-# $File: filesystems,v 1.61 2011/01/10 14:01:10 christos Exp $
+# $File: filesystems,v 1.62 2012/09/06 14:42:39 christos Exp $
# filesystems: file(1) magic for different filesystems
0 string \366\366\366\366 PC formatted floppy with no filesystem
>>>>11 ulelong >0 \b, %d sectors/track
>>>>15 ulelong >0 \b, %d cylinders
-# updated by Joerg Jenderek at Sep 2007
+# x86 boot sector updated by Joerg Jenderek at Sep 2007,May 2011
+# for any allowed sector sizes
+30 search/481 \x55\xAA
+# to display x86 boot sector (40) before old one (strength=50), SYSLINUX MBR (?) and DOS BPB information (71) like in previous file version
+!:strength +72
+# for sector sizes < 512 Bytes
+>11 uleshort <512
+>>(11.s-2) uleshort 0xAA55 x86 boot sector
+# for sector sizes with 512 or more Bytes
+>0x1FE leshort 0xAA55 x86 boot sector
+# keep old x86 boot sector as dummy for mbr and bootloader displaying
# only for sector sizes with 512 or more Bytes
-0x1FE leshort 0xAA55 x86 boot sector
-# to do also for sectors < than 512 Bytes and some other files, GRR
-#30 search/481 \x55\xAA x86 boot sector
-# not for BeOS floppy 1440k, MBRs
-#(11.s-2) uleshort 0xAA55 x86 boot sector
+0x1FE leshort 0xAA55
+# to display information (51) before DOS BPB (strength=71) and after DOS floppy (120) like in old file version
+!:strength +21
>2 string OSBS \b, OS/BS MBR
# J\xf6rg Jenderek <joerg dot jenderek at web dot de>
>0x8C string Invalid\ partition\ table \b, MS-DOS MBR
>>>>>492 string RENF \b, FAT (12 bit)
>>>>>495 string RENF \b, FAT (16 bit)
# x86 bootloader end
# updated by Joerg Jenderek at Sep 2007
>3 ubyte 0
#no active flag
>>>>>>>466 ubyte 0x05 \b, extended partition table
>>>>>>>466 ubyte 0x0F \b, extended partition table (LBA)
>>>>>>>466 ubyte 0x0 \b, extended partition table (last)
-# JuMP short bootcodeoffset NOP assembler instructions will usually be EB xx 90
-# http://mirror.href.com/thestarman/asm/2bytejumps.htmm#FWD
-# older drives may use Near JuMP instruction E9 xx xx
->0 lelong&0x009000EB 0x009000EB
->0 lelong&0x000000E9 0x000000E9
-# minimal short forward jump found 03cx??
-# maximal short forward jump is 07fx
->1 ubyte <0xff \b, code offset 0x%x
-# mtools-3.9.8/msdos.h
-# usual values are marked with comments to get only informations of strange FAT systems
-# valid sectorsize must be a power of 2 from 32 to 32768
->>11 uleshort&0x000f x
->>>11 uleshort <32769
->>>>11 uleshort >31
->>>>>21 ubyte&0xf0 0xF0
->>>>>>3 string >\0 \b, OEM-ID "%8.8s"
->>>>>>>8 string IHC \b cached by Windows 9M
->>>>>>11 uleshort >512 \b, Bytes/sector %u
-#>>>>>>11 uleshort =512 \b, Bytes/sector %u=512 (usual)
->>>>>>11 uleshort <512 \b, Bytes/sector %u
->>>>>>13 ubyte >1 \b, sectors/cluster %u
-#>>>>>>13 ubyte =1 \b, sectors/cluster %u (usual on Floppies)
->>>>>>14 uleshort >32 \b, reserved sectors %u
-#>>>>>>14 uleshort =32 \b, reserved sectors %u (usual Fat32)
