public class NumberFormatDataDrivenTest {
- private static ULocale EN = new ULocale("en");
- private static Number toNumber(String s) {
- if (s.equals("NaN")) {
- return Double.NaN;
- } else if (s.equals("-Inf")) {
- return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- } else if (s.equals("Inf")) {
- return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ private static ULocale EN = new ULocale("en");
+ private static Number toNumber(String s) {
+ if (s.equals("NaN")) {
+ return Double.NaN;
+ } else if (s.equals("-Inf")) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ } else if (s.equals("Inf")) {
+ return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ return new BigDecimal(s);
- return new BigDecimal(s);
- }
- private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU58 =
- new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
+ private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU58 = new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
public Character Id() {
- return 'J';
+ return 'J';
public String format(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- String actual = fmt.format(toNumber(tuple.format));
- String expected = tuple.output;
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- return "Expected " + expected + ", got " + actual;
- }
- return null;
+ DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ String actual = fmt.format(toNumber(tuple.format));
+ String expected = tuple.output;
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ return "Expected " + expected + ", got " + actual;
+ }
+ return null;
public String toPattern(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- if (tuple.toPattern != null) {
- String expected = tuple.toPattern;
- String actual = fmt.toPattern();
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- result.append("Expected toPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+ if (tuple.toPattern != null) {
+ String expected = tuple.toPattern;
+ String actual = fmt.toPattern();
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ result.append("Expected toPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ }
- }
- if (tuple.toLocalizedPattern != null) {
- String expected = tuple.toLocalizedPattern;
- String actual = fmt.toLocalizedPattern();
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- result.append("Expected toLocalizedPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ if (tuple.toLocalizedPattern != null) {
+ String expected = tuple.toLocalizedPattern;
+ String actual = fmt.toLocalizedPattern();
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ result.append("Expected toLocalizedPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ }
- }
- return result.length() == 0 ? null : result.toString();
+ return result.length() == 0 ? null : result.toString();
public String parse(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
- Number actual = fmt.parse(tuple.parse, ppos);
- if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
- return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
- }
- if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
+ Number actual = fmt.parse(tuple.parse, ppos);
+ if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
+ return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
+ }
+ if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ Number expected = toNumber(tuple.output);
+ // number types cannot be compared, this is the best we can do.
+ if (expected.doubleValue() != actual.doubleValue()
+ && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())
+ && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())) {
+ return "Expected: " + expected + ", got: " + actual;
+ }
return null;
- }
- Number expected = toNumber(tuple.output);
- // number types cannot be compared, this is the best we can do.
- if (expected.doubleValue() != actual.doubleValue()
- && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())
- && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())) {
- return "Expected: " + expected + ", got: " + actual;
- }
- return null;
public String parseCurrency(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
- CurrencyAmount currAmt = fmt.parseCurrency(tuple.parse, ppos);
- if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
- return "Parse failed; got " + currAmt + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
- }
- if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
+ CurrencyAmount currAmt = fmt.parseCurrency(tuple.parse, ppos);
+ if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
+ return "Parse failed; got " + currAmt + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
+ }
+ if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ Number expected = toNumber(tuple.output);
+ Number actual = currAmt.getNumber();
+ // number types cannot be compared, this is the best we can do.
+ if (expected.doubleValue() != actual.doubleValue()
+ && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())
+ && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())) {
+ return "Expected: " + expected + ", got: " + actual;
+ }
+ if (!tuple.outputCurrency.equals(currAmt.getCurrency().toString())) {
+ return "Expected currency: " + tuple.outputCurrency + ", got: " + currAmt.getCurrency();
+ }
return null;
- }
- Number expected = toNumber(tuple.output);
- Number actual = currAmt.getNumber();
- // number types cannot be compared, this is the best we can do.
- if (expected.doubleValue() != actual.doubleValue()
- && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())
- && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())) {
- return "Expected: " + expected + ", got: " + actual;
- }
- if (!tuple.outputCurrency.equals(currAmt.getCurrency().toString())) {
- return "Expected currency: " + tuple.outputCurrency + ", got: " + currAmt.getCurrency();
- }
- return null;
private DecimalFormat_ICU58 createDecimalFormat(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt =
- new DecimalFormat_ICU58(
- tuple.pattern == null ? "0" : tuple.pattern,
- new DecimalFormatSymbols(tuple.locale == null ? EN : tuple.locale));
- adjustDecimalFormat(tuple, fmt);
- return fmt;
+ DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt = new DecimalFormat_ICU58(
+ tuple.pattern == null ? "0" : tuple.pattern,
+ new DecimalFormatSymbols(tuple.locale == null ? EN : tuple.locale));
+ adjustDecimalFormat(tuple, fmt);
+ return fmt;
* @param tuple
* @param fmt
- private void adjustDecimalFormat(
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple, DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt) {
- if (tuple.minIntegerDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMinimumIntegerDigits(tuple.minIntegerDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxIntegerDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMaximumIntegerDigits(tuple.maxIntegerDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.minFractionDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(tuple.minFractionDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxFractionDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(tuple.maxFractionDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.currency != null) {
- fmt.setCurrency(tuple.currency);
- }
- if (tuple.minGroupingDigits != null) {
- // Oops we don't support this.
