--- /dev/null
+# Frontend for ejabberd's extract_translations.erl
+# by Badlop
+# last updated: 18 November 2005
+while [ "$1" != "" ]
+ case "$1" in
+ -help)
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -lang LANGUAGE"
+ echo " -src FULL_PATH_EJABBERD"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Example:"
+ echo " ./prepare-translation.sh -lang es -src /home/admin/ejabberd"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -lang)
+ # This is the languaje to be extracted
+ LANGU=$2
+ shift
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -src)
+ # This is the path to the ejabberd source dir
+ EJA_DIR=$2
+ shift
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "unknown option: '$1 $2'"
+ shift
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Where is Erlang binary
+ERL=`which erl`
+if !([[ -n $EJA_DIR ]])
+echo "ejabberd dir does not exist: $EJA_DIR"
+if !([[ -x $EXTRACT_BEAM ]])
+echo -n "Compiling extract_translations.erl: "
+sh -c "cd $EXTRACT_DIR; $ERL -compile $EXTRACT_ERL"
+echo ""
+echo -n "Extracting language strings for '$LANGU':"
+echo -n " new..."
+sh -c "cd $SRC_DIR; $ERL
+-s extract_translations
+-extra . $MSGS_PATH >$MSGS_PATH.new"
+echo -n " old..."
+sh -c "cd $SRC_DIR; $ERL
+-s extract_translations
+-extra -unused . $MSGS_PATH >$MSGS_PATH.unused"
+echo "" >>$MSGS_PATH2
+cat $MSGS_PATH.new >>$MSGS_PATH2
+rm $MSGS_PATH.new
+echo "" >>$MSGS_PATH2
+cat $MSGS_PATH.unused >>$MSGS_PATH2
+rm $MSGS_PATH.unused
+echo " ok"
+echo ""
+echo "Process completed."
+echo ""
+echo " A new file has been created for you, with the current, the new and the deprecated strings:"
+echo " $MSGS_PATH2"
+echo ""
+echo " At the end of that file you will find the strings you must update:"
+echo " - Untranslated strings are like this: {"March", ""}."
+echo " To translate the string, add the text inside the commas. Example:"
+echo " {"March", "Marzo"}."
+echo " - Old strings that are not used: "Woowoa""
+echo " Search the entire file for those strings and remove them"
+echo ""
+echo " Once you have translated all the strings and removed all the old ones,"
+echo " rename the file to overwrite the previous one:"
+echo " $MSGS_PATH"