+++ /dev/null
-# pg_upgrade: update a database without needing a full dump/reload cycle.
-# CAUTION: Read the manual page before trying to use this!
-# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/Attic/pg_upgrade,v 1.34 2002/01/13 17:52:00 momjian Exp $
-# NOTE: we must be sure to update the version-checking code a few dozen lines
-# below for each new PostgreSQL release.
-#set -x
-# Set this to "Y" to enable this program
-if [ "$ENABLE" != "Y" ]
- echo "Sorry, $0 cannot upgrade database
-version $SRC_VERSION to $DST_VERSION." 1>&2
- echo "The on-disk structure of tables has changed." 1>&2
- echo "You will need to dump and restore using pg_dumpall." 1>&2
- exit 1
-# UPGRADE_VERSION is the expected old database version
-trap "rm -f /tmp/$$.*" 0 1 2 3 15
-if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]
- if [ "X$1" = "X-1" ]
- then PHASE="1"
- shift
- elif [ "X$1" = "X-2" ]
- then PHASE="2"
- shift
- fi
-if [ "$PHASE" = "" ]
-then echo "You must run $0 in either mode 1 or mode 2." 1>&2
- echo "Usage: $0 [ -1 | -2 ]" 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -e data ]
-then echo "$0 must be run from the directory above your /data directory.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- if [ "$PHASE" -eq 2 ]
- then echo "You must run initdb to create a template1 database." 1>&2
- fi
- exit 1
- psql -d template1 -At -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database" |
- grep -v '^template0$' |
- while read DB
- do
- QUERY="`echo \" SELECT relname, oid
- FROM pg_class
- WHERE relkind = 'r' OR
- relkind = 'i' OR
- relkind = 't'\"`"
- # Don't move over 7.1 int4 sequences; use setval() file.
- # Sequence XIDs changed from 7.2beta4 to beta5; don't copy them.
- if [ "$SRC_VERSION" != "7.1" -a \
- "$SRC_VERSION" != "7.2" ]
- then QUERY="$QUERY OR relkind = 'S';";
- fi
- psql -d "$DB" -At -F' ' -c "$QUERY" |
- while read RELNAME_OID
- do
- echo "$DB $RELNAME_OID"
- done
- done
- psql -d template1 -At -F' ' -c \
- 'SELECT datname, oid FROM pg_database;' |
- grep -v '^template0$'
- # Test to make sure there is a matching file in each place
- if [ ! -e "$OLDDIR"/base/"$SRC_DBOID"/"$SRC_OID" ]
- then echo "Move of database $DB, OID $SRC_OID, object $OBJ failed.
-File not found; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -e data/base/"$DST_DBOID"/"$DST_OID" ]
- then echo "Move of database $DB, OID $DST_OID, object $OBJ failed.
-File not found; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # Move files
- mv -f "$OLDDIR"/base/"$SRC_DBOID"/"$SRC_OID" data/base/"$DST_DBOID"/"$DST_OID"
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Move of database $DB, OID $SRC_OID, object $OBJ
-to $DST_OID failed.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # handle table extents
- ls "$OLDDIR"/base/"$SRC_DBOID"/"$SRC_OID".* 2>/dev/null | while read FILE
- do
- EXT=`basename "$FILE" | sed 's/^.*\.\(.*\)$/\1/'`
- mv -f "$FILE" data/base/"$DST_DBOID"/"$DST_OID"."$EXT"
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Move of database $DB, OID $SRC_OID, object $OBJ
-to $DST_OID failed.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
-if [ "$PHASE" -eq 1 ]
- ##########################
- # Phase 1 starts here #
- ##########################
- if [ ! -d data/base/1 ]
- then echo "There is no database template1 in data/base." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # get version
- if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "" ]
- then echo "$0 can not find PostgreSQL version file 'data/PG_VERSION'.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ "$SRC_VERSION" != "$CUR_VERSION" -a \
- then echo
- "$0 supports versions $UPGRADE_VERSION and $CUR_VERSION only." 1>&2
- echo
- "However, your database is version $SRC_VERSION;
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- echo "You will need to dump and restore using pg_dumpall." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # Start server, if needed, so we can do some work.
- if ! pg_ctl status | head -1 | grep -q "is running"
- then pg_ctl -w start
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Can not start server.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # create directory for our data
- rm -rf "$INFODIR"
- mkdir "$INFODIR"
- chmod og-rwx "$INFODIR"
- # Dump schema
- pg_dumpall -s |
- awk -F' *' '
- {
- # Modify sequences with int8 maximums if we are upgrading from 7.1.
