--- /dev/null
+// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
+package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
+import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
+import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;
+import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
+public class DataDrivenUScriptTest extends TestFmwk {
+ private static String scriptsToString(int[] scripts) {
+ if (scripts == null) {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int script : scripts) {
+ if (sb.length() > 0) {
+ sb.append(' ');
+ }
+ sb.append(UScript.getShortName(script));
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ private static void assertEqualScripts(String msg, int[] expectedScripts, int[] actualScripts) {
+ assertEquals(msg, scriptsToString(expectedScripts), scriptsToString(actualScripts));
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class LocaleGetCodeTest {
+ private ULocale testLocaleName;
+ private int expected;
+ public LocaleGetCodeTest(ULocale testLocaleName, int expected) {
+ this.testLocaleName = testLocaleName;
+ this.expected = expected;
+ }
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ public static Collection testData() {
+ return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { new ULocale("en"), UScript.LATIN },
+ { new ULocale("en_US"), UScript.LATIN },
+ { new ULocale("sr"), UScript.CYRILLIC },
+ { new ULocale("ta"), UScript.TAMIL },
+ { new ULocale("te_IN"), UScript.TELUGU },
+ { new ULocale("hi"), UScript.DEVANAGARI },
+ { new ULocale("he"), UScript.HEBREW },
+ { new ULocale("ar"), UScript.ARABIC },
+ { new ULocale("abcde"), UScript.INVALID_CODE },
+ { new ULocale("abcde_cdef"), UScript.INVALID_CODE },
+ { new ULocale("iw"), UScript.HEBREW }
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestLocaleGetCode() {
+ int[] code = UScript.getCode(testLocaleName);
+ if (code == null) {
+ if (expected != UScript.INVALID_CODE) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode(). Got: null" + " Expected: " + expected + " for locale "
+ + testLocaleName);
+ }
+ } else if ((code[0] != expected)) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode(). Got: " + code[0] + " Expected: " + expected + " for locale "
+ + testLocaleName);
+ }
+ ULocale defaultLoc = ULocale.getDefault();
+ ULocale esperanto = new ULocale("eo_DE");
+ ULocale.setDefault(esperanto);
+ code = UScript.getCode(esperanto);
+ if (code != null) {
+ if (code[0] != UScript.LATIN) {
+ errln("Did not get the expected script code for Esperanto");
+ }
+ } else {
+ warnln("Could not load the locale data.");
+ }
+ ULocale.setDefault(defaultLoc);
+ // Should work regardless of whether we have locale data for the language.
+ assertEqualScripts("tg script: Cyrl", // Tajik
+ new int[] { UScript.CYRILLIC }, UScript.getCode(new ULocale("tg")));
+ assertEqualScripts("xsr script: Deva", // Sherpa
+ new int[] { UScript.DEVANAGARI }, UScript.getCode(new ULocale("xsr")));
+ // Multi-script languages.
+ assertEqualScripts("ja scripts: Kana Hira Hani",
+ new int[] { UScript.KATAKANA, UScript.HIRAGANA, UScript.HAN }, UScript.getCode(ULocale.JAPANESE));
+ assertEqualScripts("ko scripts: Hang Hani", new int[] { UScript.HANGUL, UScript.HAN },
+ UScript.getCode(ULocale.KOREAN));
+ assertEqualScripts("zh script: Hani", new int[] { UScript.HAN }, UScript.getCode(ULocale.CHINESE));
+ assertEqualScripts("zh-Hant scripts: Hani Bopo", new int[] { UScript.HAN, UScript.BOPOMOFO },
+ UScript.getCode(ULocale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE));
+ assertEqualScripts("zh-TW scripts: Hani Bopo", new int[] { UScript.HAN, UScript.BOPOMOFO },
+ UScript.getCode(ULocale.TAIWAN));
+ // Ambiguous API, but this probably wants to return Latin rather than Rongorongo (Roro).
