return new_count - old_count;
+ * pop_clear_cache - delete all cached messages
+ * @param pop_data POP server data
+ */
+static void pop_clear_cache(struct PopData *pop_data)
+ if (!pop_data->clear_cache)
+ return;
+ mutt_debug(1, "delete cached messages\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < POP_CACHE_LEN; i++)
+ {
+ if (pop_data->cache[i].path)
+ {
+ unlink(pop_data->cache[i].path);
+ FREE(&pop_data->cache[i].path);
+ }
+ }
+ * pop_fetch_mail - Fetch messages and save them in $spoolfile
+ */
+void pop_fetch_mail(void)
+ char buffer[LONG_STRING];
+ char msgbuf[SHORT_STRING];
+ char *url = NULL, *p = NULL;
+ int delanswer, last = 0, msgs, bytes, rset = 0, ret;
+ struct Connection *conn = NULL;
+ struct Message *msg = NULL;
+ struct ConnAccount acct;
+ struct PopData *pop_data = NULL;
+ if (!PopHost)
+ {
+ mutt_error(_("POP host is not defined"));
+ return;
+ }
+ p = mutt_mem_calloc(strlen(PopHost) + 7, sizeof(char));
+ url = p;
+ if (url_check_scheme(PopHost) == U_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ strcpy(url, "pop://");
+ p = strchr(url, '\0');
+ }
+ strcpy(p, PopHost);
+ ret = pop_parse_path(url, &acct);
+ FREE(&url);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ mutt_error(_("%s is an invalid POP path"), PopHost);
+ return;
+ }
+ conn = mutt_conn_find(NULL, &acct);
+ if (!conn)
+ return;
+ pop_data = mutt_mem_calloc(1, sizeof(struct PopData));
+ pop_data->conn = conn;
+ if (pop_open_connection(pop_data) < 0)
+ {
+ mutt_socket_free(pop_data->conn);
+ FREE(&pop_data);
+ return;
+ }
+ conn->data = pop_data;
+ mutt_message(_("Checking for new messages..."));
+ /* find out how many messages are in the mailbox. */
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "STAT\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
+ ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ if (ret == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ if (ret == -2)
+ {
+ mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ sscanf(buffer, "+OK %d %d", &msgs, &bytes);
+ /* only get unread messages */
+ if (msgs > 0 && PopLast)
+ {
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "LAST\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
+ ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ if (ret == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ if (ret == 0)
+ sscanf(buffer, "+OK %d", &last);
+ }
+ if (msgs <= last)
+ {
+ mutt_message(_("No new mail in POP mailbox"));
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ struct Context *ctx = mx_mbox_open(Spoolfile, MUTT_APPEND);
+ if (!ctx)
+ goto finish;
+ delanswer = query_quadoption(PopDelete, _("Delete messages from server?"));
+ snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf),
+ ngettext("Reading new messages (%d byte)...",
+ "Reading new messages (%d bytes)...", bytes),
+ bytes);
+ mutt_message("%s", msgbuf);
+ for (int i = last + 1; i <= msgs; i++)
+ {
+ msg = mx_msg_open_new(ctx, NULL, MUTT_ADD_FROM);
+ if (!msg)
+ ret = -3;
+ else
+ {
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "RETR %d\r\n", i);
+ ret = pop_fetch_data(pop_data, buffer, NULL, fetch_message, msg->fp);
+ if (ret == -3)
+ rset = 1;
+ if (ret == 0 && mx_msg_commit(ctx, msg) != 0)
+ {
+ rset = 1;
+ ret = -3;
+ }
+ mx_msg_close(ctx, &msg);
+ }
+ if (ret == 0 && delanswer == MUTT_YES)
+ {
+ /* delete the message on the server */
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "DELE %d\r\n", i);
+ ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ }
+ if (ret == -1)
+ {
+ mx_mbox_close(&ctx, NULL);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (ret == -2)
+ {
+ mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret == -3)
+ {
+ mutt_error(_("Error while writing mailbox"));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* L10N: The plural is picked by the second numerical argument, i.e.
