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+ <li class='upload-speed'>250 kB/s</li>
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+ </ul>
<iframe name="torrent_upload_frame" id="torrent_upload_frame" src="about:blank" ></iframe>
$("label[for=torrent_upload_url]").text("URL: ");
} else {
// Fix for non-Safari-3 browsers: dark borders to replace shadows.
- // Opera messes up the menu if we use a border on .trans_menu
- // div.outerbox so use ul instead
- $('.trans_menu ul, div#jqContextMenu, div.dialog_container div.dialog_window').css('border', '1px solid #777');
- // and this kills the border we used to have
- $('.trans_menu div.outerbox').css('border', 'none');
+ $('div.dialog_container div.dialog_window').css('border', '1px solid #777');
// Initialise the dialog controller
jquery-ui.min.js \
jquery-migrate.min.js \
jquery.min.js \
- jquery.contextmenu.min.js \
+ jquery.ui-contextmenu.min.js \
jquery.transmenu.min.js \
+++ /dev/null
-(function(a){function i(d,h,i,k){var l=f[d],m=i[l.eventPosY],n=i[l.eventPosX];e=a("#"+l.id).find("ul:first").clone(!0),e.css(l.menuStyle).find("li").css(l.itemStyle).hover(function(){a(this).css(l.itemHoverStyle)},function(){a(this).css(l.itemStyle)}).find("img").css({verticalAlign:"middle",paddingRight:"2px"}),b.html(e),!l.onShowMenu||(b=l.onShowMenu(i,b)),a.each(l.bindings,function(c,d){a("#"+c,b).bind("click",function(a){j(),d(h,g)})}),m+b.height()>a(window).height()&&(m=m-b.height()),n+b.width()>a(window).width()&&(n=n-b.width()),b.css({left:n,top:m}).show(),l.shadow&&c.css({width:b.width(),height:b.height(),left:i.pageX+2,top:i.pageY+2}).show(),setTimeout(function(){a(document).click(function(){return a(document).unbind("click"),j(),!1})},0)}function j(){b.hide(),c.hide()}var b,c,d,e,f,g,h={menuStyle:{listStyle:"none",padding:"1px",margin:"0px",backgroundColor:"#fff",border:"1px solid #999",width:"100px"},itemStyle:{margin:"0px",color:"#000",display:"block",cursor:"default",padding:"3px",border:"1px solid #fff",backgroundColor:"transparent"},itemHoverStyle:{border:"1px solid #0a246a",backgroundColor:"#b6bdd2"},eventPosX:"pageX",eventPosY:"pageY",shadow:!0,onContextMenu:null,onShowMenu:null};a.fn.contextMenu=function(d,e){b||(b=a('<div id="jqContextMenu"></div>').hide().css({position:"absolute",zIndex:"500"}).appendTo("body").bind("click",function(a){a.stopPropagation()})),c||(c=a("<div></div>").css({backgroundColor:"#000",position:"absolute",opacity:.2,zIndex:499}).appendTo("body").hide()),f=f||[],f.push({id:d,menuStyle:a.extend({},h.menuStyle,e.menuStyle||{}),itemStyle:a.extend({},h.itemStyle,e.itemStyle||{}),itemHoverStyle:a.extend({},h.itemHoverStyle,e.itemHoverStyle||{}),bindings:e.bindings||{},shadow:e.shadow||e.shadow===!1?e.shadow:h.shadow,onContextMenu:e.onContextMenu||h.onContextMenu,onShowMenu:e.onShowMenu||h.onShowMenu,eventPosX:e.eventPosX||h.eventPosX,eventPosY:e.eventPosY||h.eventPosY});var g=f.length-1;return a(this).bind("contextmenu",function(a){var b=f[g].onContextMenu?f[g].onContextMenu(a):!0;return b&&i(g,this,a,e),!1}),this},a.contextMenu={defaults:function(b){a.each(b,function(b,c){typeof c=="object"&&h[b]?a.extend(h[b],c):h[b]=c})}}})(jQuery),$(function(){$("div.contextMenu").hide()})
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- * ContextMenu - jQuery plugin for right-click context menus\r
- *\r
- * Author: Chris Domigan\r
- * Contributors: Dan G. Switzer, II\r
- * Parts of this plugin are inspired by Joern Zaefferer's Tooltip plugin\r
- *\r
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:\r
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\r
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\r
- *\r
- * Version: r2\r
- * Date: 16 July 2007\r
- *\r
- * For documentation visit http://www.trendskitchens.co.nz/jquery/contextmenu/\r
- *\r
- */\r
-(function($) {\r
- var menu, shadow, trigger, content, hash, currentTarget;\r
- var defaults = {\r
- menuStyle: {\r
- listStyle: 'none',\r
- padding: '1px',\r
- margin: '0px',\r
- backgroundColor: '#fff',\r
- border: '1px solid #999',\r
- width: '100px'\r
- },\r
- itemStyle: {\r
- margin: '0px',\r
- color: '#000',\r
- display: 'block',\r
- cursor: 'default',\r
- padding: '3px',\r
- border: '1px solid #fff',\r
- backgroundColor: 'transparent'\r
- },\r
- itemHoverStyle: {\r
- border: '1px solid #0a246a',\r
- backgroundColor: '#b6bdd2'\r
- },\r
- eventPosX: 'pageX',\r
- eventPosY: 'pageY',\r
- shadow : true,\r
- onContextMenu: null,\r
- onShowMenu: null\r
- };\r
- $.fn.contextMenu = function(id, options) {\r
- if (!menu) { // Create singleton menu\r
- menu = $('<div id="jqContextMenu"></div>')\r
- .hide()\r
- .css({position:'absolute', zIndex:'500'})\r
- .appendTo('body')\r
- .bind('click', function(e) {\r
- e.stopPropagation();\r
- });\r
- }\r
- if (!shadow) {\r
- shadow = $('<div></div>')\r
- .css({backgroundColor:'#000',position:'absolute',opacity:0.2,zIndex:499})\r
- .appendTo('body')\r
- .hide();\r
- }\r
- hash = hash || [];\r
- hash.push({\r
- id : id,\r
- menuStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.menuStyle, options.menuStyle || {}),\r
- itemStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.itemStyle, options.itemStyle || {}),\r
- itemHoverStyle: $.extend({}, defaults.itemHoverStyle, options.itemHoverStyle || {}),\r
- bindings: options.bindings || {},\r
- shadow: options.shadow || options.shadow === false ? options.shadow : defaults.shadow,\r
- onContextMenu: options.onContextMenu || defaults.onContextMenu,\r
- onShowMenu: options.onShowMenu || defaults.onShowMenu,\r
- eventPosX: options.eventPosX || defaults.eventPosX,\r
- eventPosY: options.eventPosY || defaults.eventPosY\r
- });\r
- var index = hash.length - 1;\r
- $(this).bind('contextmenu', function(e) {\r
- // Check if onContextMenu() defined\r
- var bShowContext = (!!hash[index].onContextMenu) ? hash[index].onContextMenu(e) : true;\r
- if (bShowContext) display(index, this, e, options);\r
- return false;\r
- });\r
- return this;\r
- };\r
- function display(index, trigger, e, options) {\r
- var cur = hash[index];\r
- var top = e[cur.eventPosY];\r
- var left = e[cur.eventPosX];\r
- content = $('#'+cur.id).find('ul:first').clone(true);\r
- content.css(cur.menuStyle).find('li').css(cur.itemStyle).hover(\r
- function() {\r
- $(this).css(cur.itemHoverStyle);\r
- },\r
- function(){\r
- $(this).css(cur.itemStyle);\r
- }\r
- ).find('img').css({verticalAlign:'middle',paddingRight:'2px'});\r
- // Send the content to the menu\r