-#>>>>>>14 uleshort >1 \b, reserved sectors %u
-#>>>>>>14 uleshort =1 \b, reserved sectors %u (usual FAT12,FAT16)
->>>>>>14 uleshort <1 \b, reserved sectors %u
->>>>>>16 ubyte >2 \b, FATs %u
-#>>>>>>16 ubyte =2 \b, FATs %u (usual)
->>>>>>16 ubyte =1 \b, FAT %u
->>>>>>16 ubyte >0
->>>>>>17 uleshort >0 \b, root entries %u
-#>>>>>>17 uleshort =0 \b, root entries %u=0 (usual Fat32)
->>>>>>19 uleshort >0 \b, sectors %u (volumes <=32 MB)
-#>>>>>>19 uleshort =0 \b, sectors %u=0 (usual Fat32)
->>>>>>21 ubyte >0xF0 \b, Media descriptor 0x%x
-#>>>>>>21 ubyte =0xF0 \b, Media descriptor 0x%x (usual floppy)
->>>>>>21 ubyte <0xF0 \b, Media descriptor 0x%x
->>>>>>22 uleshort >0 \b, sectors/FAT %u
-#>>>>>>22 uleshort =0 \b, sectors/FAT %u=0 (usual Fat32)
->>>>>>26 ubyte >2 \b, heads %u
-#>>>>>>26 ubyte =2 \b, heads %u (usual floppy)
->>>>>>26 ubyte =1 \b, heads %u
-#skip for Digital Research DOS (version 3.41) 1440 kB Bootdisk
->>>>>>38 ubyte !0x70
->>>>>>>28 ulelong >0 \b, hidden sectors %u
-#>>>>>>>28 ulelong =0 \b, hidden sectors %u (usual floppy)
->>>>>>>32 ulelong >0 \b, sectors %u (volumes > 32 MB)
-#>>>>>>>32 ulelong =0 \b, sectors %u (volumes > 32 MB)
-# FAT<32 specific
->>>>>>82 string !FAT32
-#>>>>>>>36 ubyte 0x80 \b, physical drive 0x%x=0x80 (usual harddisk)
-#>>>>>>>36 ubyte 0 \b, physical drive 0x%x=0 (usual floppy)
->>>>>>>36 ubyte !0x80
->>>>>>>>36 ubyte !0 \b, physical drive 0x%x
->>>>>>>37 ubyte >0 \b, reserved 0x%x
-#>>>>>>>37 ubyte =0 \b, reserved 0x%x
->>>>>>>38 ubyte >0x29 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
->>>>>>>38 ubyte <0x29 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
->>>>>>>38 ubyte =0x29
->>>>>>>>39 ulelong x \b, serial number 0x%x
->>>>>>>>43 string <NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
->>>>>>>>43 string >NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
->>>>>>>>43 string =NO\ NAME \b, unlabeled
->>>>>>>54 string FAT \b, FAT
->>>>>>>>54 string FAT12 \b (12 bit)
->>>>>>>>54 string FAT16 \b (16 bit)
-# FAT32 specific
->>>>>>82 string FAT32 \b, FAT (32 bit)
->>>>>>>36 ulelong x \b, sectors/FAT %u
->>>>>>>40 uleshort >0 \b, extension flags %u
-#>>>>>>>40 uleshort =0 \b, extension flags %u
->>>>>>>42 uleshort >0 \b, fsVersion %u
-#>>>>>>>42 uleshort =0 \b, fsVersion %u (usual)
->>>>>>>44 ulelong >2 \b, rootdir cluster %u
-#>>>>>>>44 ulelong =2 \b, rootdir cluster %u
-#>>>>>>>44 ulelong =1 \b, rootdir cluster %u
->>>>>>>48 uleshort >1 \b, infoSector %u
-#>>>>>>>48 uleshort =1 \b, infoSector %u (usual)
->>>>>>>48 uleshort <1 \b, infoSector %u
->>>>>>>50 uleshort >6 \b, Backup boot sector %u
-#>>>>>>>50 uleshort =6 \b, Backup boot sector %u (usual)
->>>>>>>50 uleshort <6 \b, Backup boot sector %u
->>>>>>>54 ulelong >0 \b, reserved1 0x%x
->>>>>>>58 ulelong >0 \b, reserved2 0x%x
->>>>>>>62 ulelong >0 \b, reserved3 0x%x
-# same structure as FAT1X
