Problem: It is not easy to restore saved mappings.
Solution: Make mapset() accept a dict argument. (Ernie Rael, closes #10295)
"lnum" The line number in "sid", zero if unknown.
"nowait" Do not wait for other, longer mappings.
+ "abbr" True if this is an |abbreviation|.
The dictionary can be used to restore a mapping with
mapset({mode}, {abbr}, {dict}) *mapset()*
- Restore a mapping from a dictionary returned by |maparg()|.
- {mode} and {abbr} should be the same as for the call to
- |maparg()|. *E460*
+ Restore a mapping from a dictionary, possibly returned by
+ |maparg()| or |maplist()|. A buffer mapping, when dict.buffer
+ is true, is set on the current buffer; it is up to the caller
+ to insure that the intended buffer is the current buffer. This
+ feature allows copying mappings from one buffer to another.
+ The dict.mode value may restore a single mapping that covers
+ more than one mode, like with mode values of '!', ' ', 'nox',
+ or 'v'. *E1276*
+ In the first form, {mode} and {abbr} should be the same as
+ for the call to |maparg()|. *E460*
{mode} is used to define the mode in which the mapping is set,
not the "mode" entry in {dict}.
Example for saving and restoring a mapping: >
call mapset('n', 0, save_map)
< Note that if you are going to replace a map in several modes,
- e.g. with `:map!`, you need to save the mapping for all of
- them, since they can differ.
+ e.g. with `:map!`, you need to save/restore the mapping for
+ all of them, when they might differ.
+ In the second form, with {dict} as the only argument, mode
+ and abbr are taken from the dict.
+ Example: >
+ vim9script
+ var save_maps = maplist()->filter(
+ (_, m) => m.lhs == 'K')
+ nnoremap K somethingelse
+ cnoremap K somethingelse2
+ # ...
+ unmap K
+ for d in save_maps
+ mapset(d)
+ endfor
match({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]]) *match()*
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
EXTERN char e_string_or_function_required_for_arrow_parens_expr[]
INIT(= N_("E1275: String or function required for ->(expr)"));
+EXTERN char e_illegal_map_mode_string_str[]
+ INIT(= N_("E1276: Illegal map mode string: '%s'"));
return FAIL;
+ * Check "type" is a string or a dict of 'any'
+ */
+ static int
+arg_string_or_dict_any(type_T *type, type_T *decl_type UNUSED, argcontext_T *context)
+ if (type->tt_type == VAR_ANY
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_UNKNOWN
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_STRING
+ || type->tt_type == VAR_DICT)
+ return OK;
+ arg_type_mismatch(&t_string, type, context->arg_idx + 1);
+ return FAIL;
* Check "type" is a string or a blob
static argcheck_T arg3_string_any_dict[] = {arg_string, NULL, arg_dict_any};
static argcheck_T arg3_string_any_string[] = {arg_string, NULL, arg_string};
static argcheck_T arg3_string_bool_bool[] = {arg_string, arg_bool, arg_bool};
-static argcheck_T arg3_string_bool_dict[] = {arg_string, arg_bool, arg_dict_any};
static argcheck_T arg3_string_number_bool[] = {arg_string, arg_number, arg_bool};
+static argcheck_T arg3_string_or_dict_bool_dict[] = {arg_string_or_dict_any, arg_bool, arg_dict_any};
static argcheck_T arg3_string_string_bool[] = {arg_string, arg_string, arg_bool};
static argcheck_T arg3_string_string_dict[] = {arg_string, arg_string, arg_dict_any};
static argcheck_T arg3_string_string_number[] = {arg_string, arg_string, arg_number};
ret_list_dict_any, f_maplist},
{"mapnew", 2, 2, FEARG_1, arg2_mapnew,
ret_first_cont, f_mapnew},
- {"mapset", 3, 3, FEARG_1, arg3_string_bool_dict,
+ {"mapset", 1, 3, FEARG_1, arg3_string_or_dict_bool_dict,
ret_void, f_mapset},
{"match", 2, 4, FEARG_1, arg24_match_func,
ret_any, f_match},
mapblock_T *mp,
dict_T *dict,
char_u *lhsrawalt, // may be NULL
- int buffer_local) // false if not buffer local mapping
+ int buffer_local, // false if not buffer local mapping
+ int abbr) // true if abbreviation
char_u *lhs = str2special_save(mp->m_keys, TRUE);
char_u *mapmode = map_mode_to_chars(mp->m_mode);
dict_add_number(dict, "buffer", (long)buffer_local);
dict_add_number(dict, "nowait", mp->m_nowait ? 1L : 0L);
dict_add_string(dict, "mode", mapmode);
+ dict_add_number(dict, "abbr", abbr ? 1L : 0L);
else if (rettv_dict_alloc(rettv) != FAIL && rhs != NULL)
mapblock2dict(mp, rettv->vval.v_dict,
- did_simplify ? keys_simplified : NULL, buffer_local);
+ did_simplify ? keys_simplified : NULL,
+ buffer_local, abbr);
mapblock2dict(mp, d,
- did_simplify ? keys_buf : NULL, buffer_local);
+ did_simplify ? keys_buf : NULL,
+ buffer_local, abbr);
get_maparg(argvars, rettv, FALSE);
+ * Get the mapping mode from the mode string.