- menu.html(content);\r
- // if there's an onShowMenu, run it now -- must run after content has been added\r
- // if you try to alter the content variable before the menu.html(), IE6 has issues\r
- // updating the content\r
- if (!!cur.onShowMenu) menu = cur.onShowMenu(e, menu);\r
- $.each(cur.bindings, function(id, func) {\r
- $('#'+id, menu).bind('click', function(e) {\r
- hide();\r
- func(trigger, currentTarget);\r
- });\r
- });\r
- if( top + menu.height() > $(window).height() ) top = top - menu.height();\r
- if( left + menu.width() > $(window).width() ) left = left - menu.width();\r
- menu.css({'left':left,'top':top}).show();\r
- if (cur.shadow) shadow.css({width:menu.width(),height:menu.height(),left:e.pageX+2,top:e.pageY+2}).show();\r
- \r
- setTimeout( function() { // Delay for Mozilla\r
- $(document).click( function() {\r
- $(document).unbind('click');\r
- hide();\r
- return false;\r
- });\r
- }, 0);\r
- }\r
- function hide() {\r
- menu.hide();\r
- shadow.hide();\r
- }\r
- // Apply defaults\r
- $.contextMenu = {\r
- defaults : function(userDefaults) {\r
- $.each(userDefaults, function(i, val) {\r
- if (typeof val == 'object' && defaults[i]) {\r
- $.extend(defaults[i], val);\r
- }\r
- else defaults[i] = val;\r
- });\r
- }\r
- };\r
-$(function() {\r
- $('div.contextMenu').hide();\r
\ No newline at end of file
-/* transMenu - v0.1.5 (2007-07-07)\r
- * Copyright (c) 2007 Roman Weich\r
- * http://p.sohei.org\r
- *\r
- */\r
- var defaults = {\r
- onClick: function(){\r
- $(this).find('>a').each(function(){\r
- if ( this.href )\r
- {\r
- window.location = this.href;\r
- }\r
- });\r
- },\r
- arrow_char: '►',\r
- selected_char: '✓',\r
- subDelay: 300,\r
- direction: 'down',\r
- mainDelay: 10\r
- };\r
- \r
- var transMenuSettings;\r
- $.fn.transMenu = function(options) \r
- {\r
- var shown = false;\r
- var liOffset = 2;\r
- transMenuSettings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);\r
- var hideDIV = function(div, delay) {\r
- //a timer running to show the div?\r
- if ( div.timer && !div.isVisible ) {\r
- clearTimeout(div.timer);\r
- } else if (div.timer) {\r
- return; //hide-timer already running\r
- }\r
- if ( div.isVisible ) {\r
- div.timer = setTimeout( function() {\r
- //remove events\r
- $(div).find('ul li').unbind('mouseover', liHoverIn).unbind('mouseout', liHoverOut).unbind('click', transMenuSettings.onClick);\r
- $(div).hide();\r
- div.isVisible = false;\r
- div.timer = null;\r
- }, delay);\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var showDIV = function(div, delay) {\r
- if ( div.timer ) {\r
- clearTimeout(div.timer);\r
- }\r
- if ( !div.isVisible ) {\r
- div.timer = setTimeout( function() {\r
- //check if the mouse is still over the parent item - if not dont show the submenu\r
- if (! $(div).parent().is('.hover')) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- //assign events to all div>ul>li-elements\r
- $(div).find('ul li').mouseover(liHoverIn).mouseout(liHoverOut).click(transMenuSettings.onClick);\r
- //positioning\r
- if (! $(div).parent().is('.main')) {\r
- $(div).css('left', $(div).parent().parent().width() - liOffset);\r
- }\r
- \r
- if (transMenuSettings.direction == 'up') {\r
- $(div).css('top', ($(div).height() * -1) + $(div).parent().parent().height());\r
- }\r
- \r
- div.isVisible = true; //we use this over :visible to speed up traversing\r
- $(div).show();\r
- div.timer = null;\r
- }, delay);\r
- }\r
- };\r
- //same as hover.handlehover in jquery - just can't use hover() directly - need the ability to unbind only the one hover event\r
- var testHandleHover = function(e) {\r
- // Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element\r
- var p = (e.type == "mouseover" ? e.fromElement : e.toElement) || e.relatedTarget;\r
- // Traverse up the tree\r
- while ( p && p != this ) {\r
- try { \r
- p = p.parentNode;\r
- } catch(e) { \r
- p = this;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it\r
- if ( p == this ) {\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- return true;\r
- };\r
- \r
- var mainHoverIn = function(e) {\r
- $(this).addClass('hover').siblings('li.hover').removeClass('hover');\r
- if ( shown ) {\r
- hoverIn(this, transMenuSettings.mainDelay);\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var liHoverIn = function(e) {\r
- if ( !testHandleHover(e) ) {\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- if ( e.target != this ) {\r
- //look whether the target is a direct child of this (maybe an image)\r
- if ( !isChild(this, e.target) ) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- hoverIn(this, transMenuSettings.subDelay);\r
- };\r
- var hoverIn = function(li, delay) {\r
- //stop running timers from the other menus on the same level - a little faster than $('>*>div', li.parentNode)\r
- var n = li.parentNode.firstChild;\r
- for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {\r
- if ( n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'LI' ) {\r
- var div = getOneChild(n, 'DIV');\r
- //clear show-div timer\r
- if ( div && div.timer && !div.isVisible ) {\r
- clearTimeout(div.timer);\r
- div.timer = null;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- //is there a timer running to hide one of the parent divs? stop it\r
- var pNode = li.parentNode;\r
- for ( ; pNode; pNode = pNode.parentNode ) {\r
- if ( pNode.nodeType == 1 && pNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'DIV' ) {\r
- if (pNode.timer) {\r
- clearTimeout(pNode.timer);\r
- pNode.timer = null;\r
- $(pNode.parentNode).addClass('hover');\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- //highlight the current element\r
- $(li).addClass('hover');\r
- var innerDiv = $(li).children('div');\r
- innerDiv = innerDiv.length ? innerDiv[0] : null;\r
- //is the submenu already visible?\r
- if ( innerDiv && innerDiv.isVisible ) {\r
- //hide-timer running?\r
- if ( innerDiv.timer ) {\r
- clearTimeout(innerDiv.timer);\r
- innerDiv.timer = null;\r
- } else {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- //hide all open menus on the same level and below and unhighlight the li item (but not the current submenu!)\r
- $(li.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('DIV')).each( function() {\r
- if ( this != innerDiv && this.isVisible ) {\r
- hideDIV(this, delay);\r
- $(this.parentNode).removeClass('hover');\r
- }\r
- });\r
- //show the submenu, if there is one\r
- if ( innerDiv ) {\r
- showDIV(innerDiv, delay);\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var liHoverOut = function(e) {\r