->>>>>>>64 ubyte >0x80 \b, physical drive 0x%x
-#>>>>>>>64 ubyte =0x80 \b, physical drive 0x%x=80 (usual harddisk)
->>>>>>>64 ubyte&0x7F >0 \b, physical drive 0x%x
-#>>>>>>>64 ubyte =0 \b, physical drive 0x%x=0 (usual floppy)
->>>>>>>65 ubyte >0 \b, reserved 0x%x
->>>>>>>66 ubyte >0x29 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
->>>>>>>66 ubyte <0x29 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
->>>>>>>66 ubyte =0x29
->>>>>>>>67 ulelong x \b, serial number 0x%x
->>>>>>>>71 string <NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
->>>>>>>71 string >NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
->>>>>>>71 string =NO\ NAME \b, unlabeled
-### FATs end
+# DOS x86 sector separated and moved from "x86 boot sector" by Joerg Jenderek at May 2011
>0x200 lelong 0x82564557 \b, BSD disklabel
0 string FATX FATX filesystem data
# Minix filesystems - Juan Cespedes <cespedes@debian.org>
0x410 leshort 0x137f
!:strength / 2
>>>>>0x217 ulong !0xffffffff
>>>>>>0x217 string >\0 \b, configuration file %-s
+# DOS x86 sector updated and separated from "x86 boot sector" by Joerg Jenderek at May 2011
+# JuMP short bootcodeoffset NOP assembler instructions will usually be EB xx 90
+# over BIOS parameter block (BPB)
+# http://thestarman.pcministry.com/asm/2bytejumps.htm#FWD
+# older drives may use Near JuMP instruction E9 xx xx
+# minimal short forward jump found 0x29 for bootloaders or 0x0
+# maximal short forward jump is 0x7f
+# OEM-ID is empty or contain readable bytes
+0 ulelong&0x804000E9 0x000000E9
+# mtools-3.9.8/msdos.h
+# usual values are marked with comments to get only informations of strange FAT systems
+# valid sectorsize must be a power of 2 from 32 to 32768
+>11 uleshort&0xf001f 0
+>>11 uleshort <32769
+>>>11 uleshort >31
+>>>>21 ubyte&0xf0 0xF0
+>>>>>0 ubyte 0xEB
+>>>>>>1 ubyte x \b, code offset 0x%x+2
+>>>>>0 ubyte 0xE9
+>>>>>>1 uleshort x \b, code offset 0x%x+2
+>>>>>3 string >\0 \b, OEM-ID "%-.8s"
+>>>>>>8 string IHC \b cached by Windows 9M
+>>>>>11 uleshort >512 \b, Bytes/sector %u
+#>>>>>11 uleshort =512 \b, Bytes/sector %u=512 (usual)
+>>>>>11 uleshort <512 \b, Bytes/sector %u
+>>>>>13 ubyte >1 \b, sectors/cluster %u
+#>>>>>13 ubyte =1 \b, sectors/cluster %u (usual on Floppies)
+>>>>>82 string FAT32
+>>>>>>14 uleshort !32 \b, reserved sectors %u
+#>>>>>>14 uleshort =32 \b, reserved sectors %u (usual Fat32)
+>>>>>82 string !FAT32
+>>>>>>14 uleshort >1 \b, reserved sectors %u
+#>>>>>>14 uleshort =1 \b, reserved sectors %u (usual FAT12,FAT16)
+#>>>>>>14 uleshort 0 \b, reserved sectors %u (usual NTFS)
+>>>>>16 ubyte >2 \b, FATs %u
+#>>>>>16 ubyte =2 \b, FATs %u (usual)
+>>>>>16 ubyte =1 \b, FAT %u
+>>>>>16 ubyte >0
+>>>>>17 uleshort >0 \b, root entries %u
+#>>>>>17 uleshort =0 \b, root entries %u=0 (usual Fat32)
+>>>>>19 uleshort >0 \b, sectors %u (volumes <=32 MB)
+#>>>>>19 uleshort =0 \b, sectors %u=0 (usual Fat32)