- if ("'"$SRC_VERSION"'" == "7.1" &&
- $1 == "CREATE" &&
- $2 == "SEQUENCE" &&
- # handle OS rounding
- $9 >= 2147483646 &&
- $9 <= 2147483648)
- {
- for(i=1; i <= NF; i++)
- {
- if (i != 9)
- printf "%s ", $i;
- else
- printf "%s ", "9223372036854775807";
- }
- print "";
- }
- else print $0;
- }' > "$INFODIR"/schema
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Can not dump schema.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # Generate mappings for database
- make_dboidmap > "$INFODIR"/dboidmap
- make_dbobjoidmap > "$INFODIR"/dbobjoidmap
- # Generate setval() script for 7.1 because it has int4 sequences
- # Sequence XIDs changed from 7.2beta4 to beta5; we have to recreate them.
- if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.1" -o \
- "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.2" ]
- then
- psql -d template1 -At -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database" |
- grep -v '^template0$' |
- while read DB
- do
- # We use awk as a portable way to output a backslash
- awk 'BEGIN {print "\\connect '"$DB"'"}'
- psql -d "$DB" -At -c "
- SELECT relname
- FROM pg_class
- WHERE relkind = 'S';" |
- while read SEQUENCE
- do
- VALUE=`psql -d "$DB" -At -c "SELECT last_value
- echo "SELECT setval ('$SEQUENCE', $VALUE, true);"
- done
- done > "$INFODIR"/setval
- else rm -f "$INFODIR"/setval
- fi
- # Vacuum all databases to remove exipired rows.
- # We will lose our transaction log file during the upgrade so we
- # have to do this.
- vacuumdb -a
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Can not vacuum server.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- # Stop server so we can move the directory.
- pg_ctl -w stop
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Can not stop server.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- mv data "$INFODIR"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Can not move old /data out of the way.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo
- echo
- echo "Plase 1 completed.
-Continue with the steps outlined in the $0 manual page."
- exit 0
- ##########################
- # Phase 2 starts here #
- ##########################
-# check things
-if [ ! -d "$INFODIR" ]
-then echo "There is no '$INFODIR' directory from a phase 1 run of $0." 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -e "$OLDDIR" ]
-then echo "There is no '$OLDDIR' directory from the phase 1 run of $0." 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -f "$OLDDIR/PG_VERSION" ]
-then echo "Cannot read '$OLDDIR/PG_VERSION' --- something is wrong." 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -f "data/PG_VERSION" ]
-then echo "Cannot read 'data/PG_VERSION' --- something is wrong." 1>&2
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "data/base/1" ]
-then echo "Cannot find database template1 in 'data/base'." 1>&2
- echo "Are you running $0 as the postgres superuser?" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Get the actual versions seen in the data dirs.
-# Check for version compatibility.
-# This code will need to be updated/reviewed for each new PostgreSQL release.
-if [ "$DST_VERSION" != "$CUR_VERSION" ]
-then echo "$0 is for PostgreSQL version $CUR_VERSION
-but data/PG_VERSION contains $DST_VERSION." 1>&2
- echo "Did you run initdb for version $UPGRADE_VERSION by mistake?" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Stop server for pg_resetxlog use
-if pg_ctl status | head -1 | grep -q "is running"
-then pg_ctl -w stop
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "Can no start server.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
-# check for proper pg_resetxlog version
-pg_resetxlog 2>/dev/null
-# file not found status is normally 127, not 1
-if [ "$?" -ne 1 ]
-then echo "Unable to find pg_resetxlog in path.
-Install it from pgsql/contrib/pg_resetxlog and continue.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-if ! pg_resetxlog -x 2>&1 | grep -q 'xid'
-then echo "Old version of pg_resetxlog found in path.
-Install a newer version from pgsql/contrib/pg_resetxlog.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# If the XID is > 2 billion, 7.1 database will have non-frozen XID's in
-# low numbers, and 7.2 will think they are in the future --- bad.
-SRC_XID=`pg_resetxlog -n "$OLDDIR" | grep "NextXID" | awk -F' *' '{print $4}'`
-if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.1" -a "$SRC_XID" -gt 2000000000 ]
-then echo "XID too high for $0.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-DST_XID=`pg_resetxlog -n data | grep "NextXID" | awk -F' *' '{print $4}'`
-# compare locales to make sure they match
-pg_resetxlog -n "$OLDDIR" | grep "^LC_" > /tmp/$$.0
-pg_resetxlog -n data | grep "^LC_" > /tmp/$$.1
-if ! diff /tmp/$$.0 /tmp/$$.1 >/dev/null
-then echo "Locales do not match between the two versions.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Restart postmaster
-pg_ctl -w start
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-then echo "Can not start server.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Checking done. Ready to proceed.