- if ( !testHandleHover(e) ) {\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- if ( e.target != this ) {\r
- //return only if the target is no direct child of this\r
- if ( !isChild(this, e.target) ) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // Remove the hover from the submenu item, if the mouse is hovering out of the \r
- // menu (this is only for the last open (levelwise) (sub-)menu)\r
- var div = getOneChild(this, 'DIV');\r
- if ( !div ) {\r
- $(this).removeClass('hover');\r
- } else {\r
- if ( !div.isVisible ) {\r
- $(this).removeClass('hover');\r
- }\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var mainHoverOut = function(e) {\r
- //no need to test e.target==this, as no child has the same event bound\r
- var div = getOneChild(this, 'DIV');\r
- var relTarget = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; //this is undefined sometimes (e.g. when the mouse moves out of the window), so dont remove hover then\r
- var p;\r
- if ( !shown ) {\r
- $(this).removeClass('hover');\r
- \r
- //menuitem has no submenu, so dont remove the hover if the mouse goes outside the menu \r
- } else if ( !div && relTarget ) {\r
- p = $(e.target).parents('UL.trans_menu');\r
- if ( p.contains(relTarget)) {\r
- $(this).removeClass('hover');\r
- }\r
- } else if ( relTarget ) {\r
- //remove hover only when moving to anywhere inside the trans_menu\r
- p = $(e.target).parents('UL.trans_menu');\r
- if ( !div.isVisible && (p.contains(relTarget)) ) {\r
- $(this).removeClass('hover');\r
- }\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var mainClick = function() {\r
- var div = getOneChild(this, 'DIV');\r
- //clicked on an open main-menu-item\r
- if ( div && div.isVisible ) {\r
- clean();\r
- $(this).addClass('hover');\r
- } else {\r
- hoverIn(this, transMenuSettings.mainDelay);\r
- shown = true;\r
- $('ul.trans_menu li').addClass('active');\r
- $(document).bind('mousedown', checkMouse);\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var checkMouse = function(e) {\r
- //is the mouse inside a trans_menu? if yes, is it an open (the current) one?\r
- var vis = false;\r
- $(e.target).parents('UL.trans_menu').find('div').each( function(){\r
- if ( this.isVisible ) {\r
- vis = true;\r
- }\r
- });\r
- if ( !vis ) {\r
- clean();\r
- }\r
- };\r
- var clean = function() {\r
- //remove timeout and hide the divs\r
- $('ul.trans_menu div.outerbox').each(function(){\r
- if ( this.timer ) {\r
- clearTimeout(this.timer);\r
- this.timer = null;\r
- }\r
- if ( this.isVisible ) {\r
- $(this).hide();\r
- this.isVisible = false;\r
- }\r
- });\r
- $('ul.trans_menu li').removeClass('hover');\r
- //remove events\r
- $('ul.trans_menu>li li').unbind('mouseover', liHoverIn).unbind('mouseout', liHoverOut).unbind('click', transMenuSettings.onClick);\r
- $(document).unbind('mousedown', checkMouse);\r
- shown = false;\r
- $('ul.trans_menu li').removeClass('active');\r
- };\r
- var getOneChild = function(elem, name) {\r
- if ( !elem ) {\r
- return null;\r
- }\r
- var n = elem.firstChild;\r
- for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {\r
- if ( n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name ) {\r
- return n;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return null;\r
- };\r
- \r
- var isChild = function(elem, childElem) {\r
- var n = elem.firstChild;\r
- for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {\r
- if ( n == childElem ) {\r
- return true;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return false;\r
- };\r
- return this.each(function() {\r
- //add .contains() to mozilla - http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2006/01/contains_for_mo.html\r
- if (window.Node && Node.prototype && !Node.prototype.contains) {\r
- Node.prototype.contains = function(arg) {\r
- return !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16);\r
- };\r
- }\r
- if (! $(this).is('.trans_menu')) {\r
- $(this).addClass('trans_menu');\r
- }\r
- //add shadows\r
- $('ul', this).shadowBox();\r
- \r
- //assign events\r
- $(this).bind('closemenu', function(){clean();}); //assign closemenu-event, through wich the menu can be closed from outside the plugin\r
- //add click event handling, if there are any elements inside the main menu\r
- var liElems = $(this).children('li');\r
- for ( var j = 0; j < liElems.length; j++ ) {\r
- if ( getOneChild(getOneChild(getOneChild(liElems[j], 'DIV'), 'UL'), 'LI') ) {\r
- $(liElems[j]).click(mainClick);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- //add hover event handling and assign classes\r
- $(liElems).hover(mainHoverIn, mainHoverOut).addClass('main').find('>div').addClass('inner');\r
- //add the little arrow before each submenu\r
- if ( transMenuSettings.arrow_char ) {\r
- var arrow_markup = $("<span class='arrow'>" + transMenuSettings.arrow_char + '</span>');\r
- // Mozilla float/position hack\r
- if ($.browser.mozilla && +$.browser.version.replace(/\./g,'').slice(0,3) < 191) {\r
- arrow_markup.css('margin-top', '-13px');\r
- }\r
- $('div.inner div.outerbox', this).before(arrow_markup);\r
- }\r
- //the floating list elements are destroying the layout..so make it nice again..\r
- $(this).wrap('<div class="main_container"></div>').after('<div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>');\r
- });\r
- };\r
- \r
- $.fn.transMenu.setDefaults = function(o) {\r
- $.extend(defaults, o);\r
- };\r
- $.fn.shadowBox = function() {\r
- return this.each(function() {\r
- var outer = $('<div class="outerbox"></div>').get(0);\r
- if ( $(this).css('position') == 'absolute' ) {\r
- //if the child(this) is positioned abolute, we have to use relative positioning and shrink the outerbox accordingly to the innerbox\r
- $(outer).css({position:'relative', width:this.offsetWidth, height:this.offsetHeight});\r
- } else {\r
- //shrink the outerbox\r
- $(outer).css('position', 'absolute');\r
- }\r
- //add the boxes\r
- $(this).addClass('innerBox').wrap(outer).\r
- before('<div class="shadowbox1"></div><div class="shadowbox2"></div><div class="shadowbox3"></div>');\r
- });\r
- };\r
- \r
- $.fn.selectMenuItem = function() {\r
- if (this.find('span.selected').length == 0) {\r
- this.prepend($("<span class='selected'>" + transMenuSettings.selected_char + "</span>"));\r
- }\r
- return this;\r
- };\r
- \r
- $.fn.deselectMenuItem = function() {\r
- return this.find('span.selected').remove();\r
- };\r
- \r
- $.fn.menuItemIsSelected = function() {\r
