add execute rights for I_USR_ to the directory that contains
+ !NOTE!: Since 4.1.2, the php.ini setting cgi.force_redirect defaults to '1'
+ which effectively prevents the cgi from working within IIS. You need to set
+ up at least a minimal php.ini file with the following directive:
+ cgi.force_redirect = 0
+ If it doesn't work immidiately, make sure you have the php.ini file in the
+ right place (%SYSTEMROOT%\php.ini).
To use the ISAPI module, do the following:
If you don't want to perform HTTP Authentication using PHP,
Something went wrong when the server tried to run PHP. To get to see a
sensible error message, from the command line, change to the directory
- containing php-cgi.exe and run <literal>php-cgi.exe -i</literal>
+ containing php-cgi.exe and run "php-cgi.exe -i" (without quotes).
If php has any problems running, then a suitable error message will be displayed
which will give you a clue as to what needs to be done next.
If you get a screen full of html codes (the output of the phpinfo() function) then
try this tool.
+ I'm using IIS/CGI and everytime I try to access a php file I get
+ "Security Alert! The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly."
+ Since 4.1.2, the php.ini setting cgi.force_redirect defaults to '1' which
+ effectively prevents the cgi from working within IIS. You need to set up at
+ least a minimal php.ini file with the following directive:
+ cgi.force_redirect = 0
+ If it doesn't work immidiately, make sure you have the php.ini file in the
+ right place (%SYSTEMROOT%\php.ini).
Other problems
If you are still stuck, someone on the PHP installation mailing list may be
able to help you. You should check out the archive first, in case
If you think you have found a bug in PHP, please report it. The
PHP developers probably don't know about it, and unless you
- report it, chances are it won't be fixed. You can report bugs
- using the bug-tracking system at
+ report it, chances are it won't be fixed.
+ 1) Read about Bugs-Dos-And-Donts
+ 2) If you think you've found a bug, read
- Read the Bugs-Dos-And-Donts at
- _BEFORE_ submitting any bug reports!
+ 3) Feel welcome to file a report at