- }
- if (tuple.useSigDigits != null) {
- fmt.setSignificantDigitsUsed(tuple.useSigDigits != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.minSigDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMinimumSignificantDigits(tuple.minSigDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxSigDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMaximumSignificantDigits(tuple.maxSigDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.useGrouping != null) {
- fmt.setGroupingUsed(tuple.useGrouping != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.multiplier != null) {
- fmt.setMultiplier(tuple.multiplier);
- }
- if (tuple.roundingIncrement != null) {
- fmt.setRoundingIncrement(tuple.roundingIncrement.doubleValue());
- }
- if (tuple.formatWidth != null) {
- fmt.setFormatWidth(tuple.formatWidth);
- }
- if (tuple.padCharacter != null && tuple.padCharacter.length() > 0) {
- fmt.setPadCharacter(tuple.padCharacter.charAt(0));
- }
- if (tuple.useScientific != null) {
- fmt.setScientificNotation(tuple.useScientific != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.grouping != null) {
- fmt.setGroupingSize(tuple.grouping);
- }
- if (tuple.grouping2 != null) {
- fmt.setSecondaryGroupingSize(tuple.grouping2);
- }
- if (tuple.roundingMode != null) {
- fmt.setRoundingMode(tuple.roundingMode);
- }
- if (tuple.currencyUsage != null) {
- fmt.setCurrencyUsage(tuple.currencyUsage);
- }
- if (tuple.minimumExponentDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMinimumExponentDigits(tuple.minimumExponentDigits.byteValue());
- }
- if (tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != null) {
- fmt.setExponentSignAlwaysShown(tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != null) {
- fmt.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.padPosition != null) {
- fmt.setPadPosition(tuple.padPosition);
- }
- if (tuple.positivePrefix != null) {
- fmt.setPositivePrefix(tuple.positivePrefix);
- }
- if (tuple.positiveSuffix != null) {
- fmt.setPositiveSuffix(tuple.positiveSuffix);
- }
- if (tuple.negativePrefix != null) {
- fmt.setNegativePrefix(tuple.negativePrefix);
- }
- if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
- fmt.setNegativeSuffix(tuple.negativeSuffix);
- }
- if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
- // Not supported.
- }
- if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
- fmt.applyLocalizedPattern(tuple.localizedPattern);
- }
- int lenient = tuple.lenient == null ? 1 : tuple.lenient.intValue();
- fmt.setParseStrict(lenient == 0);
- if (tuple.parseIntegerOnly != null) {
- fmt.setParseIntegerOnly(tuple.parseIntegerOnly != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.parseCaseSensitive != null) {
- // Not supported.
- }
- if (tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != null) {
- fmt.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.parseNoExponent != null) {
- // Oops, not supported for now
- }
- }
- };
- private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest JDK =
- new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
+ private void adjustDecimalFormat(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple, DecimalFormat_ICU58 fmt) {
+ if (tuple.minIntegerDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMinimumIntegerDigits(tuple.minIntegerDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxIntegerDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMaximumIntegerDigits(tuple.maxIntegerDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minFractionDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(tuple.minFractionDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxFractionDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(tuple.maxFractionDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.currency != null) {
+ fmt.setCurrency(tuple.currency);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minGroupingDigits != null) {
+ // Oops we don't support this.