+ * the %d right before 'messages', i.e. the total number of messages. */
+ mutt_message(ngettext("%s [%d of %d message read]",
+ "%s [%d of %d messages read]", msgs - last),
+ msgbuf, i - last, msgs - last);
+ }
+ mx_mbox_close(&ctx, NULL);
+ if (rset)
+ {
+ /* make sure no messages get deleted */
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "RSET\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
+ if (pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* exit gracefully */
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
+ if (pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ mutt_socket_close(conn);
+ FREE(&pop_data);
+ return;
+ mutt_error(_("Server closed connection"));
+ mutt_socket_close(conn);
+ FREE(&pop_data);
* pop_mbox_open - open POP mailbox, fetch only headers
* @param ctx Mailbox
- * pop_clear_cache - delete all cached messages
- * @param pop_data POP server data
- */
-static void pop_clear_cache(struct PopData *pop_data)
- if (!pop_data->clear_cache)
- return;
- mutt_debug(1, "delete cached messages\n");
- for (int i = 0; i < POP_CACHE_LEN; i++)
- {
- if (pop_data->cache[i].path)
- {
- unlink(pop_data->cache[i].path);
- FREE(&pop_data->cache[i].path);
- }
- }
- * pop_mbox_close - close POP mailbox
- * @param ctx Mailbox
- * @retval 0 Always
+ * pop_mbox_check - Check for new messages and fetch headers
+ * @param ctx Mailbox
+ * @param index_hint Current Message
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Failure
-static int pop_mbox_close(struct Context *ctx)
+static int pop_mbox_check(struct Context *ctx, int *index_hint)
+ int ret;
struct PopData *pop_data = ctx->mailbox->data;
- if (!pop_data)
+ if ((pop_data->check_time + PopCheckinterval) > time(NULL))
return 0;
- if (pop_data->status != POP_NONE)
- mutt_socket_close(pop_data->conn);
+ mutt_socket_close(pop_data->conn);
- pop_data->status = POP_NONE;
+ if (pop_open_connection(pop_data) < 0)
+ return -1;
- pop_data->clear_cache = true;
+ ctx->mailbox->size = pop_data->size;
+ mutt_message(_("Checking for new messages..."));
+ ret = pop_fetch_headers(ctx);
- if (!pop_data->conn->data)
- mutt_socket_free(pop_data->conn);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return -1;
- mutt_bcache_close(&pop_data->bcache);
+ if (ret > 0)
+ return MUTT_NEW_MAIL;
return 0;
- * pop_msg_open - fetch message from POP server
- * @param ctx Mailbox
- * @param msg Message
- * @param msgno Message number
+ * pop_mbox_sync - update POP mailbox, delete messages from server
+ * @param ctx Mailbox
+ * @param index_hint Current Message
* @retval 0 Success
* @retval -1 Failure
-static int pop_msg_open(struct Context *ctx, struct Message *msg, int msgno)
+static int pop_mbox_sync(struct Context *ctx, int *index_hint)
+ int i, j, ret = 0;
+ char buf[LONG_STRING];
+ struct PopData *pop_data = ctx->mailbox->data;
+ struct Progress progress;
+#ifdef USE_HCACHE
+ header_cache_t *hc = NULL;
+ pop_data->check_time = 0;
+ int num_deleted = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < ctx->mailbox->msg_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->deleted)
+ num_deleted++;
+ }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (pop_reconnect(ctx->mailbox) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ mutt_progress_init(&progress, _("Marking messages deleted..."),
+ MUTT_PROGRESS_MSG, WriteInc, num_deleted);
+#ifdef USE_HCACHE
+ hc = pop_hcache_open(pop_data, ctx->mailbox->path);
+ for (i = 0, j = 0, ret = 0; ret == 0 && i < ctx->mailbox->msg_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->deleted && ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->refno != -1)
+ {
+ j++;
+ if (!ctx->mailbox->quiet)
+ mutt_progress_update(&progress, j, -1);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DELE %d\r\n", ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->refno);
+ ret = pop_query(pop_data, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ mutt_bcache_del(pop_data->bcache, cache_id(ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data));
+#ifdef USE_HCACHE
+ mutt_hcache_delete(hc, ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data,
+ strlen(ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data));
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef USE_HCACHE
+ if (ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->changed)
+ {
+ mutt_hcache_store(hc, ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data,