- return (this.find('span.selected').length > 0);\r
- };\r
- \r
- $.fn.deselectMenuSiblings = function() {\r
- this.parent().find('span.selected').remove();\r
- this.selectMenuItem();\r
- return this; \r
- };\r
+ * This file Copyright (C) 2015 Mnemosyne LLC
+ *
+ * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
+ * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
+ */
+$.widget('tr.transMenu', $.ui.menu, {
+ options: {
+ open: null,
+ close: null
+ },
+ _create: function() {
+ this.selectImpl = this.options.select;
+ this.options.select = $.proxy(this._select, this);
+ this.element.hide();
+ this._superApply(arguments);
+ },
+ _select: function(event, ui) {
+ if (ui.item.is("[aria-haspopup='true']"))
+ return;
+ ui.id = ui.item.attr("id");
+ ui.group = ui.item.attr("radio-group");
+ ui.target = $(event.currentTarget);
+ if (this.selectImpl(event, ui) !== false)
+ this.close();
+ },
+ open: function(event) {
+ this.element.show();
+ this.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: 4, top: -this.element.height() - 4 });
+ $(document).bind("keydown" + this.eventNamespace, $.proxy(function(event) {
+ if (event.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE)
+ this.close();
+ }, this));
+ $(document).bind("mousedown" + this.eventNamespace + " touchstart" + this.eventNamespace, $.proxy(function(event) {
+ if (!$(event.target).closest(".ui-menu-item").length)
+ this.close();
+ }, this));
+ this._trigger("open", event);
+ },
+ close: function(event) {
+ $(document).unbind("keydown" + this.eventNamespace);
+ $(document).unbind("mousedown" + this.eventNamespace);
+ $(document).unbind("touchstart" + this.eventNamespace);
+ this._close(this.element);
+ this.element.hide();
+ this._trigger("close", event);
+ }
+ function indicatorClass(type)
+ {
+ return ['ui-icon', 'ui-icon-' + type];
+ }
+ function findIndicator(item, type)
+ {
+ return $(item).find('span.' + indicatorClass(type).join('.'));
+ }
+ function createIndicator(item, type)
+ {
+ $(item).prepend($("<span class='" + indicatorClass(type).join(' ') + "'></span>"));
+ }
+ function indicatorType(item)
+ {
+ var group = item.attr('radio-group');
+ return { type: group !== undefined ? 'bullet' : 'check', group: group };
+ }
+ $.fn.selectMenuItem = function() {
+ var t = indicatorType(this);
+ if (t.type == 'bullet')
+ this.parent().find('li[radio-group=' + t.group + '] span.' + indicatorClass(t.type).join('.')).remove();
+ if (findIndicator(this, t.type).length == 0)
+ createIndicator(this, t.type);
+ return this;
+ };
+ $.fn.deselectMenuItem = function() {
+ var t = indicatorType(this);
+ return findIndicator(this, t.type).remove();
+ };
+ $.fn.menuItemIsSelected = function() {
+ return findIndicator(this, 'bullet').length > 0 || findIndicator(this, 'check').length > 0;
+ };
-(function(a){var b={onClick:function(){a(this).find(">a").each(function(){this.href&&(window.location=this.href)})},arrow_char:"►",selected_char:"✓",subDelay:300,direction:"down",mainDelay:10},c;a.fn.transMenu=function(d){var e=!1,f=2;c=a.extend({},b,d);var g=function(b,d){if(b.timer&&!b.isVisible)clearTimeout(b.timer);else if(b.timer)return;b.isVisible&&(b.timer=setTimeout(function(){a(b).find("ul li").unbind("mouseover",k).unbind("mouseout",m).unbind("click",c.onClick),a(b).hide(),b.isVisible=!1,b.timer=null},d))},h=function(b,d){b.timer&&clearTimeout(b.timer),b.isVisible||(b.timer=setTimeout(function(){if(!a(b).parent().is(".hover"))return;a(b).find("ul li").mouseover(k).mouseout(m).click(c.onClick),a(b).parent().is(".main")||a(b).css("left",a(b).parent().parent().width()-f),c.direction=="up"&&a(b).css("top",a(b).height()*-1+a(b).parent().parent().height()),b.isVisible=!0,a(b).show(),b.timer=null},d))},i=function(a){var b=(a.type=="mouseover"?a.fromElement:a.toElement)||a.relatedTarget;while(b&&b!=this)try{b=b.parentNode}catch(a){b=this}return b==this?!1:!0},j=function(b){a(this).addClass("hover").siblings("li.hover").removeClass("hover"),e&&l(this,c.mainDelay)},k=function(a){if(!i(a))return!1;if(a.target!=this&&!s(this,a.target))return;l(this,c.subDelay)},l=function(b,c){var d=b.parentNode.firstChild;for(;d;d=d.nextSibling)if(d.nodeType==1&&d.nodeName.toUpperCase()=="LI"){var e=r(d,"DIV");e&&e.timer&&!e.isVisible&&(clearTimeout(e.timer),e.timer=null)}var f=b.parentNode;for(;f;f=f.parentNode)f.nodeType==1&&f.nodeName.toUpperCase()=="DIV"&&f.timer&&(clearTimeout(f.timer),f.timer=null,a(f.parentNode).addClass("hover"));a(b).addClass("hover");var i=a(b).children("div");i=i.length?i[0]:null;if(i&&i.isVisible)if(i.timer)clearTimeout(i.timer),i.timer=null;else return;a(b.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("DIV")).each(function(){this!=i&&this.isVisible&&(g(this,c),a(this.parentNode).removeClass("hover"))}),i&&h(i,c)},m=function(b){if(!i(b))return!1;if(b.target!=this&&!s(this,b.target))return;var c=r(this,"DIV");c?c.isVisible||a(this).removeClass("hover"):a(this).removeClass("hover")},n=function(b){var c=r(this,"DIV"),d=b.relatedTarget||b.toElement,f;e?!c&&d?(f=a(b.target).parents("UL.trans_menu"),f.contains(d)&&a(this).removeClass("hover")):d&&(f=a(b.target).parents("UL.trans_menu"),!c.isVisible&&f.contains(d)&&a(this).removeClass("hover")):a(this).removeClass("hover")},o=function(){var b=r(this,"DIV");b&&b.isVisible?(q(),a(this).addClass("hover")):(l(this,c.mainDelay),e=!0,a("ul.trans_menu li").addClass("active"),a(document).bind("mousedown",p))},p=function(b){var c=!1;a(b.target).parents("UL.trans_menu").find("div").each(function(){this.isVisible&&(c=!0)}),c||q()},q=function(){a("ul.trans_menu div.outerbox").each(function(){this.timer&&(clearTimeout(this.timer),this.timer=null),this.isVisible&&(a(this).hide(),this.isVisible=!1)}),a("ul.trans_menu li").removeClass("hover"),a("ul.trans_menu>li li").unbind("mouseover",k).unbind("mouseout",m).unbind("click",c.onClick),a(document).unbind("mousedown",p),e=!1,a("ul.trans_menu li").removeClass("active")},r=function(a,b){if(!a)return null;var c=a.firstChild;for(;c;c=c.nextSibling)if(c.nodeType==1&&c.nodeName.toUpperCase()==b)return c;return null},s=function(a,b){var c=a.firstChild;for(;c;c=c.nextSibling)if(c==b)return!0;return!1};return this.each(function(){window.Node&&Node.prototype&&!Node.prototype.contains&&(Node.prototype.contains=function(a){return!!