+>>>>>21 ubyte >0xF0 \b, Media descriptor 0x%x
+#>>>>>21 ubyte =0xF0 \b, Media descriptor 0x%x (usual floppy)
+>>>>>21 ubyte <0xF0 \b, Media descriptor 0x%x
+>>>>>22 uleshort >0 \b, sectors/FAT %u
+#>>>>>22 uleshort =0 \b, sectors/FAT %u=0 (usual Fat32)
+>>>>>24 uleshort x \b, sectors/track %u
+>>>>>26 ubyte >2 \b, heads %u
+#>>>>>26 ubyte =2 \b, heads %u (usual floppy)
+>>>>>26 ubyte =1 \b, heads %u
+# valid only for sector sizes with more then 32 Bytes
+>>>>>11 uleshort >32
+# skip for Digital Research DOS (version 3.41) 1440 kB Bootdisk
+>>>>>>38 ubyte !0x70
+>>>>>>>28 ulelong >0 \b, hidden sectors %u
+#>>>>>>>28 ulelong =0 \b, hidden sectors %u (usual floppy)
+>>>>>>>32 ulelong >0 \b, sectors %u (volumes > 32 MB)
+#>>>>>>>32 ulelong =0 \b, sectors %u (volumes > 32 MB)
+# FAT<32 bit specific
+>>>>>>>82 string !FAT32
+#>>>>>>>>36 ubyte 0x80 \b, physical drive 0x%x=0x80 (usual harddisk)
+#>>>>>>>>36 ubyte 0 \b, physical drive 0x%x=0 (usual floppy)
+>>>>>>>>36 ubyte !0x80
+>>>>>>>>>36 ubyte !0 \b, physical drive 0x%x
+>>>>>>>>37 ubyte >0 \b, reserved 0x%x
+#>>>>>>>>37 ubyte =0 \b, reserved 0x%x
+# value is 0x80 for NTFS
+>>>>>>>>38 ubyte !0x29 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
+>>>>>>>>38 ubyte =0x29
+>>>>>>>>>39 ulelong x \b, serial number 0x%x
+>>>>>>>>>43 string <NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
+>>>>>>>>>43 string >NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
+>>>>>>>>>43 string =NO\ NAME \b, unlabeled
+# there exist some old floppies without word FAT at offset 54
+# a word like "FATnm " is only a hint for a FAT size on nm-bits
+# Normally the number of clusters is calculated by the values of BPP.
+# if it is small enough FAT is 12 bit, if it is too big enough FAT is 32 bit,
+# otherwise FAT is 16 bit.
+# http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/determining-fat-widths.html
+>>>>>>54 string FAT \b, FAT
+>>>>>>>54 string FAT12 \b (12 bit)
+>>>>>>>54 string FAT16 \b (16 bit)
+# FAT32 bit specific
+>>>>>82 string FAT32 \b, FAT (32 bit)
+>>>>>>36 ulelong x \b, sectors/FAT %u
+# http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc977221.aspx
+>>>>>>40 uleshort >0 \b, extension flags 0x%x
+#>>>>>>40 uleshort =0 \b, extension flags %u
+>>>>>>42 uleshort >0 \b, fsVersion %u
+#>>>>>>42 uleshort =0 \b, fsVersion %u (usual)
+>>>>>>44 ulelong >2 \b, rootdir cluster %u
+#>>>>>>44 ulelong =2 \b, rootdir cluster %u
+#>>>>>>44 ulelong =1 \b, rootdir cluster %u
+>>>>>>48 uleshort >1 \b, infoSector %u
+#>>>>>>48 uleshort =1 \b, infoSector %u (usual)
+>>>>>>48 uleshort <1 \b, infoSector %u
+>>>>>>50 uleshort >6 \b, Backup boot sector %u
+#>>>>>>50 uleshort =6 \b, Backup boot sector %u (usual)
+>>>>>>50 uleshort <6 \b, Backup boot sector %u
+# corrected by Joerg Jenderek at Feb 2011 according to http://thestarman.pcministry.com/asm/mbr/MSWIN41.htm#FSINFO