+ strlen(ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data), ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i], 0);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef USE_HCACHE
+ mutt_hcache_close(hc);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ mutt_str_strfcpy(buf, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof(buf));
+ ret = pop_query(pop_data, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ pop_data->clear_cache = true;
+ pop_clear_cache(pop_data);
+ pop_data->status = POP_DISCONNECTED;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (ret == -2)
+ {
+ mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ * pop_mbox_close - close POP mailbox
+ * @param ctx Mailbox
+ * @retval 0 Always
+ */
+static int pop_mbox_close(struct Context *ctx)
+ struct PopData *pop_data = ctx->mailbox->data;
+ if (!pop_data)
+ return 0;
+ pop_logout(ctx->mailbox);
+ if (pop_data->status != POP_NONE)
+ mutt_socket_close(pop_data->conn);
+ pop_data->status = POP_NONE;
+ pop_data->clear_cache = true;
+ pop_clear_cache(pop_data);
+ if (!pop_data->conn->data)
+ mutt_socket_free(pop_data->conn);
+ mutt_bcache_close(&pop_data->bcache);
+ return 0;
+ * pop_msg_open - fetch message from POP server
+ * @param ctx Mailbox
+ * @param msg Message
+ * @param msgno Message number
+ * @retval 0 Success
+ * @retval -1 Failure
+ */
+static int pop_msg_open(struct Context *ctx, struct Message *msg, int msgno)
void *uidl = NULL;
char buf[LONG_STRING];
return mutt_file_fclose(&msg->fp);
- * pop_mbox_sync - update POP mailbox, delete messages from server
- * @param ctx Mailbox
- * @param index_hint Current Message
- * @retval 0 Success
- * @retval -1 Failure
- */
-static int pop_mbox_sync(struct Context *ctx, int *index_hint)
- int i, j, ret = 0;
- char buf[LONG_STRING];
- struct PopData *pop_data = ctx->mailbox->data;
- struct Progress progress;
-#ifdef USE_HCACHE
- header_cache_t *hc = NULL;
- pop_data->check_time = 0;
- int num_deleted = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->mailbox->msg_count; i++)
- {
- if (ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->deleted)
- num_deleted++;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- if (pop_reconnect(ctx->mailbox) < 0)
- return -1;
- mutt_progress_init(&progress, _("Marking messages deleted..."),
- MUTT_PROGRESS_MSG, WriteInc, num_deleted);
-#ifdef USE_HCACHE
- hc = pop_hcache_open(pop_data, ctx->mailbox->path);
- for (i = 0, j = 0, ret = 0; ret == 0 && i < ctx->mailbox->msg_count; i++)
- {
- if (ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->deleted && ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->refno != -1)
- {
- j++;
- if (!ctx->mailbox->quiet)
- mutt_progress_update(&progress, j, -1);
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DELE %d\r\n", ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->refno);
- ret = pop_query(pop_data, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (ret == 0)
- {
- mutt_bcache_del(pop_data->bcache, cache_id(ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data));
-#ifdef USE_HCACHE
- mutt_hcache_delete(hc, ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data,
- strlen(ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data));
- }
- }
-#ifdef USE_HCACHE
- if (ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->changed)
- {
- mutt_hcache_store(hc, ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data,
- strlen(ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i]->data), ctx->mailbox->hdrs[i], 0);
- }
- }
-#ifdef USE_HCACHE
- mutt_hcache_close(hc);
- if (ret == 0)
- {
- mutt_str_strfcpy(buf, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof(buf));
- ret = pop_query(pop_data, buf, sizeof(buf));
- }
- if (ret == 0)
- {
- pop_data->clear_cache = true;
- pop_clear_cache(pop_data);
- pop_data->status = POP_DISCONNECTED;
- return 0;
- }
- if (ret == -2)
- {
- mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- * pop_mbox_check - Check for new messages and fetch headers
- * @param ctx Mailbox
- * @param index_hint Current Message
- * @retval 0 Success
- * @retval -1 Failure
- */
-static int pop_mbox_check(struct Context *ctx, int *index_hint)
- int ret;
- struct PopData *pop_data = ctx->mailbox->data;
- if ((pop_data->check_time + PopCheckinterval) > time(NULL))
- return 0;
- pop_logout(ctx->mailbox);
- mutt_socket_close(pop_data->conn);