+ }
+ if (tuple.useSigDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setSignificantDigitsUsed(tuple.useSigDigits != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minSigDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMinimumSignificantDigits(tuple.minSigDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxSigDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMaximumSignificantDigits(tuple.maxSigDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.useGrouping != null) {
+ fmt.setGroupingUsed(tuple.useGrouping != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.multiplier != null) {
+ fmt.setMultiplier(tuple.multiplier);
+ }
+ if (tuple.roundingIncrement != null) {
+ fmt.setRoundingIncrement(tuple.roundingIncrement.doubleValue());
+ }
+ if (tuple.formatWidth != null) {
+ fmt.setFormatWidth(tuple.formatWidth);
+ }
+ if (tuple.padCharacter != null && tuple.padCharacter.length() > 0) {
+ fmt.setPadCharacter(tuple.padCharacter.charAt(0));
+ }
+ if (tuple.useScientific != null) {
+ fmt.setScientificNotation(tuple.useScientific != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.grouping != null) {
+ fmt.setGroupingSize(tuple.grouping);
+ }
+ if (tuple.grouping2 != null) {
+ fmt.setSecondaryGroupingSize(tuple.grouping2);
+ }
+ if (tuple.roundingMode != null) {
+ fmt.setRoundingMode(tuple.roundingMode);
+ }
+ if (tuple.currencyUsage != null) {
+ fmt.setCurrencyUsage(tuple.currencyUsage);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minimumExponentDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMinimumExponentDigits(tuple.minimumExponentDigits.byteValue());
+ }
+ if (tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != null) {
+ fmt.setExponentSignAlwaysShown(tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != null) {
+ fmt.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.padPosition != null) {
+ fmt.setPadPosition(tuple.padPosition);
+ }
+ if (tuple.positivePrefix != null) {
+ fmt.setPositivePrefix(tuple.positivePrefix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.positiveSuffix != null) {
+ fmt.setPositiveSuffix(tuple.positiveSuffix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.negativePrefix != null) {
+ fmt.setNegativePrefix(tuple.negativePrefix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
+ fmt.setNegativeSuffix(tuple.negativeSuffix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
+ // Not supported.
+ }
+ if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
+ fmt.applyLocalizedPattern(tuple.localizedPattern);
+ }
+ int lenient = tuple.lenient == null ? 1 : tuple.lenient.intValue();
+ fmt.setParseStrict(lenient == 0);
+ if (tuple.parseIntegerOnly != null) {
+ fmt.setParseIntegerOnly(tuple.parseIntegerOnly != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseCaseSensitive != null) {
+ // Not supported.
+ }
+ if (tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != null) {
+ fmt.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseNoExponent != null) {
+ // Oops, not supported for now
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest JDK = new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
public Character Id() {
- return 'K';
+ return 'K';
public String format(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- String actual = fmt.format(toNumber(tuple.format));
- String expected = tuple.output;
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- return "Expected " + expected + ", got " + actual;
- }
- return null;
+ java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ String actual = fmt.format(toNumber(tuple.format));
+ String expected = tuple.output;
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ return "Expected " + expected + ", got " + actual;
+ }
+ return null;
public String toPattern(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- if (tuple.toPattern != null) {
- String expected = tuple.toPattern;
- String actual = fmt.toPattern();
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- result.append("Expected toPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+ if (tuple.toPattern != null) {
+ String expected = tuple.toPattern;
+ String actual = fmt.toPattern();
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ result.append("Expected toPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ }
- }
- if (tuple.toLocalizedPattern != null) {
- String expected = tuple.toLocalizedPattern;
- String actual = fmt.toLocalizedPattern();
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- result.append("Expected toLocalizedPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ if (tuple.toLocalizedPattern != null) {
+ String expected = tuple.toLocalizedPattern;
+ String actual = fmt.toLocalizedPattern();
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ result.append("Expected toLocalizedPattern=" + expected + ", got " + actual);
+ }
- }
- return result.length() == 0 ? null : result.toString();
+ return result.length() == 0 ? null : result.toString();
public String parse(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
- ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
- Number actual = fmt.parse(tuple.parse, ppos);
- if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
- return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
- }
- if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = createDecimalFormat(tuple);
+ ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
+ Number actual = fmt.parse(tuple.parse, ppos);
+ if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
+ return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
+ }
+ if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ Number expected = toNumber(tuple.output);
+ // number types cannot be compared, this is the best we can do.
+ if (expected.doubleValue() != actual.doubleValue()
+ && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())
+ && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())) {
+ return "Expected: " + expected + ", got: " + actual;
+ }
return null;
- }
- Number expected = toNumber(tuple.output);
- // number types cannot be compared, this is the best we can do.
- if (expected.doubleValue() != actual.doubleValue()
- && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())
- && !Double.isNaN(expected.doubleValue())) {
- return "Expected: " + expected + ", got: " + actual;
- }
- return null;
* @return
private java.text.DecimalFormat createDecimalFormat(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- java.text.DecimalFormat fmt =
- new java.text.DecimalFormat(
- tuple.pattern == null ? "0" : tuple.pattern,
- new java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols(
- (tuple.locale == null ? EN : tuple.locale).toLocale()));
- adjustDecimalFormat(tuple, fmt);
- return fmt;
+ java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = new java.text.DecimalFormat(
+ tuple.pattern == null ? "0" : tuple.pattern,
+ new java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols(
+ (tuple.locale == null ? EN : tuple.locale).toLocale()));
+ adjustDecimalFormat(tuple, fmt);
+ return fmt;
* @param fmt
private void adjustDecimalFormat(
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple, java.text.DecimalFormat fmt) {
- if (tuple.minIntegerDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMinimumIntegerDigits(tuple.minIntegerDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxIntegerDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMaximumIntegerDigits(tuple.maxIntegerDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.minFractionDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(tuple.minFractionDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxFractionDigits != null) {
- fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(tuple.maxFractionDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.currency != null) {
- fmt.setCurrency(java.util.Currency.getInstance(tuple.currency.toString()));
- }
- if (tuple.minGroupingDigits != null) {
- // Oops we don't support this.
