?? ??? 20??, PHP 5.3.0
-- Add new error mode E_DEPRECATED that informs about stuff that gets dropped in
- later PHP versions. (Lars Strojny, Felipe, Marcus)
+- Removed the experimental RPL (master/slave) functions from mysqli. (Andrey)
+- Added new error mode E_DEPRECATED which is used to inform about stuff to be
+ dropped in future PHP versions. (Lars Strojny, Felipe, Marcus)
- Added and improved PHP syntax and semantics:
. Added NOWDOC. (Gwynne Raskind, Stas, Dmitry)
. Added "?:" operator. (Marcus)
. Added __DIR__ constant. (Lars Strojny)
- Added new date/time functionality: (Derick)
. date_parse_from_format(): Parse date/time strings according to a format.
. date_create_from_format()/DateTime::createFromFormat(): Create a date/time
. Added FilesystemIterator. (Marcus)
. Added GlobIterator. (Marcus)
. Added SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplPriorityQueue classes. (Etienne)
-- Add the ReflectionProperty::setAccessible() method that allows non-public
+- Added ReflectionProperty::setAccessible() method that allows non-public
property's values to be read through ::getValue(). (Derick)
- Added ability to use Traversable objects instead of plain arrays in ext/soap.
(Joshua Reese, Dmitry)
-- Added stream_supports_lock() function. (Benjamin Schulz)
- Added msg_queue_exists() function. (Benjamin Schulz)
- Added 3 Firebird specific attributes that can be set via PDO::setAttribute()
to control formatting of date/timestamp columns: PDO::FB_ATTR_DATE_FORMAT,
- Added OCI8 SQLT_AFC (aka CHAR datatype) support to oci_bind_by_name
(Chris Jones)
-- Removed the experimental RPL (master/slave) functions from mysqli. (Andrey)
- Improved PHP runtime speed and memory usage:
. Added garbage collector. (David Wang, Dmitry).
. Improved PHP binary size and startup speed with GCC4 visibility control.
. Added CGI SAPI -T option which can be used to measure execution
time of script repeated several times. (Dmitry)
- Improved streams:
+ . Added stream_supports_lock() function. (Benjamin Schulz)
. Added "ignore_errors" option to http fopen wrapper. (David Zulke, Sara)
. Added context parameter for copy() function. (Sara)
. Added "glob" stream wrapper. (Marcus)
. Added support for OpenSSL digest functions
. Added support for OpenSSL cipher functions
. Added access to internal values of DSA, RSA and DH keys
-- Improved md5() implementation (Solar Designer, Dmitry)
-- Upgraded bundled sqlite to version 3.5.6 (Scott)
+- Improved md5() implementation. (Solar Designer, Dmitry)
+- Upgraded bundled sqlite to version 3.5.6. (Scott)
- Fixed html_entity_decode() incorrectly converting numeric html entities
to different characters with cp1251 and cp866. (Scott)
- Fixed possible crash in ext/soap because of uninitialized value. (Zdash Urf)
- Fixed PECL bug #12431 (OCI8 ping functionality is broken). (Oracle Corp.)
- Fixed bug #43960 (strtotime() returns timestamp in the future when given a
bogus string).
- Fixed bug #43808 (date_create never fails (even when it should)). (Derick)