+ assertEqualScripts("ro-RO script: Latn", new int[] { UScript.LATIN }, UScript.getCode("ro-RO")); // String
+ // not
+ // ULocale
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class TestMultipleUScript extends TestFmwk {
+ private String testLocaleName;
+ private Locale testLocale;
+ private int[] expected;
+ public TestMultipleUScript(String testLocaleName, int[] expected, Locale testLocale) {
+ this.testLocaleName = testLocaleName;
+ this.testLocale = testLocale;
+ this.expected = expected;
+ }
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ public static Collection testData() {
+ return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
+ { "ja", new int[] { UScript.KATAKANA, UScript.HIRAGANA, UScript.HAN }, Locale.JAPANESE },
+ { "ko_KR", new int[] { UScript.HANGUL, UScript.HAN }, Locale.KOREA },
+ { "zh", new int[] { UScript.HAN }, Locale.CHINESE },
+ { "zh_TW", new int[] { UScript.HAN, UScript.BOPOMOFO }, Locale.TAIWAN }
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestMultipleCodes() {
+ int[] code = UScript.getCode(testLocaleName);
+ if (code != null) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < code.length; j++) {
+ if (code[j] != expected[j]) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode(). Got: " + code[j] + " Expected: " + expected[j]
+ + " for locale " + testLocaleName);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode() for locale " + testLocaleName);
+ }
+ logln(" Testing UScript.getCode(Locale) with locale: " + testLocale.getDisplayName());
+ code = UScript.getCode(testLocale);
+ if (code != null) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < code.length; j++) {
+ if (code[j] != expected[j]) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode(). Got: " + code[j] + " Expected: " + expected[j]
+ + " for locale " + testLocaleName);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode() for locale " + testLocaleName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class GetCodeTest extends TestFmwk {
+ private String testName;
+ private int expected;
+ public GetCodeTest(String testName, int expected) {
+ this.testName = testName;
+ this.expected = expected;
+ }
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ public static Collection testData() {
+ return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
+ /* test locale */
+ { "en", UScript.LATIN },
+ { "en_US", UScript.LATIN },
+ { "sr", UScript.CYRILLIC },
+ { "ta", UScript.TAMIL },
+ { "gu", UScript.GUJARATI },
+ { "te_IN", UScript.TELUGU },
+ { "hi", UScript.DEVANAGARI },
+ { "he", UScript.HEBREW },
+ { "ar", UScript.ARABIC },
+ { "abcde", UScript.INVALID_CODE },
+ { "abscde_cdef", UScript.INVALID_CODE },
+ { "iw", UScript.HEBREW },
+ /* test abbr */
+ { "Hani", UScript.HAN },
+ { "Hang", UScript.HANGUL },
+ { "Hebr", UScript.HEBREW },
+ { "Hira", UScript.HIRAGANA },
+ { "Knda", UScript.KANNADA },
+ { "Kana", UScript.KATAKANA },
+ { "Khmr", UScript.KHMER },
+ { "Lao", UScript.LAO },
+ { "Latn", UScript.LATIN }, /* "Latf","Latg", */
+ { "Mlym", UScript.MALAYALAM },
+ { "Mong", UScript.MONGOLIAN },
+ /* test names */
+ { "DESERET", UScript.DESERET },
+ { "GOTHIC", UScript.GOTHIC },
+ { "GREEK", UScript.GREEK },
+ { "COMMON", UScript.COMMON },
+ /* test lower case names */
+ { "malayalam", UScript.MALAYALAM },
+ { "mongolian", UScript.MONGOLIAN },
+ { "myanmar", UScript.MYANMAR },
+ { "ogham", UScript.OGHAM },
+ { "old-italic", UScript.OLD_ITALIC },
+ { "oriya", UScript.ORIYA },
+ { "runic", UScript.RUNIC },
+ { "sinhala", UScript.SINHALA },
+ { "syriac", UScript.SYRIAC },
+ { "tamil", UScript.TAMIL },
+ { "telugu", UScript.TELUGU },
+ { "thaana", UScript.THAANA },
+ { "thai", UScript.THAI },
+ { "tibetan", UScript.TIBETAN },
+ /* test the bounds */
+ { "Cans", UScript.CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL },
+ { "arabic", UScript.ARABIC },
+ { "Yi", UScript.YI },
+ { "Zyyy", UScript.COMMON }
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestGetCode() {
+ int[] code = UScript.getCode(testName);
+ if (code == null) {
+ if (expected != UScript.INVALID_CODE) {
+ // getCode returns null if the code could not be found
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode(). Got: null" + " Expected: " + expected + " for locale "
+ + testName);
+ }
+ } else if ((code[0] != expected)) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getCode(). Got: " + code + " Expected: " + expected + " for locale "
+ + testName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class GetNameTest {
+ private int testCode;
+ private String expected;
+ public GetNameTest(int testCode, String expected) {
+ this.testCode = testCode;
+ this.expected = expected;
+ }
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ public static Collection testData() {
+ return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
+ { UScript.CYRILLIC, "Cyrillic" },
+ { UScript.DESERET, "Deseret" },
+ { UScript.DEVANAGARI, "Devanagari" },
+ { UScript.ETHIOPIC, "Ethiopic" },
+ { UScript.GEORGIAN, "Georgian" },
+ { UScript.GOTHIC, "Gothic" },
+ { UScript.GREEK, "Greek" },
+ { UScript.GUJARATI, "Gujarati" }
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestGetName() {
+ String scriptName = UScript.getName(testCode);
+ if (!expected.equals(scriptName)) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getName(). Got: " + scriptName + " Expected: " + expected);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class GetShortNameTest {
+ private int testCode;
+ private String expected;
+ public GetShortNameTest(int testCode, String expected) {
+ this.testCode = testCode;
+ this.expected = expected;
+ }
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ public static Collection testData() {
+ return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
+ { UScript.HAN, "Hani" },
+ { UScript.HANGUL, "Hang" },
+ { UScript.HEBREW, "Hebr" },
+ { UScript.HIRAGANA, "Hira" },
+ { UScript.KANNADA, "Knda" },
+ { UScript.KATAKANA, "Kana" },
+ { UScript.KHMER, "Khmr" },
+ { UScript.LAO, "Laoo" },
+ { UScript.LATIN, "Latn" },
+ { UScript.MALAYALAM, "Mlym" },
+ { UScript.MONGOLIAN, "Mong" },
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestGetShortName() {
+ String shortName = UScript.getShortName(testCode);
+ if (!expected.equals(shortName)) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getShortName(). Got: " + shortName + " Expected: " + expected);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class GetScriptTest {
+ private int codepoint;
+ private int expected;
+ public GetScriptTest(int[] codepoint) {
+ this.codepoint = codepoint[0];
+ this.expected = codepoint[1];
+ }
+ @Parameterized.Parameters
+ public static Collection testData() {
+ return Arrays.asList(new int[][] {
+ { 0x0000FF9D, UScript.KATAKANA },
+ { 0x0000FFBE, UScript.HANGUL },
+ { 0x0000FFC7, UScript.HANGUL },
+ { 0x0000FFCF, UScript.HANGUL },
+ { 0x0000FFD7, UScript.HANGUL },
+ { 0x0000FFDC, UScript.HANGUL },
+ { 0x00010300, UScript.OLD_ITALIC },
+ { 0x00010330, UScript.GOTHIC },
+ { 0x0001034A, UScript.GOTHIC },
+ { 0x00010400, UScript.DESERET },
+ { 0x00010428, UScript.DESERET },
+ { 0x0001D167, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x0001D17B, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x0001D185, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x0001D1AA, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x00020000, UScript.HAN },
+ { 0x00000D02, UScript.MALAYALAM },
+ { 0x00050005, UScript.UNKNOWN }, // new Zzzz value in Unicode 5.0
+ { 0x00000000, UScript.COMMON },
+ { 0x0001D169, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x0001D182, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x0001D18B, UScript.INHERITED },