- }
- if (tuple.useSigDigits != null) {
- // Oops we don't support this
- }
- if (tuple.minSigDigits != null) {
- // Oops we don't support this
- }
- if (tuple.maxSigDigits != null) {
- // Oops we don't support this
- }
- if (tuple.useGrouping != null) {
- fmt.setGroupingUsed(tuple.useGrouping != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.multiplier != null) {
- fmt.setMultiplier(tuple.multiplier);
- }
- if (tuple.roundingIncrement != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.formatWidth != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.padCharacter != null && tuple.padCharacter.length() > 0) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.useScientific != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.grouping != null) {
- fmt.setGroupingSize(tuple.grouping);
- }
- if (tuple.grouping2 != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.roundingMode != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.currencyUsage != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.minimumExponentDigits != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != null) {
- fmt.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.padPosition != null) {
- // Not supported
- }
- if (tuple.positivePrefix != null) {
- fmt.setPositivePrefix(tuple.positivePrefix);
- }
- if (tuple.positiveSuffix != null) {
- fmt.setPositiveSuffix(tuple.positiveSuffix);
- }
- if (tuple.negativePrefix != null) {
- fmt.setNegativePrefix(tuple.negativePrefix);
- }
- if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
- fmt.setNegativeSuffix(tuple.negativeSuffix);
- }
- if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
- // Not supported.
- }
- if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
- fmt.applyLocalizedPattern(tuple.localizedPattern);
- }
- // lenient parsing not supported by JDK
- if (tuple.parseIntegerOnly != null) {
- fmt.setParseIntegerOnly(tuple.parseIntegerOnly != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.parseCaseSensitive != null) {
- // Not supported.
- }
- if (tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != null) {
- // Oops, not supported
- }
- if (tuple.parseNoExponent != null) {
- // Oops, not supported for now
- }
- }
- };
- static void propertiesFromTuple(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple, DecimalFormatProperties properties) {
- if (tuple.minIntegerDigits != null) {
- properties.setMinimumIntegerDigits(tuple.minIntegerDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxIntegerDigits != null) {
- properties.setMaximumIntegerDigits(tuple.maxIntegerDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.minFractionDigits != null) {
- properties.setMinimumFractionDigits(tuple.minFractionDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxFractionDigits != null) {
- properties.setMaximumFractionDigits(tuple.maxFractionDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.currency != null) {
- properties.setCurrency(tuple.currency);
- }
- if (tuple.minGroupingDigits != null) {
- properties.setMinimumGroupingDigits(tuple.minGroupingDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.useSigDigits != null) {
- // TODO
- }
- if (tuple.minSigDigits != null) {
- properties.setMinimumSignificantDigits(tuple.minSigDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.maxSigDigits != null) {
- properties.setMaximumSignificantDigits(tuple.maxSigDigits);
- }
- if (tuple.useGrouping != null) {
- properties.setGroupingUsed(tuple.useGrouping > 0);
- }
- if (tuple.multiplier != null) {
- properties.setMultiplier(new BigDecimal(tuple.multiplier));
- }
- if (tuple.roundingIncrement != null) {
- properties.setRoundingIncrement(new BigDecimal(tuple.roundingIncrement.toString()));
- }
- if (tuple.formatWidth != null) {
- properties.setFormatWidth(tuple.formatWidth);
- }
- if (tuple.padCharacter != null && tuple.padCharacter.length() > 0) {
- properties.setPadString(tuple.padCharacter.toString());
- }
- if (tuple.useScientific != null) {
- properties.setMinimumExponentDigits(
- tuple.useScientific != 0 ? 1 : -1);
- }
- if (tuple.grouping != null) {
- properties.setGroupingSize(tuple.grouping);
- }
- if (tuple.grouping2 != null) {
- properties.setSecondaryGroupingSize(tuple.grouping2);
- }
- if (tuple.roundingMode != null) {
- properties.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.valueOf(tuple.roundingMode));
- }
- if (tuple.currencyUsage != null) {
- properties.setCurrencyUsage(tuple.currencyUsage);
- }
- if (tuple.minimumExponentDigits != null) {
- properties.setMinimumExponentDigits(tuple.minimumExponentDigits.byteValue());
- }
- if (tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != null) {