+ * It may contain multiple characters, eg "nox", or "!", or ' '
+ * Return 0 if there is an error.
+ */
+ static int
+get_map_mode_string(char_u *mode_string, int abbr)
+ char_u *p = mode_string;
+ int mode = 0;
+ int tmode;
+ int modec;
+ if (*p == NUL)
+ p = (char_u *)" "; // compatibility
+ while ((modec = *p++))
+ {
+ switch (modec)
+ {
+ case 'i': tmode = INSERT; break;
+ case 'l': tmode = LANGMAP; break;
+ case 'c': tmode = CMDLINE; break;
+ case 'n': tmode = NORMAL; break;
+ case 'x': tmode = VISUAL; break;
+ case 's': tmode = SELECTMODE; break;
+ case 'o': tmode = OP_PENDING; break;
+ case 't': tmode = TERMINAL; break;
+ case 'v': tmode = MASK_V; break;
+ case '!': tmode = MASK_BANG; break;
+ case ' ': tmode = MASK_MAP; break;
+ default:
+ return 0; // error, unknown mode character
+ }
+ mode |= tmode;
+ }
+ if ((abbr && (mode & ~MASK_BANG) != 0)
+ || (!abbr && (mode & (mode-1)) != 0 // more than one bit set
+ && (
+ // false if multiple bits set in mode and mode is fully
+ // contained in one mask
+ !(((mode & MASK_BANG) != 0 && (mode & ~MASK_BANG) == 0)
+ || ((mode & MASK_MAP) != 0 && (mode & ~MASK_MAP) == 0)))))
+ return 0;
+ return mode;
* "mapset()" function
mapblock_T **abbr_table = &first_abbr;
int nowait;
char_u *arg;
+ int dict_only;
+ // If first arg is a dict, then that's the only arg permitted.
+ dict_only = argvars[0].v_type == VAR_DICT;
if (in_vim9script()
- && (check_for_string_arg(argvars, 0) == FAIL
- || check_for_bool_arg(argvars, 1) == FAIL
- || check_for_dict_arg(argvars, 2) == FAIL))
+ && (check_for_string_or_dict_arg(argvars, 0) == FAIL
+ || (dict_only && check_for_unknown_arg(argvars, 1) == FAIL)
+ || (!dict_only
+ && (check_for_string_arg(argvars, 0) == FAIL
+ || check_for_bool_arg(argvars, 1) == FAIL
+ || check_for_dict_arg(argvars, 2) == FAIL))))
- which = tv_get_string_buf_chk(&argvars[0], buf);
- if (which == NULL)
- return;
- mode = get_map_mode(&which, 0);
- is_abbr = (int)tv_get_bool(&argvars[1]);
+ if (dict_only)
+ {
+ d = argvars[0].vval.v_dict;
+ which = dict_get_string(d, (char_u *)"mode", FALSE);
+ is_abbr = dict_get_bool(d, (char_u *)"abbr", -1);
+ if (which == NULL || is_abbr < 0)
+ {
+ emsg(_(e_entries_missing_in_mapset_dict_argument));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ which = tv_get_string_buf_chk(&argvars[0], buf);
+ if (which == NULL)
+ return;
+ is_abbr = (int)tv_get_bool(&argvars[1]);
- if (argvars[2].v_type != VAR_DICT)
+ if (argvars[2].v_type != VAR_DICT)
+ {
+ emsg(_(e_dictionary_required));
+ return;
+ }
+ d = argvars[2].vval.v_dict;
+ }
+ mode = get_map_mode_string(which, is_abbr);
+ if (mode == 0)
- emsg(_(e_key_not_present_in_dictionary));
+ semsg(_(e_illegal_map_mode_string_str), which);
- d = argvars[2].vval.v_dict;
// Get the values in the same order as above in get_maparg().