(this.compareDocumentPosition(a)&16)}),a(this).is(".trans_menu")||a(this).addClass("trans_menu"),a("ul",this).shadowBox(),a(this).bind("closemenu",function(){q()});var b=a(this).children("li");for(var d=0;d<b.length;d++)r(r(r(b[d],"DIV"),"UL"),"LI")&&a(b[d]).click(o);a(b).hover(j,n).addClass("main").find(">div").addClass("inner");if(c.arrow_char){var e=a("<span class='arrow'>"+c.arrow_char+"</span>");a.browser.mozilla&&+a.browser.version.replace(/\./g,"").slice(0,3)<191&&e.css("margin-top","-13px"),a("div.inner div.outerbox",this).before(e)}a(this).wrap('<div class="main_container"></div>').after('<div style="clear: both; visibility: hidden;"></div>')})},a.fn.transMenu.setDefaults=function(c){a.extend(b,c)},a.fn.shadowBox=function(){return this.each(function(){var b=a('<div class="outerbox"></div>').get(0);a(this).css("position")=="absolute"?a(b).css({position:"relative",width:this.offsetWidth,height:this.offsetHeight}):a(b).css("position","absolute"),a(this).addClass("innerBox").wrap(b).before('<div class="shadowbox1"></div><div class="shadowbox2"></div><div class="shadowbox3"></div>')})},a.fn.selectMenuItem=function(){return this.find("span.selected").length==0&&this.prepend(a("<span class='selected'>"+c.selected_char+"</span>")),this},a.fn.deselectMenuItem=function(){return this.find("span.selected").remove()},a.fn.menuItemIsSelected=function(){return this.find("span.selected").length>0},a.fn.deselectMenuSiblings=function(){return this.parent().find("span.selected").remove(),this.selectMenuItem(),this}})(jQuery)
\ No newline at end of file
+$.widget("tr.transMenu",$.ui.menu,{options:{open:null,close:null},_create:function(){this.selectImpl=this.options.select,this.options.select=$.proxy(this._select,this),this.element.hide(),this._superApply(arguments)},_select:function(e,t){t.item.is("[aria-haspopup='true']")||(t.id=t.item.attr("id"),t.group=t.item.attr("radio-group"),t.target=$(e.currentTarget),this.selectImpl(e,t)!==!1&&this.close())},open:function(e){this.element.show(),this.element.css({position:"absolute",left:4,top:-this.element.height()-4}),$(document).bind("keydown"+this.eventNamespace,$.proxy(function(e){e.which===$.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE&&this.close()},this)),$(document).bind("mousedown"+this.eventNamespace+" touchstart"+this.eventNamespace,$.proxy(function(e){$(e.target).closest(".ui-menu-item").length||this.close()},this)),this._trigger("open",e)},close:function(e){$(document).unbind("keydown"+this.eventNamespace),$(document).unbind("mousedown"+this.eventNamespace),$(document).unbind("touchstart"+this.eventNamespace),this._close(this.element),this.element.hide(),this._trigger("close",e)}}),function($){function e(e){return["ui-icon","ui-icon-"+e]}function t(t,n){return $(t).find("span."+e(n).join("."))}function n(t,n){$(t).prepend($("<span class='"+e(n).join(" ")+"'></span>"))}function i(e){var t=e.attr("radio-group");return{type:void 0!==t?"bullet":"check",group:t}}$.fn.selectMenuItem=function(){var s=i(this);return"bullet"==s.type&&this.parent().find("li[radio-group="+s.group+"] span."+e(s.type).join(".")).remove(),0==t(this,s.type).length&&n(this,s.type),this},$.fn.deselectMenuItem=function(){var e=i(this);return t(this,e.type).remove()},$.fn.menuItemIsSelected=function(){return t(this,"bullet").length>0||t(this,"check").length>0}}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * jquery.ui-contextmenu.js plugin.
+ *
+ * jQuery plugin that provides a context menu (based on the jQueryUI menu widget).
+ *
+ * @see https://github.com/mar10/jquery-ui-contextmenu
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Martin Wendt (http://wwWendt.de). Licensed MIT.
+ */
+(function( factory ) {
+ "use strict";
+ if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define([ "jquery", "jquery-ui/menu" ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery );
+ }
+}(function( $ ) {
+"use strict";
+var supportSelectstart = "onselectstart" in document.createElement("div"),
+ match = $.ui.menu.version.match(/^(\d)\.(\d+)/),
+ uiVersion = {
+ major: parseInt(match[1], 10),
+ minor: parseInt(match[2], 10)
+ },
+ isLTE110 = ( uiVersion.major < 2 && uiVersion.minor < 11 );
+$.widget("moogle.contextmenu", {
+ version: "@VERSION",
+ options: {
+ addClass: "ui-contextmenu", // Add this class to the outer <ul>
+ autoFocus: false, // Set keyboard focus to first entry on open
+ autoTrigger: true, // open menu on browser's `contextmenu` event
+ delegate: null, // selector
+ hide: { effect: "fadeOut", duration: "fast" },
+ ignoreParentSelect: true, // Don't trigger 'select' for sub-menu parents
+ menu: null, // selector or jQuery pointing to <UL>, or a definition hash
+ position: null, // popup positon
+ preventContextMenuForPopup: false, // prevent opening the browser's system
+ // context menu on menu entries
+ preventSelect: false, // disable text selection of target
+ show: { effect: "slideDown", duration: "fast" },
+ taphold: false, // open menu on taphold events (requires external plugins)
+ uiMenuOptions: {}, // Additional options, used when UI Menu is created
+ // Events:
+ beforeOpen: $.noop, // menu about to open; return `false` to prevent opening
+ blur: $.noop, // menu option lost focus
+ close: $.noop, // menu was closed
+ create: $.noop, // menu was initialized
+ createMenu: $.noop, // menu was initialized (original UI Menu)
+ focus: $.noop, // menu option got focus
+ open: $.noop, // menu was opened
+ select: $.noop // menu option was selected; return `false` to prevent closing
+ },
+ /** Constructor */
+ _create: function() {
+ var cssText, eventNames, targetId,
+ opts = this.options;
+ this.$headStyle = null;
+ this.$menu = null;
+ this.menuIsTemp = false;
+ this.currentTarget = null;
+ this.previousFocus = null;
+ if (opts.preventSelect) {
+ // Create a global style for all potential menu targets
+ // If the contextmenu was bound to `document`, we apply the
+ // selector relative to the <body> tag instead
+ targetId = ($(this.element).is(document) ? $("body")
+ : this.element).uniqueId().attr("id");
+ cssText = "#" + targetId + " " + opts.delegate + " { " +
+ "-webkit-user-select: none; " +
+ "-khtml-user-select: none; " +
+ "-moz-user-select: none; " +
+ "-ms-user-select: none; " +
+ "user-select: none; " +
+ "}";
+ this.$headStyle = $("<style class='moogle-contextmenu-style' />")
+ .prop("type", "text/css")
+ .appendTo("head");
+ try {
+ this.$headStyle.html(cssText);
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ // issue #47: fix for IE 6-8
+ this.$headStyle[0].styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
+ }
+ // TODO: the selectstart is not supported by FF?