+ { 0x0001D1AD, UScript.INHERITED },
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestGetScript() {
+ int code = UScript.INVALID_CODE;
+ code = UScript.getScript(codepoint);
+ if (code != expected) {
+ errln("Error testing UScript.getScript(). Got: " + code + " Expected: " + expected
+ + " for codepoint 0x + hex(codepoint).");
+ }
+ }
+ }
package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang;
import java.util.BitSet;
-import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;
import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript.ScriptUsage;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
-import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
public class TestUScript extends TestFmwk {
- private static String scriptsToString(int[] scripts) {
- if(scripts == null) {
- return "null";
- }
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for(int script : scripts) {
- if(sb.length() > 0) {
- sb.append(' ');
- }
- sb.append(UScript.getShortName(script));
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private void assertEqualScripts(String msg, int[] expectedScripts, int[] actualScripts) {
- assertEquals(msg, scriptsToString(expectedScripts), scriptsToString(actualScripts));
- }
- @Test
- public void TestLocaleGetCode(){
- final ULocale[] testNames={
- /* test locale */
- new ULocale("en"), new ULocale("en_US"),
- new ULocale("sr"), new ULocale("ta") ,
- new ULocale("te_IN"),
- new ULocale("hi"),
- new ULocale("he"), new ULocale("ar"),
- new ULocale("abcde"),
- new ULocale("abcde_cdef"),
- new ULocale("iw")
- };
- final int[] expected ={
- /* locales should return */
- UScript.LATIN, UScript.LATIN,
- UScript.CYRILLIC, UScript.TAMIL,
- UScript.HEBREW, UScript.ARABIC,
- UScript.HEBREW
- };
- int i =0;
- int numErrors =0;
- for( ; i<testNames.length; i++){
- int[] code = UScript.getCode(testNames[i]);
- if(code==null){
- if(expected[i]!=UScript.INVALID_CODE){
- logln("Error getting script code Got: null" + " Expected: " +expected[i] +" for name "+testNames[i]);
- numErrors++;
- }
- // getCode returns null if the code could not be found
- continue;
- }
- if((code[0] != expected[i])){
- logln("Error getting script code Got: " +code[0] + " Expected: " +expected[i] +" for name "+testNames[i]);
- numErrors++;
- }
- }
- reportDataErrors(numErrors);
- //
- ULocale defaultLoc = ULocale.getDefault();
- ULocale esperanto = new ULocale("eo_DE");
- ULocale.setDefault(esperanto);
- int[] code = UScript.getCode(esperanto);
- if(code != null){
- if( code[0] != UScript.LATIN){
- errln("Did not get the expected script code for Esperanto");
- }
- }else{
- warnln("Could not load the locale data.");
- }
- ULocale.setDefault(defaultLoc);
- // Should work regardless of whether we have locale data for the language.
- assertEqualScripts("tg script: Cyrl", // Tajik
- new int[] { UScript.CYRILLIC },
- UScript.getCode(new ULocale("tg")));
- assertEqualScripts("xsr script: Deva", // Sherpa
- new int[] { UScript.DEVANAGARI },
- UScript.getCode(new ULocale("xsr")));
- // Multi-script languages.
- assertEqualScripts("ja scripts: Kana Hira Hani",
- new int[] { UScript.KATAKANA, UScript.HIRAGANA, UScript.HAN },
- UScript.getCode(ULocale.JAPANESE));
- assertEqualScripts("ko scripts: Hang Hani",
- new int[] { UScript.HANGUL, UScript.HAN },
- UScript.getCode(ULocale.KOREAN));
- assertEqualScripts("zh script: Hani",
- new int[] { UScript.HAN },
- UScript.getCode(ULocale.CHINESE));
- assertEqualScripts("zh-Hant scripts: Hani Bopo",
- new int[] { UScript.HAN, UScript.BOPOMOFO },
- UScript.getCode(ULocale.TRADITIONAL_CHINESE));
- assertEqualScripts("zh-TW scripts: Hani Bopo",
- new int[] { UScript.HAN, UScript.BOPOMOFO },
- UScript.getCode(ULocale.TAIWAN));
- // Ambiguous API, but this probably wants to return Latin rather than Rongorongo (Roro).