lhs = dict_get_string(d, (char_u *)"lhs", FALSE);
varnumber_T tv_get_bool(typval_T *varp);
varnumber_T tv_get_bool_chk(typval_T *varp, int *denote);
float_T tv_get_float(typval_T *varp);
+int check_for_unknown_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_string_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_nonempty_string_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
int check_for_opt_string_arg(typval_T *args, int idx);
\ 'lhsraw': "foo\x80\xfc\x04V", 'lhsrawalt': "foo\x16",
\ 'mode': ' ', 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'scriptversion': 1,
\ 'lnum': lnum + 1,
- \ 'rhs': 'is<F4>foo', 'buffer': 0},
+ \ 'rhs': 'is<F4>foo', 'buffer': 0, 'abbr': 0},
\ maparg('foo<C-V>', '', 0, 1))
call assert_equal({'silent': 1, 'noremap': 1, 'script': 1, 'lhs': 'bar',
\ 'lhsraw': 'bar', 'mode': 'v',
\ 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 1, 'sid': sid, 'scriptversion': 1,
\ 'lnum': lnum + 2,
- \ 'rhs': 'isbar', 'buffer': 1},
+ \ 'rhs': 'isbar', 'buffer': 1, 'abbr': 0},
\ 'bar'->maparg('', 0, 1))
let lnum = expand('<sflnum>')
map <buffer> <nowait> foo bar
\ 'lhsraw': 'foo', 'mode': ' ',
\ 'nowait': 1, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'scriptversion': 1,
\ 'lnum': lnum + 1, 'rhs': 'bar',
- \ 'buffer': 1},
+ \ 'buffer': 1, 'abbr': 0},
\ maparg('foo', '', 0, 1))
let lnum = expand('<sflnum>')
tmap baz foo
\ 'lhsraw': 'baz', 'mode': 't',
\ 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'scriptversion': 1,
\ 'lnum': lnum + 1, 'rhs': 'foo',
- \ 'buffer': 0},
+ \ 'buffer': 0, 'abbr': 0},
\ maparg('baz', 't', 0, 1))
+ let lnum = expand('<sflnum>')
+ iab A B
+ call assert_equal({'silent': 0, 'noremap': 0, 'script': 0, 'lhs': 'A',
+ \ 'lhsraw': 'A', 'mode': 'i',
+ \ 'nowait': 0, 'expr': 0, 'sid': sid, 'scriptversion': 1,
+ \ 'lnum': lnum + 1, 'rhs': 'B',
+ \ 'buffer': 0, 'abbr': 1},
+ \ maparg('A', 'i', 1, 1))
+ iuna A
map abc x<char-114>x
call assert_equal("xrx", maparg('abc'))
call assert_fails('call mapset([], v:false, {})', 'E730:')
- call assert_fails('call mapset("i", 0, "")', 'E716:')
+ call assert_fails('call mapset("i", 0, "")', 'E715:')
call assert_fails('call mapset("i", 0, {})', 'E460:')
+def Test_mapset_arg1_dir()
+ # This test is mostly about get_map_mode_string.
+ # Once the code gets past that, it's common with the 3 arg mapset.
+ # GetModes() return list of modes for 'XZ' lhs using maplist.