-# Execute the schema script to create everything
-psql template1 < "$INFODIR"/schema
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-then echo "There were errors in the input script.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
-echo "Input script complete, fixing row commit statuses..."
-# XXX do we still need this?
-# Now vacuum each result database because our movement of transaction log
-# causes some committed transactions to appear as non-committed
-vacuumdb -a
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-then echo "There were errors during VACUUM.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Generate mappings for database
-make_dboidmap > /tmp/$$.dboidmap
-make_dbobjoidmap > /tmp/$$.dbobjoidmap
-# we are done with SQL database access
-# shutdown forces buffers to disk
-pg_ctl -w stop
-if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
-then echo "Unable to stop database server.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-echo "Commit fixes complete, moving data files..."
-# Move table/index/sequence files
-cat "$INFODIR"/dbobjoidmap | while read LINE
- DB=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $1}'`
- OBJ=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $2}'`
- # Skip system tables, except for pg_largeobject
- # pg_toast tables are handled later as part of the
- # base table move
- if [ `expr "$OBJ" : 'pg_'` -eq 3 -a \
- `expr "$OBJ" : 'pg_largeobject'` -ne 14 ]
- then continue
- fi
- SRC_OID=`echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $3}'`
- SRC_DBOID=`grep "^$DB " "$INFODIR"/dboidmap | awk '{print $2}'`
- DST_DBOID=`grep "^$DB " /tmp/$$.dboidmap | awk '{print $2}'`
- DST_OID=`grep "^$DB $OBJ " /tmp/$$.dbobjoidmap | awk '{print $3}'`
- move_objfiles
- # Handle TOAST files if they exist
- if grep -q "^$DB pg_toast_$SRC_OID " "$INFODIR"/dbobjoidmap
- then # toast heap
- SRC_OID=`grep "^$DB pg_toast_$SAVE_SRC_OID " \
- "$INFODIR"/dbobjoidmap | awk '{print $3}'`
- DST_OID=`grep "^$DB pg_toast_$SAVE_DST_OID " \
- /tmp/$$.dbobjoidmap | awk '{print $3}'`
- move_objfiles
- # toast index
- SRC_OID=`grep "^$DB pg_toast_${SAVE_SRC_OID}_idx " \
- "$INFODIR"/dbobjoidmap | awk '{print $3}'`
- DST_OID=`grep "^$DB pg_toast_${SAVE_DST_OID}_idx " \
- /tmp/$$.dbobjoidmap | awk '{print $3}'`
- move_objfiles
- fi
-# Set this so future backends don't think these tuples are their own
-# because it matches their own XID.
-# Commit status already updated by vacuum above
-# Set to maximum XID just in case SRC wrapped around recently and
-# is lower than DST's database
-if [ "$SRC_XID" -gt "$DST_XID" ]
-then MAX_XID="$SRC_XID"
-else MAX_XID="$DST_XID"
-pg_resetxlog -x "$MAX_XID" data
-if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
-then echo "Unable to set new XID.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Move over old WAL
-rm -r data/pg_xlog
-mv -f "$OLDDIR"/pg_xlog data
-# Set last log file id and segment from old database
-LOG_ID=`pg_resetxlog -n "$OLDDIR" | grep "Current log file id:" |
- awk -F' *' '{print $5}'`
-if [ "$LOG_ID" = "" ]
-then echo "Unable to get old log file id.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-SEG_ID=`pg_resetxlog -n "$OLDDIR" | grep "Next log file segment:" |
- awk -F' *' '{print $5}'`
-if [ "$SEG_ID" = "" ]
-then echo "Unable to get old log segment id.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Set checkpoint location of new database
-pg_resetxlog -l "$LOG_ID" "$SEG_ID" data
-if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
-then echo "Unable to set new log file/segment id.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Restart server with moved data
-pg_ctl -w start
-if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
-then echo "Unable to restart database server.; exiting" 1>&2
- exit 1
-# Set sequence values for 7.1-version sequences, which were int4.
-if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.1" -o \
- "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.2" ]
-then echo "Set sequence values..."
- psql -d template1 -At < "$INFODIR"/setval
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then echo "There were errors during int4 sequence restore.
-$0 aborted." 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
-echo "You may remove the old database files with 'rm -r pg_upgrade'."
-exit 0