- assertEqualScripts("ro-RO script: Latn",
- new int[] { UScript.LATIN },
- UScript.getCode("ro-RO")); // String not ULocale
- }
- // TODO(junit): remove this and convert the tests that use this to be parameterized
- private void reportDataErrors(int numErrors) {
- if (numErrors >0) {
- // assume missing locale data, so not an error, just a warning
- errln("encountered " + numErrors + " errors.");
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void TestMultipleCode(){
- final String[] testNames = { "ja" ,"ko_KR","zh","zh_TW"};
- final int[][] expected = {
- {UScript.KATAKANA,UScript.HIRAGANA,UScript.HAN},
- {UScript.HANGUL, UScript.HAN},
- {UScript.HAN},
- {UScript.HAN,UScript.BOPOMOFO}
- };
- int numErrors = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<testNames.length;i++){
- int[] code = UScript.getCode(testNames[i]);
- int[] expt = expected[i];
- if(code!=null){
- for(int j =0; j< code.length;j++){
- if(code[j]!=expt[j]){
- numErrors++;
- logln("Error getting script code Got: " +code[j] + " Expected: " +expt[j] +" for name "+testNames[i]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- numErrors++;
- logln("Error getting script code for name "+testNames[i]);
- }
- }
- reportDataErrors(numErrors);
- //cover UScript.getCode(Locale)
- Locale[] testLocales = new Locale[] {
- Locale.JAPANESE,
- Locale.KOREA,
- Locale.CHINESE,
- Locale.TAIWAN };
- logln("Testing UScript.getCode(Locale) ...");
- numErrors = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<testNames.length;i++){
- logln(" Testing locale: " + testLocales[i].getDisplayName());
- int[] code = UScript.getCode(testLocales[i]);
- int[] expt = expected[i];
- if(code!=null){
- for(int j =0; j< code.length;j++){
- if(code[j]!=expt[j]){
- numErrors++;
- logln(" Error getting script code Got: " +code[j] + " Expected: " +expt[j] +" for name "+testNames[i]);
- }
- }
- }else{
- numErrors++;
- logln(" Error getting script code for name "+testNames[i]);
- }
- }
- reportDataErrors(numErrors);
- }
- @Test
- public void TestGetCode(){
- final String[] testNames={
- /* test locale */
- "en", "en_US", "sr", "ta", "gu", "te_IN",
- "hi", "he", "ar",
- /* test abbr */
- "Hani", "Hang","Hebr","Hira",
- "Knda","Kana","Khmr","Lao",
- "Latn",/*"Latf","Latg",*/
- "Mlym", "Mong",
- /* test names */
- /* test lower case names */
- "malayalam", "mongolian", "myanmar", "ogham", "old-italic",
- "oriya", "runic", "sinhala", "syriac","tamil",
- "telugu", "thaana", "thai", "tibetan",
- /* test the bounds*/
- "Cans", "arabic","Yi","Zyyy"
- };
- final int[] expected ={
- /* locales should return */
- UScript.LATIN, UScript.LATIN,
- UScript.HEBREW, UScript.ARABIC,
- /* abbr should return */
- UScript.HAN, UScript.HANGUL, UScript.HEBREW, UScript.HIRAGANA,
- UScript.KANNADA, UScript.KATAKANA, UScript.KHMER, UScript.LAO,
- UScript.LATIN,/* UScript.LATIN, UScript.LATIN,*/
- /* names should return */
- /* lower case names should return */
- UScript.ORIYA, UScript.RUNIC, UScript.SINHALA, UScript.SYRIAC, UScript.TAMIL,
- UScript.TELUGU, UScript.THAANA, UScript.THAI, UScript.TIBETAN,
- /* bounds */
- };
- int i =0;
- int numErrors =0;
- for( ; i<testNames.length; i++){
- int[] code = UScript.getCode(testNames[i]);
- if(code == null){
- if(expected[i]==UScript.INVALID_CODE){
- // getCode returns null if the code could not be found
- continue;
- }