- properties.setExponentSignAlwaysShown(tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != null) {
- properties.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.padPosition != null) {
- properties.setPadPosition(PadPosition.fromOld(tuple.padPosition));
- }
- if (tuple.positivePrefix != null) {
- properties.setPositivePrefix(tuple.positivePrefix);
- }
- if (tuple.positiveSuffix != null) {
- properties.setPositiveSuffix(tuple.positiveSuffix);
- }
- if (tuple.negativePrefix != null) {
- properties.setNegativePrefix(tuple.negativePrefix);
- }
- if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
- properties.setNegativeSuffix(tuple.negativeSuffix);
- }
- if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
- properties.setSignAlwaysShown(tuple.signAlwaysShown != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
- DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale);
- String converted = PatternStringUtils.convertLocalized(tuple.localizedPattern, symbols, false);
- PatternStringParser.parseToExistingProperties(converted, properties);
- }
- if (tuple.lenient != null) {
- properties.setParseMode(tuple.lenient == 0 ? ParseMode.STRICT : ParseMode.LENIENT);
- }
- if (tuple.parseIntegerOnly != null) {
- properties.setParseIntegerOnly(tuple.parseIntegerOnly != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.parseCaseSensitive != null) {
- properties.setParseCaseSensitive(tuple.parseCaseSensitive != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != null) {
- properties.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != 0);
- }
- if (tuple.parseNoExponent != null) {
- properties.setParseNoExponent(tuple.parseNoExponent != 0);
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple,
+ java.text.DecimalFormat fmt) {
+ if (tuple.minIntegerDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMinimumIntegerDigits(tuple.minIntegerDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxIntegerDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMaximumIntegerDigits(tuple.maxIntegerDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minFractionDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(tuple.minFractionDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxFractionDigits != null) {
+ fmt.setMaximumFractionDigits(tuple.maxFractionDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.currency != null) {
+ fmt.setCurrency(java.util.Currency.getInstance(tuple.currency.toString()));
+ }
+ if (tuple.minGroupingDigits != null) {
+ // Oops we don't support this.
+ }
+ if (tuple.useSigDigits != null) {
+ // Oops we don't support this
+ }
+ if (tuple.minSigDigits != null) {
+ // Oops we don't support this
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxSigDigits != null) {
+ // Oops we don't support this
+ }
+ if (tuple.useGrouping != null) {
+ fmt.setGroupingUsed(tuple.useGrouping != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.multiplier != null) {
+ fmt.setMultiplier(tuple.multiplier);
+ }
+ if (tuple.roundingIncrement != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.formatWidth != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.padCharacter != null && tuple.padCharacter.length() > 0) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.useScientific != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.grouping != null) {
+ fmt.setGroupingSize(tuple.grouping);
+ }
+ if (tuple.grouping2 != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.roundingMode != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.currencyUsage != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.minimumExponentDigits != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != null) {
+ fmt.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.padPosition != null) {
+ // Not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.positivePrefix != null) {
+ fmt.setPositivePrefix(tuple.positivePrefix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.positiveSuffix != null) {
+ fmt.setPositiveSuffix(tuple.positiveSuffix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.negativePrefix != null) {
+ fmt.setNegativePrefix(tuple.negativePrefix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
+ fmt.setNegativeSuffix(tuple.negativeSuffix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
+ // Not supported.
+ }
+ if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
+ fmt.applyLocalizedPattern(tuple.localizedPattern);
+ }
+ // lenient parsing not supported by JDK
+ if (tuple.parseIntegerOnly != null) {
+ fmt.setParseIntegerOnly(tuple.parseIntegerOnly != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseCaseSensitive != null) {
+ // Not supported.
