-1, 20, -1, 70, -1, 10, 0, 20, -1, 10, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
+ // When calendar uses hebr numbering (i.e. he@calendar=hebrew),
+ // offset the years within the current millenium down to 1-999
+ private static final int HEBREW_CAL_CUR_MILLENIUM_START_YEAR = 5000;
+ private static final int HEBREW_CAL_CUR_MILLENIUM_END_YEAR = 6000;
* The version of the serialized data on the stream. Possible values:
// else fall through to numeric year handling, do not break here
case 1: // 'y' - YEAR
case 18: // 'Y' - YEAR_WOY
+ if ( override != null && (override.compareTo("hebr") == 0 || override.indexOf("y=hebr") >= 0) &&
+ }
/* According to the specification, if the number of pattern letters ('y') is 2,
* the year is truncated to 2 digits; otherwise it is interpreted as a number.
* But the original code process 'y', 'yy', 'yyy' in the same way. and process
// is treated literally: "2250", "-1", "1", "002".
/* 'yy' is the only special case, 'y' is interpreted as number. [Richard/GCL]*/
/* Skip this for Chinese calendar, moved from ChineseDateFormat */
- if (count == 2 && (pos.getIndex() - start) == 2 && !cal.getType().equals("chinese")
+ if ( override != null && (override.compareTo("hebr") == 0 || override.indexOf("y=hebr") >= 0) && value < 1000 ) {
+ } else if (count == 2 && (pos.getIndex() - start) == 2 && !cal.getType().equals("chinese")
&& UCharacter.isDigit(text.charAt(start))
&& UCharacter.isDigit(text.charAt(start+1)))
+ public void TestNonGregoFmtParse() {
+ class CalAndFmtTestItem {
+ public int year;
+ public int month;
+ public int day;
+ public int hour;
+ public int minute;
+ public String formattedDate;
+ // Simple constructor
+ public CalAndFmtTestItem(int yr, int mo, int da, int hr, int mi, String fd) {
+ year = yr;
+ month = mo;
+ day = da;
+ hour = hr;
+ minute = mi;
+ formattedDate = fd;
+ }
+ };
+ // test items for he@calendar=hebrew, long date format
+ final CalAndFmtTestItem[] cafti_he_hebrew_long = {
+ // yr mo da hr mi formattedDate
+ new CalAndFmtTestItem( 4999, 12, 29, 12, 0, "\u05DB\u05F4\u05D8 \u05D1\u05D0\u05DC\u05D5\u05DC \u05D3\u05F3\u05EA\u05EA\u05E7\u05E6\u05F4\u05D8" ),
+ new CalAndFmtTestItem( 5100, 0, 1, 12, 0, "\u05D0\u05F3 \u05D1\u05EA\u05E9\u05E8\u05D9 \u05E7\u05F3" ),
+ new CalAndFmtTestItem( 5774, 5, 1, 12, 0, "\u05D0\u05F3 \u05D1\u05D0\u05D3\u05E8 \u05D0\u05F3 \u05EA\u05E9\u05E2\u05F4\u05D3" ),
+ new CalAndFmtTestItem( 5999, 12, 29, 12, 0, "\u05DB\u05F4\u05D8 \u05D1\u05D0\u05DC\u05D5\u05DC \u05EA\u05EA\u05E7\u05E6\u05F4\u05D8" ),
+ new CalAndFmtTestItem( 6100, 0, 1, 12, 0, "\u05D0\u05F3 \u05D1\u05EA\u05E9\u05E8\u05D9 \u05D5\u05F3\u05E7\u05F3" ),
+ };
+ class TestNonGregoItem {
+ public String locale;
+ public int style;
+ public CalAndFmtTestItem[] caftItems;
+ // Simple constructor
+ public TestNonGregoItem(String loc, int styl, CalAndFmtTestItem[] items) {
+ locale = loc;
+ style = styl;
+ caftItems = items;
+ }
+ };
+ final TestNonGregoItem[] items = {
+ new TestNonGregoItem( "he@calendar=hebrew", DateFormat.LONG, cafti_he_hebrew_long ),
+ };
+ for (TestNonGregoItem item: items) {
+ ULocale locale = new ULocale(item.locale);
+ DateFormat dfmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(item.style, locale);
+ Calendar cal = dfmt.getCalendar();
+ for (CalAndFmtTestItem caftItem: item.caftItems) {
+ cal.clear();
+ cal.set(caftItem.year, caftItem.month, caftItem.day, caftItem.hour, caftItem.minute, 0);
+ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
+ FieldPosition fpos = new FieldPosition(0);
+ dfmt.format(cal, result, fpos);
+ if (result.toString().compareTo(caftItem.formattedDate) != 0) {
+ errln("FAIL: date format for locale " + item.locale + ", style " + item.style +
+ ", expected \"" + caftItem.formattedDate + "\", got \"" + result + "\"");
+ } else {
+ // formatted OK, try parse
+ ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
+ dfmt.parse(result.toString(), cal, ppos);
+ int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
+ int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
+ int day = cal.get(Calendar.DATE);
+ if ( ppos.getIndex() < result.length() || year != caftItem.year || month != caftItem.month || day != caftItem.day) {
+ errln("FAIL: date parse for locale " + item.locale + ", style " + item.style +
+ ", string \"" + result + "\", expected " + caftItem.year+"-"+caftItem.month+"-"+caftItem.day +
+ ", got pos " + ppos.getIndex() + " "+year+"-"+month+"-"+day );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
public void TestTwoDigitWOY() { // See ICU Ticket #8514
String dateText = new String("98MON01");
StringBuffer result1 = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition fpos1 = new FieldPosition(0);
sdfmt.format(cal, contextValues, result1, fpos1);
- if (result1.toString().compareTo(item.expectedFormat) != 0) {
- errln("FAIL: format (per-call context) for locale " + item.locale + ", capitalizationContext " + item.capitalizationContext +
- ", expected \"" + item.expectedFormat + "\", got \"" + result1 + "\"");
+ if (result1.toString().compareTo(item.expectedFormat) != 0) {
+ errln("FAIL: format (per-call context) for locale " + item.locale + ", capitalizationContext " + item.capitalizationContext +
+ ", expected \"" + item.expectedFormat + "\", got \"" + result1 + "\"");
// now try setting default context & standard format call
StringBuffer result2 = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition fpos2 = new FieldPosition(0);
sdfmt.format(cal, result2, fpos2);
- if (result2.toString().compareTo(item.expectedFormat) != 0) {
- errln("FAIL: format (default context) for locale " + item.locale + ", capitalizationContext " + item.capitalizationContext +
- ", expected \"" + item.expectedFormat + "\", got \"" + result2 + "\"");
+ if (result2.toString().compareTo(item.expectedFormat) != 0) {
+ errln("FAIL: format (default context) for locale " + item.locale + ", capitalizationContext " + item.capitalizationContext +
+ ", expected \"" + item.expectedFormat + "\", got \"" + result2 + "\"");
// now read back default context, make sure it is what we set
SimpleDateFormat.ContextValue capitalizationContext = sdfmt.getDefaultContext(SimpleDateFormat.ContextType.CAPITALIZATION);
if (capitalizationContext != item.capitalizationContext) {
- errln("FAIL: getDefaultContext for locale " + item.locale + ", capitalizationContext " + item.capitalizationContext +
- ", but got context " + capitalizationContext);
+ errln("FAIL: getDefaultContext for locale " + item.locale + ", capitalizationContext " + item.capitalizationContext +
+ ", but got context " + capitalizationContext);