- // currently commented out until jitterbug#2678 is fixed
- logln("Error getting script code Got: null" + " Expected: " +expected[i] +" for name "+testNames[i]);
- numErrors++;
- continue;
- }
- if((code[0] != expected[i])){
- logln("Error getting script code Got: " +code[0] + " Expected: " +expected[i] +" for name "+testNames[i]);
- numErrors++;
- }
- }
- reportDataErrors(numErrors);
- }
- @Test
- public void TestGetName(){
- final int[] testCodes={
- /* names should return */
- UScript.GOTHIC, UScript.GREEK, UScript.GUJARATI,
- };
- final String[] expectedNames={
- /* test names */
- "Cyrillic","Deseret","Devanagari","Ethiopic","Georgian",
- "Gothic", "Greek", "Gujarati",
- };
- int i =0;
- int numErrors=0;
- while(i< testCodes.length){
- String scriptName = UScript.getName(testCodes[i]);
- if(!expectedNames[i].equals(scriptName)){
- logln("Error getting abbreviations Got: " +scriptName +" Expected: "+expectedNames[i]);
- numErrors++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(numErrors >0 ){
- warnln("encountered " + numErrors + " errors in UScript.getName()");
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void TestGetShortName(){
- final int[] testCodes={
- /* abbr should return */
- UScript.HAN, UScript.HANGUL, UScript.HEBREW, UScript.HIRAGANA,
- UScript.KANNADA, UScript.KATAKANA, UScript.KHMER, UScript.LAO,
- UScript.LATIN,
- };
- final String[] expectedAbbr={
- /* test abbr */
- "Hani", "Hang","Hebr","Hira",
- "Knda","Kana","Khmr","Laoo",
- "Latn",
- "Mlym", "Mong",
- };
- int i=0;
- int numErrors=0;
- while(i<testCodes.length){
- String shortName = UScript.getShortName(testCodes[i]);
- if(!expectedAbbr[i].equals(shortName)){
- logln("Error getting abbreviations Got: " +shortName+ " Expected: " +expectedAbbr[i]);
- numErrors++;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(numErrors >0 ){
- warnln("encountered " + numErrors + " errors in UScript.getShortName()");
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void TestGetScript(){
- int codepoints[][] = new int[][] {
- {0x0000FF9D, UScript.KATAKANA },
- {0x0000FFBE, UScript.HANGUL },
- {0x0000FFC7, UScript.HANGUL },
- {0x0000FFCF, UScript.HANGUL },
- {0x0000FFD7, UScript.HANGUL},
- {0x0000FFDC, UScript.HANGUL},
- {0x00010300, UScript.OLD_ITALIC},
- {0x00010330, UScript.GOTHIC},
- {0x0001034A, UScript.GOTHIC},
- {0x00010400, UScript.DESERET},
- {0x00010428, UScript.DESERET},
- {0x0001D167, UScript.INHERITED},
- {0x0001D17B, UScript.INHERITED},
- {0x0001D185, UScript.INHERITED},
- {0x0001D1AA, UScript.INHERITED},
- {0x00020000, UScript.HAN},
- {0x00000D02, UScript.MALAYALAM},
- {0x00050005, UScript.UNKNOWN}, // new Zzzz value in Unicode 5.0
- {0x00000000, UScript.COMMON},
- {0x0001D169, UScript.INHERITED },
- {0x0001D182, UScript.INHERITED },
- {0x0001D18B, UScript.INHERITED },
- {0x0001D1AD, UScript.INHERITED },
- };
- int i =0;
- int code = UScript.INVALID_CODE;
- boolean passed = true;
- while(i< codepoints.length){
- code = UScript.getScript(codepoints[i][0]);
- if(code != codepoints[i][1]){
- logln("UScript.getScript for codepoint 0x"+ hex(codepoints[i][0])+" failed");
- passed = false;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(!passed){
- errln("UScript.getScript failed.");
- }
- }
public void TestGetScriptOfCharsWithScriptExtensions() {
/* test characters which have Script_Extensions */