+ }
+ if (tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != null) {
+ // Oops, not supported
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseNoExponent != null) {
+ // Oops, not supported for now
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ static void propertiesFromTuple(
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple,
+ DecimalFormatProperties properties) {
+ if (tuple.minIntegerDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMinimumIntegerDigits(tuple.minIntegerDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxIntegerDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMaximumIntegerDigits(tuple.maxIntegerDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minFractionDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMinimumFractionDigits(tuple.minFractionDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxFractionDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMaximumFractionDigits(tuple.maxFractionDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.currency != null) {
+ properties.setCurrency(tuple.currency);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minGroupingDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMinimumGroupingDigits(tuple.minGroupingDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.useSigDigits != null) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ if (tuple.minSigDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMinimumSignificantDigits(tuple.minSigDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.maxSigDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMaximumSignificantDigits(tuple.maxSigDigits);
+ }
+ if (tuple.useGrouping != null) {
+ properties.setGroupingUsed(tuple.useGrouping > 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.multiplier != null) {
+ properties.setMultiplier(new BigDecimal(tuple.multiplier));
+ }
+ if (tuple.roundingIncrement != null) {
+ properties.setRoundingIncrement(new BigDecimal(tuple.roundingIncrement.toString()));
+ }
+ if (tuple.formatWidth != null) {
+ properties.setFormatWidth(tuple.formatWidth);
+ }
+ if (tuple.padCharacter != null && tuple.padCharacter.length() > 0) {
+ properties.setPadString(tuple.padCharacter.toString());
+ }
+ if (tuple.useScientific != null) {
+ properties.setMinimumExponentDigits(tuple.useScientific != 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ if (tuple.grouping != null) {
+ properties.setGroupingSize(tuple.grouping);
+ }
+ if (tuple.grouping2 != null) {
+ properties.setSecondaryGroupingSize(tuple.grouping2);
+ }
+ if (tuple.roundingMode != null) {
+ properties.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.valueOf(tuple.roundingMode));
+ }
+ if (tuple.currencyUsage != null) {
+ properties.setCurrencyUsage(tuple.currencyUsage);
+ }
+ if (tuple.minimumExponentDigits != null) {
+ properties.setMinimumExponentDigits(tuple.minimumExponentDigits.byteValue());
+ }
+ if (tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != null) {
+ properties.setExponentSignAlwaysShown(tuple.exponentSignAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != null) {
+ properties.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(tuple.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.padPosition != null) {
+ properties.setPadPosition(PadPosition.fromOld(tuple.padPosition));
+ }
+ if (tuple.positivePrefix != null) {
+ properties.setPositivePrefix(tuple.positivePrefix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.positiveSuffix != null) {
+ properties.setPositiveSuffix(tuple.positiveSuffix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.negativePrefix != null) {
+ properties.setNegativePrefix(tuple.negativePrefix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.negativeSuffix != null) {
+ properties.setNegativeSuffix(tuple.negativeSuffix);
+ }
+ if (tuple.signAlwaysShown != null) {
+ properties.setSignAlwaysShown(tuple.signAlwaysShown != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.localizedPattern != null) {
+ DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale);
+ String converted = PatternStringUtils
+ .convertLocalized(tuple.localizedPattern, symbols, false);
+ PatternStringParser.parseToExistingProperties(converted, properties);
+ }
+ if (tuple.lenient != null) {
+ properties.setParseMode(tuple.lenient == 0 ? ParseMode.STRICT : ParseMode.LENIENT);
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseIntegerOnly != null) {
+ properties.setParseIntegerOnly(tuple.parseIntegerOnly != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseCaseSensitive != null) {
+ properties.setParseCaseSensitive(tuple.parseCaseSensitive != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != null) {
+ properties.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(tuple.decimalPatternMatchRequired != 0);
+ }
+ if (tuple.parseNoExponent != null) {
+ properties.setParseNoExponent(tuple.parseNoExponent != 0);
+ }
- }
- /**
- * Formatting, but no other features.
- */
- private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU60 =
- new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
+ /**
+ * Formatting, but no other features.
+ */
+ private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU60 = new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
public Character Id() {
- return 'Q';
+ return 'Q';
- * Runs a single formatting test. On success, returns null. On failure, returns the error.
- * This implementation just returns null. Subclasses should override.
+ * Runs a single formatting test. On success, returns null. On failure, returns the error. This
+ * implementation just returns null. Subclasses should override.
- * @param tuple contains the parameters of the format test.
+ * @param tuple
+ * contains the parameters of the format test.
public String format(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- String pattern = (tuple.pattern == null) ? "0" : tuple.pattern;
- ULocale locale = (tuple.locale == null) ? ULocale.ENGLISH : tuple.locale;
- DecimalFormatProperties properties =
- PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(
- pattern,
- tuple.currency != null
- ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
- : PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
- propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
- DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
- LocalizedNumberFormatter fmt = NumberFormatter.fromDecimalFormat(properties, symbols, null).locale(locale);
- Number number = toNumber(tuple.format);
- String expected = tuple.output;
- String actual = fmt.format(number).toString();
- if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
- return "Expected \"" + expected + "\", got \"" + actual + "\"";
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Parsing, but no other features.