+ # There is one list item per mapping
+ def GetModes(abbr: bool = false): list<string>
+ return maplist(abbr)->filter((_, m) => m.lhs == 'XZ')
+ ->mapnew((_, m) => m.mode)
+ enddef
+ const unmap_cmds = [ 'unmap', 'unmap!', 'tunmap', 'lunmap' ]
+ def UnmapAll(lhs: string)
+ for cmd in unmap_cmds
+ try | execute(cmd .. ' ' .. lhs) | catch /E31/ | endtry
+ endfor
+ enddef
+ var tmap: dict<any>
+ # some mapset(mode, abbr, dict) tests using get_map_mode_str
+ map XZ x
+ tmap = maplist()->filter((_, m) => m.lhs == 'XZ')[0]->copy()
+ # this splits the mapping into 2 mappings
+ mapset('ox', false, tmap)
+ assert_equal(2, len(GetModes()))
+ mapset('o', false, tmap)
+ assert_equal(3, len(GetModes()))
+ # test that '' acts like ' ', and that the 3 mappings become 1
+ mapset('', false, tmap)
+ assert_equal([' '], GetModes())
+ # dict's mode/abbr are ignored
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = '!'
+ tmap.abbr = true
+ mapset('o', false, tmap)
+ assert_equal(['o'], GetModes())
+ # test the 3 arg version handles bad mode string, dict not used
+ assert_fails("mapset('vi', false, {})", 'E1276:')
+ # get the abbreviations out of the way
+ abbreviate XZ ZX
+ tmap = maplist(true)->filter((_, m) => m.lhs == 'XZ')[0]->copy()
+ abclear
+ # 'ic' is the default ab command, shows up as '!'
+ tmap.mode = 'ic'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['!'], GetModes(true))
+ abclear
+ tmap.mode = 'i'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['i'], GetModes(true))
+ abclear
+ tmap.mode = 'c'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['c'], GetModes(true))
+ abclear
+ tmap.mode = '!'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['!'], GetModes(true))
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: ' !', abbr: 1})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: 'cl', abbr: 1})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: 'in', abbr: 1})", 'E1276:')
+ # the map commands
+ map XZ x
+ tmap = maplist()->filter((_, m) => m.lhs == 'XZ')[0]->copy()
+ # try the combos
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ # 'nxso' is ' ', the unadorned :map
+ tmap.mode = 'nxso'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal([' '], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ # 'ic' is '!'
+ tmap.mode = 'ic'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['!'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ # 'xs' is really 'v'
+ tmap.mode = 'xs'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['v'], GetModes())
+ # try the individual modes
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 'n'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['n'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 'x'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['x'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 's'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['s'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 'o'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['o'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 'i'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['i'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 'c'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['c'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 't'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['t'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ tmap.mode = 'l'
+ mapset(tmap)
+ assert_equal(['l'], GetModes())
+ UnmapAll('XZ')
+ # get errors for modes that can't be in one mapping
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: 'nxsoi', abbr: 0})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: ' !', abbr: 0})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: 'ix', abbr: 0})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: 'tl', abbr: 0})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: ' l', abbr: 0})", 'E1276:')
+ assert_fails("mapset({mode: ' t', abbr: 0})", 'E1276:')
func Check_ctrlb_map(d, check_alt)
call assert_equal('<C-B>', a:d.lhs)
if a:check_alt
sid: SID(),
scriptversion: 999999,
rhs: 'bar',
- buffer: 0})
+ buffer: 0,
+ abbr: 0})
unmap foo
v9.CheckDefAndScriptFailure(['maparg(1)'], ['E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number', 'E1174: String required for argument 1'])
v9.CheckDefAndScriptFailure(['maparg("a", 2)'], ['E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected string but got number', 'E1174: String required for argument 2'])
def Test_mapset()
- v9.CheckDefAndScriptFailure(['mapset(1, true, {})'], ['E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number', 'E1174: String required for argument 1'])
+ v9.CheckDefAndScriptFailure(['mapset(1, true, {})'], ['E1013: Argument 1: type mismatch, expected string but got number', 'E1223: String or Dictionary required for argument 1'])
v9.CheckDefAndScriptFailure(['mapset("a", 2, {})'], ['E1013: Argument 2: type mismatch, expected bool but got number', 'E1212: Bool required for argument 2'])
v9.CheckDefAndScriptFailure(['mapset("a", false, [])'], ['E1013: Argument 3: type mismatch, expected dict<any> but got list<unknown>', 'E1206: Dictionary required for argument 3'])
+ * Give an error and return FAIL unless "args[idx]" is unknown
+ */
+ int
+check_for_unknown_arg(typval_T *args, int idx)
+ if (args[idx].v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ semsg(_(e_too_many_arguments), idx + 1);
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ return OK;
* Give an error and return FAIL unless "args[idx]" is a string.
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 4861,