- if (pop_open_connection(pop_data) < 0)
- return -1;
- ctx->mailbox->size = pop_data->size;
- mutt_message(_("Checking for new messages..."));
- ret = pop_fetch_headers(ctx);
- pop_clear_cache(pop_data);
- if (ret < 0)
- return -1;
- if (ret > 0)
- return MUTT_NEW_MAIL;
- return 0;
- * pop_fetch_mail - Fetch messages and save them in $spoolfile
- */
-void pop_fetch_mail(void)
- char buffer[LONG_STRING];
- char msgbuf[SHORT_STRING];
- char *url = NULL, *p = NULL;
- int delanswer, last = 0, msgs, bytes, rset = 0, ret;
- struct Connection *conn = NULL;
- struct Message *msg = NULL;
- struct ConnAccount acct;
- struct PopData *pop_data = NULL;
- if (!PopHost)
- {
- mutt_error(_("POP host is not defined"));
- return;
- }
- p = mutt_mem_calloc(strlen(PopHost) + 7, sizeof(char));
- url = p;
- if (url_check_scheme(PopHost) == U_UNKNOWN)
- {
- strcpy(url, "pop://");
- p = strchr(url, '\0');
- }
- strcpy(p, PopHost);
- ret = pop_parse_path(url, &acct);
- FREE(&url);
- if (ret)
- {
- mutt_error(_("%s is an invalid POP path"), PopHost);
- return;
- }
- conn = mutt_conn_find(NULL, &acct);
- if (!conn)
- return;
- pop_data = mutt_mem_calloc(1, sizeof(struct PopData));
- pop_data->conn = conn;
- if (pop_open_connection(pop_data) < 0)
- {
- mutt_socket_free(pop_data->conn);
- FREE(&pop_data);
- return;
- }
- conn->data = pop_data;
- mutt_message(_("Checking for new messages..."));
- /* find out how many messages are in the mailbox. */
- mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "STAT\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
- ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if (ret == -1)
- goto fail;
- if (ret == -2)
- {
- mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
- goto finish;
- }
- sscanf(buffer, "+OK %d %d", &msgs, &bytes);
- /* only get unread messages */
- if (msgs > 0 && PopLast)
- {
- mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "LAST\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
- ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if (ret == -1)
- goto fail;
- if (ret == 0)
- sscanf(buffer, "+OK %d", &last);
- }
- if (msgs <= last)
- {
- mutt_message(_("No new mail in POP mailbox"));
- goto finish;
- }
- struct Context *ctx = mx_mbox_open(Spoolfile, MUTT_APPEND);
- if (!ctx)
- goto finish;
- delanswer = query_quadoption(PopDelete, _("Delete messages from server?"));
- snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf),
- ngettext("Reading new messages (%d byte)...",
- "Reading new messages (%d bytes)...", bytes),
- bytes);
- mutt_message("%s", msgbuf);
- for (int i = last + 1; i <= msgs; i++)
- {
- msg = mx_msg_open_new(ctx, NULL, MUTT_ADD_FROM);
- if (!msg)
- ret = -3;
- else
- {
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "RETR %d\r\n", i);
- ret = pop_fetch_data(pop_data, buffer, NULL, fetch_message, msg->fp);
- if (ret == -3)
- rset = 1;
- if (ret == 0 && mx_msg_commit(ctx, msg) != 0)
- {
- rset = 1;
- ret = -3;
- }
- mx_msg_close(ctx, &msg);
- }
- if (ret == 0 && delanswer == MUTT_YES)
- {
- /* delete the message on the server */
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "DELE %d\r\n", i);
- ret = pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- }
- if (ret == -1)
- {
- mx_mbox_close(&ctx, NULL);
- goto fail;
- }
- if (ret == -2)
- {
- mutt_error("%s", pop_data->err_msg);
- break;
- }
- if (ret == -3)
- {
- mutt_error(_("Error while writing mailbox"));
- break;
- }
- /* L10N: The plural is picked by the second numerical argument, i.e.
- * the %d right before 'messages', i.e. the total number of messages. */
- mutt_message(ngettext("%s [%d of %d message read]",
- "%s [%d of %d messages read]", msgs - last),
- msgbuf, i - last, msgs - last);
- }
- mx_mbox_close(&ctx, NULL);
- if (rset)
- {
- /* make sure no messages get deleted */
- mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "RSET\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
- if (pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == -1)
- goto fail;
- }
- /* exit gracefully */
- mutt_str_strfcpy(buffer, "QUIT\r\n", sizeof(buffer));
- if (pop_query(pop_data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == -1)
- goto fail;
- mutt_socket_close(conn);
- FREE(&pop_data);
- return;
- mutt_error(_("Server closed connection"));
- mutt_socket_close(conn);
- FREE(&pop_data);
* pop_path_probe - Is this a POP mailbox? - Implements MxOps::path_probe()