- */
- private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU61_Parsing =
- new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
- @Override
- public Character Id() {
- return 'P';
- }
- @Override
- public String parse(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- String pattern = (tuple.pattern == null) ? "0" : tuple.pattern;
- DecimalFormatProperties properties;
- ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
- Number actual;
- try {
- properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(pattern,
- tuple.currency != null ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
- : PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
- propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
- actual = NumberParserImpl.parseStatic(tuple.parse,
- ppos,
- properties,
- DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale));
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- return "parse exception: " + e.getMessage();
- }
- if (actual == null && ppos.getIndex() != 0) {
- throw new AssertionError("Error: value is null but parse position is not zero");
- }
- if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
- return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
- }
- if (tuple.output.equals("NaN")) {
- if (!Double.isNaN(actual.doubleValue())) {
- return "Expected NaN, but got: " + actual;
- }
- return null;
- } else if (tuple.output.equals("Inf")) {
- if (!Double.isInfinite(actual.doubleValue()) ||, 0.0) < 0) {
- return "Expected Inf, but got: " + actual;
- }
- return null;
- } else if (tuple.output.equals("-Inf")) {
- if (!Double.isInfinite(actual.doubleValue()) ||, 0.0) > 0) {
- return "Expected -Inf, but got: " + actual;
- }
- return null;
- } else if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
- return null;
- } else if (new BigDecimal(tuple.output).compareTo(new BigDecimal(actual.toString())) != 0) {
- return "Expected: " + tuple.output + ", got: " + actual;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
+ String pattern = (tuple.pattern == null) ? "0" : tuple.pattern;
+ ULocale locale = (tuple.locale == null) ? ULocale.ENGLISH : tuple.locale;
+ DecimalFormatProperties properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(pattern,
+ tuple.currency != null ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
+ : PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
+ propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
+ DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(locale);
+ LocalizedNumberFormatter fmt = NumberFormatter.fromDecimalFormat(properties, symbols, null)
+ .locale(locale);
+ Number number = toNumber(tuple.format);
+ String expected = tuple.output;
+ String actual = fmt.format(number).toString();
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
+ return "Expected \"" + expected + "\", got \"" + actual + "\"";
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
- @Override
- public String parseCurrency(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
- String pattern = (tuple.pattern == null) ? "0" : tuple.pattern;
- DecimalFormatProperties properties;
- ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
- CurrencyAmount actual;
- try {
- properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(
- pattern,
- tuple.currency != null ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
- : PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
- propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
- actual = NumberParserImpl.parseStaticCurrency(tuple.parse,
- ppos,
- properties,
- DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale));
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return "parse exception: " + e.getMessage();
- }
- if (ppos.getIndex() == 0 || actual.getCurrency().getCurrencyCode().equals("XXX")) {
- return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
- }
- if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
- return null;
+ /**
+ * Parsing, but no other features.
+ */
+ private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU61_Parsing = new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
+ @Override
+ public Character Id() {
+ return 'P';
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String parse(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
+ String pattern = (tuple.pattern == null) ? "0" : tuple.pattern;
+ DecimalFormatProperties properties;
+ ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
+ Number actual;
+ try {
+ properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(pattern,
+ tuple.currency != null ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
+ : PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
+ propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
+ actual = NumberParserImpl.parseStatic(tuple.parse,
+ ppos,
+ properties,
+ DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale));
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ return "parse exception: " + e.getMessage();
+ }
+ if (actual == null && ppos.getIndex() != 0) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Error: value is null but parse position is not zero");
+ }
+ if (ppos.getIndex() == 0) {
+ return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
+ }
+ if (tuple.output.equals("NaN")) {
+ if (!Double.isNaN(actual.doubleValue())) {
+ return "Expected NaN, but got: " + actual;
- BigDecimal expectedNumber = new BigDecimal(tuple.output);
- if (expectedNumber.compareTo(new BigDecimal(actual.getNumber().toString())) != 0) {
- return "Wrong number: Expected: " + expectedNumber + ", got: " + actual;
+ return null;
+ } else if (tuple.output.equals("Inf")) {
+ if (!Double.isInfinite(actual.doubleValue())
+ ||, 0.0) < 0) {
+ return "Expected Inf, but got: " + actual;
- String expectedCurrency = tuple.outputCurrency;
- if (!expectedCurrency.equals(actual.getCurrency().toString())) {
- return "Wrong currency: Expected: " + expectedCurrency + ", got: " + actual;
+ return null;
+ } else if (tuple.output.equals("-Inf")) {
+ if (!Double.isInfinite(actual.doubleValue())
+ ||, 0.0) > 0) {
+ return "Expected -Inf, but got: " + actual;
return null;
+ } else if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ return null;
+ } else if (new BigDecimal(tuple.output).compareTo(new BigDecimal(actual.toString())) != 0) {
+ return "Expected: " + tuple.output + ", got: " + actual;
+ } else {
+ return null;
- };
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String parseCurrency(DataDrivenNumberFormatTestData tuple) {
+ String pattern = (tuple.pattern == null) ? "0" : tuple.pattern;
+ DecimalFormatProperties properties;
+ ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(0);
+ CurrencyAmount actual;
+ try {
+ properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(pattern,
+ tuple.currency != null ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
+ : PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
+ propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
+ actual = NumberParserImpl.parseStaticCurrency(tuple.parse,
+ ppos,
+ properties,
+ DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(tuple.locale));
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return "parse exception: " + e.getMessage();
+ }
+ if (ppos.getIndex() == 0 || actual.getCurrency().getCurrencyCode().equals("XXX")) {
+ return "Parse failed; got " + actual + ", but expected " + tuple.output;
+ }
+ if (tuple.output.equals("fail")) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ BigDecimal expectedNumber = new BigDecimal(tuple.output);
+ if (expectedNumber.compareTo(new BigDecimal(actual.getNumber().toString())) != 0) {
+ return "Wrong number: Expected: " + expectedNumber + ", got: " + actual;
+ }
+ String expectedCurrency = tuple.outputCurrency;
+ if (!expectedCurrency.equals(actual.getCurrency().toString())) {
+ return "Wrong currency: Expected: " + expectedCurrency + ", got: " + actual;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
* All features except formatting.