+ if (supportSelectstart) {
+ this.element.delegate(opts.delegate, "selectstart" + this.eventNamespace,
+ function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this._createUiMenu(opts.menu);
+ eventNames = "contextmenu" + this.eventNamespace;
+ if (opts.taphold) {
+ eventNames += " taphold" + this.eventNamespace;
+ }
+ this.element.delegate(opts.delegate, eventNames, $.proxy(this._openMenu, this));
+ },
+ /** Destructor, called on $().contextmenu("destroy"). */
+ _destroy: function() {
+ this.element.undelegate(this.eventNamespace);
+ this._createUiMenu(null);
+ if (this.$headStyle) {
+ this.$headStyle.remove();
+ this.$headStyle = null;
+ }
+ },
+ /** (Re)Create jQuery UI Menu. */
+ _createUiMenu: function(menuDef) {
+ var ct,
+ opts = this.options;
+ // Remove temporary <ul> if any
+ if (this.isOpen()) {
+ // #58: 'replaceMenu' in beforeOpen causing select: to lose ui.target
+ ct = this.currentTarget;
+ // close without animation, to force async mode
+ this._closeMenu(true);
+ this.currentTarget = ct;
+ }
+ if (this.menuIsTemp) {
+ this.$menu.remove(); // this will also destroy ui.menu
+ } else if (this.$menu) {
+ this.$menu
+ .menu("destroy")
+ .removeClass(this.options.addClass)
+ .hide();
+ }
+ this.$menu = null;
+ this.menuIsTemp = false;
+ // If a menu definition array was passed, create a hidden <ul>
+ // and generate the structure now
+ if ( !menuDef ) {
+ return;
+ } else if ($.isArray(menuDef)) {
+ this.$menu = $.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(menuDef);
+ this.menuIsTemp = true;
+ }else if ( typeof menuDef === "string" ) {
+ this.$menu = $(menuDef);
+ } else {
+ this.$menu = menuDef;
+ }
+ // Create - but hide - the jQuery UI Menu widget
+ this.$menu
+ .hide()
+ .addClass(opts.addClass)
+ // Create a menu instance that delegates events to our widget
+ .menu($.extend(true, {}, opts.uiMenuOptions, {
+ blur: $.proxy(opts.blur, this),
+ create: $.proxy(opts.createMenu, this),
+ focus: $.proxy(opts.focus, this),
+ select: $.proxy(function(event, ui) {
+ // User selected a menu entry
+ var retval,
+ isParent = $.moogle.contextmenu.isMenu(ui.item),
+ actionHandler = ui.item.data("actionHandler");
+ ui.cmd = ui.item.attr("data-command");
+ ui.target = $(this.currentTarget);
+ // ignore clicks, if they only open a sub-menu
+ if ( !isParent || !opts.ignoreParentSelect) {
+ retval = this._trigger.call(this, "select", event, ui);
+ if ( actionHandler ) {
+ retval = actionHandler.call(this, event, ui);
+ }
+ if ( retval !== false ) {
+ this._closeMenu.call(this);
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }, this)
+ }));
+ },
+ /** Open popup (called on 'contextmenu' event). */
+ _openMenu: function(event, recursive) {
+ var res, promise,
+ opts = this.options,
+ posOption = opts.position,
+ self = this,
+ manualTrigger = !!event.isTrigger,
+ ui = { menu: this.$menu, target: $(event.target),
+ extraData: event.extraData, originalEvent: event,
+ result: null };
+ if ( !opts.autoTrigger && !manualTrigger ) {
+ // ignore browser's `contextmenu` events
+ return;
+ }
+ // Prevent browser from opening the system context menu
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.currentTarget = event.target;
+ if ( !recursive ) {
+ res = this._trigger("beforeOpen", event, ui);
+ promise = (ui.result && $.isFunction(ui.result.promise)) ? ui.result : null;
+ ui.result = null;
+ if ( res === false ) {
+ this.currentTarget = null;
+ return false;
+ } else if ( promise ) {
+ // Handler returned a Deferred or Promise. Delay menu open until
+ // the promise is resolved
+ promise.done(function() {
+ self._openMenu(event, true);
+ });
+ this.currentTarget = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ui.menu = this.$menu; // Might have changed in beforeOpen
+ }
+ // Register global event handlers that close the dropdown-menu
+ $(document).bind("keydown" + this.eventNamespace, function(event) {
+ if ( event.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) {
+ self._closeMenu();
+ }
+ }).bind("mousedown" + this.eventNamespace + " touchstart" + this.eventNamespace,
+ function(event) {
+ // Close menu when clicked outside menu
+ if ( !$(event.target).closest(".ui-menu-item").length ) {
+ self._closeMenu();
+ }
+ });
+ // required for custom positioning (issue #18 and #13).
+ if ($.isFunction(posOption)) {
+ posOption = posOption(event, ui);
+ }
+ posOption = $.extend({
+ my: "left top",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ // if called by 'open' method, event does not have pageX/Y
+ of: (event.pageX === undefined) ? event.target : event,
+ collision: "fit"
+ }, posOption);
+ // Finally display the popup
+ this.$menu
+ .show() // required to fix positioning error
+ .css({
+ position: "absolute",
+ left: 0,
+ top: 0
+ }).position(posOption)
+ .hide(); // hide again, so we can apply nice effects
+ if ( opts.preventContextMenuForPopup ) {
+ this.$menu.bind("contextmenu" + this.eventNamespace, function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ }
+ this._show(this.$menu, opts.show, function() {
+ // Set focus to first active menu entry
+ if ( opts.autoFocus ) {
+ // var $first = self.$menu.children(".ui-menu-item:enabled:first");
+ // self.$menu.menu("focus", event, $first).focus();
+ self.$menu.focus();
+ self.previousFocus = $(event.target);
+ }
+ self._trigger.call(self, "open", event, ui);
+ });
+ },
+ /** Close popup. */
+ _closeMenu: function(immediately) {
+ var self = this,
+ hideOpts = immediately ? false : this.options.hide;
+ // Note: we don't want to unbind the 'contextmenu' event
+ $(document)
+ .unbind("mousedown" + this.eventNamespace)
+ .unbind("touchstart" + this.eventNamespace)
+ .unbind("keydown" + this.eventNamespace);
+ self.currentTarget = null; // issue #44 after hide animation is too late
+ if ( this.$menu ) { // #88: widget might have been destroyed already
+ this.$menu
+ .unbind("contextmenu" + this.eventNamespace);
+ this._hide(this.$menu, hideOpts, function() {
+ if ( self.previousFocus ) {
+ self.previousFocus.focus();
+ self.previousFocus = null;
+ }
+ self._trigger("close");
+ });
+ } else {
+ self._trigger("close");
+ }
+ },
+ /** Handle $().contextmenu("option", key, value) calls. */
+ _setOption: function(key, value) {
+ switch (key) {
+ case "menu":
+ this.replaceMenu(value);
+ break;
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /** Return ui-menu entry (<LI> tag). */
+ _getMenuEntry: function(cmd) {
+ return this.$menu.find("li[data-command=" + cmd + "]");
+ },
+ /** Close context menu. */
+ close: function() {
+ if (this.isOpen()) {
+ this._closeMenu();
+ }
+ },
+ /** Enable or disable the menu command. */
+ enableEntry: function(cmd, flag) {
+ this._getMenuEntry(cmd).toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", (flag === false));
+ },
+ /** Return Menu element (UL). */
+ getMenu: function() {
+ return this.$menu;
+ },
+ /** Return true if menu is open. */
+ isOpen: function() {
+// return this.$menu && this.$menu.is(":visible");
+ return !!this.$menu && !!this.currentTarget;
+ },
+ /** Open context menu on a specific target (must match options.delegate)
+ * Optional `extraData` is passed to event handlers as `ui.extraData`.
