_concat(str, rb_inspect(argv[i]));
- return Qnil;
+ if (argc == 1)
+ ret = argv[0];
+ else if (argc > 1)
+ ret = rb_ary_new4(argc, argv);
+ return ret;
static void ruby_io_init(void)
ruby p 'Just a test'
let messages = split(execute('message'), "\n")
call assert_equal('"Just a test"', messages[-1])
+ " Check return values of p method
+ call assert_equal('123', RubyEval('p(123)'))
+ call assert_equal('[1, 2, 3]', RubyEval('p(1, 2, 3)'))
+ " Avoid the "message maintainer" line.
+ let $LANG = ''
+ messages clear
+ call assert_equal('true', RubyEval('p() == nil'))
+ let messages = split(execute('message'), "\n")
+ call assert_equal(0, len(messages))