- private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU59_Other =
- new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
+ private DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest ICU59_Other = new DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.CodeUnderTest() {
public Character Id() {
- return 'S';
+ return 'S';
- * Runs a single toPattern test. On success, returns null. On failure, returns the error. This implementation
- * just returns null. Subclasses should override.
+ * Runs a single toPattern test. On success, returns null. On failure, returns the error. This
+ * implementation just returns null. Subclasses should override.
* @param tuple
* contains the parameters of the format test.
final DecimalFormatProperties properties;
DecimalFormat df;
try {
- properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(
- pattern,
+ properties = PatternStringParser.parseToProperties(pattern,
tuple.currency != null ? PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS
: PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
propertiesFromTuple(tuple, properties);
- // TODO: Use PatternString.propertiesToString() directly. (How to deal with CurrencyUsage?)
+ // TODO: Use PatternString.propertiesToString() directly. (How to deal with
+ // CurrencyUsage?)
df = new DecimalFormat();
df.setProperties(new PropertySetter() {
- * Runs a single select test. On success, returns null. On failure, returns the error. This implementation just
- * returns null. Subclasses should override.
+ * Runs a single select test. On success, returns null. On failure, returns the error. This
+ * implementation just returns null. Subclasses should override.
* @param tuple
* contains the parameters of the format test.
- @Test
- public void TestDataDrivenICU58() {
- // Android can't access DecimalFormat_ICU58 for testing (ticket #13283).
- if (TestUtil.getJavaVendor() == TestUtil.JavaVendor.Android) return;
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures(
- "numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU58);
- }
- @Test
- public void TestDataDrivenJDK() {
- // #13373: Since not all JDK implementations are the same, test only whitelisted JDKs
- // with known behavior. The JDK version should be occasionally updated.
- org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(
- TestUtil.getJavaRuntimeName() == TestUtil.JavaRuntimeName.OpenJDK
- && TestUtil.getJavaVersion() == 8);
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures(
- "numberformattestspecification.txt", JDK);
- }
- @Test
- public void TestDataDrivenICULatest_Format() {
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures(
- "numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU60);
- }
- @Test
- public void TestDataDrivenICULatest_Parsing() {
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures(
- "numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU61_Parsing);
- }
- @Test
- public void TestDataDrivenICULatest_Other() {
- DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures(
- "numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU59_Other);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void TestDataDrivenICU58() {
+ // Android can't access DecimalFormat_ICU58 for testing (ticket #13283).
+ if (TestUtil.getJavaVendor() == TestUtil.JavaVendor.Android)
+ return;
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility
+ .runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures("numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU58);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestDataDrivenJDK() {
+ // #13373: Since not all JDK implementations are the same, test only whitelisted JDKs
+ // with known behavior. The JDK version should be occasionally updated.
+ org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(TestUtil.getJavaRuntimeName() == TestUtil.JavaRuntimeName.OpenJDK
+ && TestUtil.getJavaVersion() == 8);
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility
+ .runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures("numberformattestspecification.txt", JDK);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestDataDrivenICULatest_Format() {
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility
+ .runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures("numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU60);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestDataDrivenICULatest_Parsing() {
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility.runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures(
+ "numberformattestspecification.txt",
+ ICU61_Parsing);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestDataDrivenICULatest_Other() {
+ DataDrivenNumberFormatTestUtility
+ .runFormatSuiteIncludingKnownFailures("numberformattestspecification.txt", ICU59_Other);
+ }