+ */
+ open: function(target, extraData) {
+ // Fake a 'contextmenu' event
+ extraData = extraData || {};
+ var e = jQuery.Event("contextmenu", { target: target.get(0), extraData: extraData });
+ return this.element.trigger(e);
+ },
+ /** Replace the menu altogether. */
+ replaceMenu: function(data) {
+ this._createUiMenu(data);
+ },
+ /** Redefine menu entry (title or all of it). */
+ setEntry: function(cmd, entry) {
+ var $ul,
+ $entryLi = this._getMenuEntry(cmd);
+ if (typeof entry === "string") {
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.updateTitle($entryLi, entry);
+ } else {
+ $entryLi.empty();
+ entry.cmd = entry.cmd || cmd;
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.createEntryMarkup(entry, $entryLi);
+ if ($.isArray(entry.children)) {
+ $ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo($entryLi);
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(entry.children, $ul);
+ }
+ this.getMenu().menu("refresh");
+ }
+ },
+ /** Show or hide the menu command. */
+ showEntry: function(cmd, flag) {
+ this._getMenuEntry(cmd).toggle(flag !== false);
+ }
+ * Global functions
+ */
+$.extend($.moogle.contextmenu, {
+ /** Convert a menu description into a into a <li> content. */
+ createEntryMarkup: function(entry, $parentLi) {
+ var $a = null;
+ if ( !/[^\-\u2014\u2013\s]/.test( entry.title ) ) {
+ // hyphen, em dash, en dash: separator as defined by UI Menu 1.10
+ $parentLi.text(entry.title);
+ } else {
+ if ( isLTE110 ) {
+ // jQuery UI Menu 1.10 or before required an `<a>` tag
+ $parentLi.attr("data-command", entry.cmd);
+ $a = $("<a/>", {
+ html: "" + entry.title,
+ href: "#"
+ }).appendTo($parentLi);
+ if ( entry.uiIcon ) {
+ $a.append($("<span class='ui-icon' />").addClass(entry.uiIcon));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // jQuery UI Menu 1.11+ preferes to avoid `<a>` tags
+ $parentLi
+ .attr("data-command", entry.cmd)
+ .html("" + entry.title);
+ if ( $.isFunction(entry.action) ) {
+ $parentLi.data("actionHandler", entry.action);
+ }
+ if ( entry.uiIcon ) {
+ $parentLi
+ .append($("<span class='ui-icon' />")
+ .addClass(entry.uiIcon));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $.isFunction(entry.action) ) {
+ $parentLi.data("actionHandler", entry.action);
+ }
+ if ( entry.disabled ) {
+ $parentLi.addClass("ui-state-disabled");
+ }
+ if ( entry.addClass ) {
+ $parentLi.addClass(entry.addClass);
+ }
+ if ( $.isPlainObject(entry.data) ) {
+ $parentLi.data(entry.data);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /** Convert a nested array of command objects into a <ul> structure. */
+ createMenuMarkup: function(options, $parentUl) {
+ var i, menu, $ul, $li;
+ if ( $parentUl == null ) {
+ $parentUl = $("<ul class='ui-helper-hidden' />").appendTo("body");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+ menu = options[i];
+ $li = $("<li/>").appendTo($parentUl);
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.createEntryMarkup(menu, $li);
+ if ( $.isArray(menu.children) ) {
+ $ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo($li);
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(menu.children, $ul);
+ }
+ }
+ return $parentUl;
+ },
+ /** Returns true if the menu item has child menu items */
+ isMenu: function(item) {
+ if ( isLTE110 ) {
+ return item.has(">a[aria-haspopup='true']").length > 0;
+ } else {
+ return item.is("[aria-haspopup='true']");
+ }
+ },
+ /** Replaces the value of elem's first text node child */
+ replaceFirstTextNodeChild: function(elem, text) {
+ elem
+ .contents()
+ .filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; })
+ .first()
+ .replaceWith(text);
+ },
+ /** Updates the menu item's title */
+ updateTitle: function(item, title) {
+ if ( isLTE110 ) {
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.replaceFirstTextNodeChild($("a", item), title);
+ } else {
+ $.moogle.contextmenu.replaceFirstTextNodeChild(item, title);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/*! jQuery UI context menu plugin - v1.9.0 - 2015-04-20 | https://github.com/mar10/jquery-ui-contextmenu | Copyright (c) 2015 Martin Wendt; Licensed MIT */
+!function(a){"use strict";"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","jquery-ui/menu"],a):a(jQuery)}(function(a){"use strict";var b="onselectstart"in document.createElement("div"),c=a.ui.menu.version.match(/^(\d)\.(\d+)/),d={major:parseInt(c[1],10),minor:parseInt(c[2],10)},e=d.major<2&&d.minor<11;a.widget("moogle.contextmenu",{version:"@VERSION",options:{addClass:"ui-contextmenu",autoFocus:!1,autoTrigger:!0,delegate:null,hide:{effect:"fadeOut",duration:"fast"},ignoreParentSelect:!0,menu:null,position:null,preventContextMenuForPopup:!1,preventSelect:!1,show:{effect:"slideDown",duration:"fast"},taphold:!1,uiMenuOptions:{},beforeOpen:a.noop,blur:a.noop,close:a.noop,create:a.noop,createMenu:a.noop,focus:a.noop,open:a.noop,select:a.noop},_create:function(){var c,d,e,f=this.options;if(this.$headStyle=null,this.$menu=null,this.menuIsTemp=!1,this.currentTarget=null,this.previousFocus=null,f.preventSelect){e=(a(this.element).is(document)?a("body"):this.element).uniqueId().attr("id"),c="#"+e+" "+f.delegate+" { -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; }",this.$headStyle=a("<style class='moogle-contextmenu-style' />").prop("type","text/css").appendTo("head");try{this.$headStyle.html(c)}catch(g){this.$headStyle[0].styleSheet.cssText=c}b&&this.element.delegate(f.delegate,"selectstart"+this.eventNamespace,function(a){a.preventDefault()})}this._createUiMenu(f.menu),d="contextmenu"+this.eventNamespace,f.taphold&&(d+=" taphold"+this.eventNamespace),this.element.delegate(f.delegate,d,a.proxy(this._openMenu,this))},_destroy:function(){this.element.undelegate(this.eventNamespace),this._createUiMenu(null),this.$headStyle&&(this.$headStyle.remove(),this.$headStyle=null)},_createUiMenu:function(b){var c,d=this.options;this.isOpen()&&(c=this.currentTarget,this._closeMenu(!0),this.currentTarget=c),this.menuIsTemp?this.$menu.remove():this.$menu&&this.$menu.menu("destroy").removeClass(this.options.addClass).hide(),this.$menu=null,this.menuIsTemp=!1,b&&(a.isArray(b)?(this.$menu=a.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(b),this.menuIsTemp=!0):this.$menu="string"==typeof b?a(b):b,this.$menu.hide().addClass(d.addClass).menu(a.extend(!0,{},d.uiMenuOptions,{blur:a.proxy(d.blur,this),create:a.proxy(d.createMenu,this),focus:a.proxy(d.focus,this),select:a.proxy(function(b,c){var e,f=a.moogle.contextmenu.isMenu(c.item),g=c.item.data("actionHandler");c.cmd=c.item.attr("data-command"),c.target=a(this.currentTarget),f&&d.ignoreParentSelect||(e=this._trigger.call(this,"select",b,c),g&&(e=g.call(this,b,c)),e!==!1&&this._closeMenu.call(this),b.preventDefault())},this)})))},_openMenu:function(b,c){var d,e,f=this.options,g=f.position,h=this,i=!!b.isTrigger,j={menu:this.