+>>>>>>52 ulelong >0 \b, reserved1 0x%x
+>>>>>>56 ulelong >0 \b, reserved2 0x%x
+>>>>>>60 ulelong >0 \b, reserved3 0x%x
+# same structure as FAT1X
+#>>>>>>64 ubyte =0x80 \b, physical drive 0x%x=80 (usual harddisk)
+#>>>>>>64 ubyte =0 \b, physical drive 0x%x=0 (usual floppy)
+>>>>>>64 ubyte !0x80
+>>>>>>>64 ubyte >0 \b, physical drive 0x%x
+# in Windows NT bit 0 is a dirty flag to request chkdsk at boot time. bit 1 requests surface scan too
+>>>>>>65 ubyte >0 \b, reserved 0x%x
+>>>>>>66 ubyte !0x29 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
+>>>>>>66 ubyte =0x29
+>>>>>>>67 ulelong x \b, serial number 0x%x
+>>>>>>>71 string <NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
+>>>>>>>71 string >NO\ NAME \b, label: "%11.11s"
+>>>>>>>71 string =NO\ NAME \b, unlabeled
+# additional tests for floppy image added by Joerg Jenderek
+# no fixed disk
+>>>>>21 ubyte !0xF8
+# floppy media with 12 bit FAT
+>>>>>>54 string !FAT16
+# test for FAT after bootsector
+>>>>>>>(11.s) ulelong&0x00ffffF0 0x00ffffF0 \b, followed by FAT
+# floppy image
+!:mime application/x-ima
+# NTFS specific added by Joerg Jenderek at Mar 2011 according to http://thestarman.pcministry.com/asm/mbr/NTFSBR.htm
+# and http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/bios-parameter-block.html
+# 0 FATs
+>>>>>16 ubyte =0
+# 0 root entries
+>>>>>>17 uleshort =0
+# 0 DOS sectors
+>>>>>>>19 uleshort =0
+# 0 sectors/FAT
+# dos < 4.0 BootSector value found is 0x80
+#38 ubyte =0x80 \b, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x%x)
+>>>>>>>>22 uleshort =0 \b; NTFS
+>>>>>>>>>24 uleshort >0 \b, sectors/track %u
+>>>>>>>>>36 ulelong !0x800080 \b, physical drive 0x%x
+>>>>>>>>>40 ulequad >0 \b, sectors %lld
+>>>>>>>>>48 ulequad >0 \b, $MFT start cluster %lld
+>>>>>>>>>56 ulequad >0 \b, $MFTMirror start cluster %lld
+# Values 0 to 127 represent MFT record sizes of 0 to 127 clusters.
+# Values 128 to 255 represent MFT record sizes of 2^(256-N) bytes.
+>>>>>>>>>64 lelong <256
+>>>>>>>>>>64 lelong <128 \b, clusters/RecordSegment %d
+>>>>>>>>>>64 ubyte >127 \b, bytes/RecordSegment 2^(-1*%hhi)
+# Values 0 to 127 represent index block sizes of 0 to 127 clusters.
+# Values 128 to 255 represent index block sizes of 2^(256-N) byte
+>>>>>>>>>68 ulelong <256
+>>>>>>>>>>68 ulelong <128 \b, clusters/index block %d
+#>>>>>>>>>>68 ulelong >127 \b, bytes/index block 2^(256-%d)
+>>>>>>>>>>68 ubyte >127 \b, bytes/index block 2^(-1*%hhi)
+>>>>>>>>>72 ulequad x \b, serial number 0%llx
+>>>>>>>>>80 ulelong >0 \b, checksum 0x%x
+#>>>>>>>>>80 ulelong =0 \b, checksum 0x%x=0 (usual)
+>>>>>>>>>0x258 ulelong&0x00009090 =0x00009090
+>>>>>>>>>>&-92 indirect x \b; contains
+### DOS boot sector end
9564 lelong 0x00011954 Unix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian),
>8404 string x last mounted on %s,
#>9504 ledate x last checked at %s,