$menu,target:a(b.target),extraData:b.extraData,originalEvent:b,result:null};if(f.autoTrigger||i){if(b.preventDefault(),this.currentTarget=b.target,!c){if(d=this._trigger("beforeOpen",b,j),e=j.result&&a.isFunction(j.result.promise)?j.result:null,j.result=null,d===!1)return this.currentTarget=null,!1;if(e)return e.done(function(){h._openMenu(b,!0)}),this.currentTarget=null,!1;j.menu=this.$menu}a(document).bind("keydown"+this.eventNamespace,function(b){b.which===a.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE&&h._closeMenu()}).bind("mousedown"+this.eventNamespace+" touchstart"+this.eventNamespace,function(b){a(b.target).closest(".ui-menu-item").length||h._closeMenu()}),a.isFunction(g)&&(g=g(b,j)),g=a.extend({my:"left top",at:"left bottom",of:void 0===b.pageX?b.target:b,collision:"fit"},g),this.$menu.show().css({position:"absolute",left:0,top:0}).position(g).hide(),f.preventContextMenuForPopup&&this.$menu.bind("contextmenu"+this.eventNamespace,function(a){a.preventDefault()}),this._show(this.$menu,f.show,function(){f.autoFocus&&(h.$menu.focus(),h.previousFocus=a(b.target)),h._trigger.call(h,"open",b,j)})}},_closeMenu:function(b){var c=this,d=b?!1:this.options.hide;a(document).unbind("mousedown"+this.eventNamespace).unbind("touchstart"+this.eventNamespace).unbind("keydown"+this.eventNamespace),c.currentTarget=null,this.$menu?(this.$menu.unbind("contextmenu"+this.eventNamespace),this._hide(this.$menu,d,function(){c.previousFocus&&(c.previousFocus.focus(),c.previousFocus=null),c._trigger("close")})):c._trigger("close")},_setOption:function(b,c){switch(b){case"menu":this.replaceMenu(c)}a.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this,arguments)},_getMenuEntry:function(a){return this.$menu.find("li[data-command="+a+"]")},close:function(){this.isOpen()&&this._closeMenu()},enableEntry:function(a,b){this._getMenuEntry(a).toggleClass("ui-state-disabled",b===!1)},getMenu:function(){return this.$menu},isOpen:function(){return!!this.$menu&&!!this.currentTarget},open:function(a,b){b=b||{};var c=jQuery.Event("contextmenu",{target:a.get(0),extraData:b});return this.element.trigger(c)},replaceMenu:function(a){this._createUiMenu(a)},setEntry:function(b,c){var d,e=this._getMenuEntry(b);"string"==typeof c?a.moogle.contextmenu.updateTitle(e,c):(e.empty(),c.cmd=c.cmd||b,a.moogle.contextmenu.createEntryMarkup(c,e),a.isArray(c.children)&&(d=a("<ul/>").appendTo(e),a.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(c.children,d)),this.getMenu().menu("refresh"))},showEntry:function(a,b){this._getMenuEntry(a).toggle(b!==!1)}}),a.extend(a.moogle.contextmenu,{createEntryMarkup:function(b,c){var d=null;/[^\-\u2014\u2013\s]/.test(b.title)?(e?(c.attr("data-command",b.cmd),d=a("<a/>",{html:""+b.title,href:"#"}).appendTo(c),b.uiIcon&&d.append(a("<span class='ui-icon' />").addClass(b.uiIcon))):(c.attr("data-command",b.cmd).html(""+b.title),a.isFunction(b.action)&&c.data("actionHandler",b.action),b.uiIcon&&c.append(a("<span class='ui-icon' />").addClass(b.uiIcon))),a.isFunction(b.action)&&c.data("actionHandler",b.action),b.disabled&&c.addClass("ui-state-disabled"),b.addClass&&c.addClass(b.addClass),a.isPlainObject(b.data)&&c.data(b.data)):c.text(b.title)},createMenuMarkup:function(b,c){var d,e,f,g;for(null==c&&(c=a("<ul class='ui-helper-hidden' />").appendTo("body")),d=0;d<b.length;d++)e=b[d],g=a("<li/>").appendTo(c),a.moogle.contextmenu.createEntryMarkup(e,g),a.isArray(e.children)&&(f=a("<ul/>").appendTo(g),a.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(e.children,f));return c},isMenu:function(a){return e?a.has(">a[aria-haspopup='true']").length>0:a.is("[aria-haspopup='true']")},replaceFirstTextNodeChild:function(a,b){a.contents().filter(function(){return 3===this.nodeType}).first().replaceWith(b)},updateTitle:function(b,c){e?a.moogle.contextmenu.replaceFirstTextNodeChild(a("a",b),c):a.moogle.contextmenu.replaceFirstTextNodeChild(b,c)}})});
+//# sourceMappingURL=jquery.ui-contextmenu.min.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
createContextMenu: function() {
var tr = this;
var bindings = {
- context_pause_selected: function() { tr.stopSelectedTorrents(); },
- context_resume_selected: function() { tr.startSelectedTorrents(false); },
- context_resume_now_selected: function() { tr.startSelectedTorrents(true); },
- context_move: function() { tr.moveSelectedTorrents(false); },
- context_remove: function() { tr.removeSelectedTorrents(); },
- context_removedata: function() { tr.removeSelectedTorrentsAndData(); },
- context_verify: function() { tr.verifySelectedTorrents(); },
- context_rename: function() { tr.renameSelectedTorrents(); },
- context_reannounce: function() { tr.reannounceSelectedTorrents(); },
- context_move_top: function() { tr.moveTop(); },
- context_move_up: function() { tr.moveUp(); },
- context_move_down: function() { tr.moveDown(); },
- context_move_bottom: function() { tr.moveBottom(); },
- context_select_all: function() { tr.selectAll(); },
- context_deselect_all: function() { tr.deselectAll(); }
+ pause_selected: function() { tr.stopSelectedTorrents(); },
+ resume_selected: function() { tr.startSelectedTorrents(false); },
+ resume_now_selected: function() { tr.startSelectedTorrents(true); },
+ move: function() { tr.moveSelectedTorrents(false); },
+ remove: function() { tr.removeSelectedTorrents(); },
+ remove_data: function() { tr.removeSelectedTorrentsAndData(); },
+ verify: function() { tr.verifySelectedTorrents(); },
+ rename: function() { tr.renameSelectedTorrents(); },
+ reannounce: function() { tr.reannounceSelectedTorrents(); },
+ move_top: function() { tr.moveTop(); },
+ move_up: function() { tr.moveUp(); },
+ move_down: function() { tr.moveDown(); },
+ move_bottom: function() { tr.moveBottom(); },
+ select_all: function() { tr.selectAll(); },
+ deselect_all: function() { tr.deselectAll(); }
// Set up the context menu
- $('ul#torrent_list').contextMenu('torrent_context_menu', {
- bindings: bindings,
- menuStyle: { width: '310px', backgroundColor: '#fff', border: 'none', padding: '5px 0', textAlign: 'left' },
- itemStyle: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', margin: '0', padding: '3px 10px 3px 20px', color: '#000', cursor: 'default', border: 'none'},
- itemHoverStyle: { backgroundColor: '#24e', color: '#fff', border: 'none'},
- shadow: false,
- boundingElement: $('div#torrent_container'),
- boundingRightPad: 20,
- boundingBottomPad: 5,
- onContextMenu: function(ev) {
- var element = $(ev.target).closest('.torrent')[0];
+ $("ul#torrent_list").contextmenu({
+ delegate: ".torrent",
+ menu: "#torrent_context_menu",
+ preventSelect: true,
+ taphold: true,
+ show: { effect: "none" },
+ hide: { effect: "none" },
+ select: function(event, ui) { bindings[ui.cmd](); },
+ beforeOpen: $.proxy(function(event, ui) {
+ var element = $(event.currentTarget);
var i = $('#torrent_list > li').index(element);
- if ((i!==-1) && !tr._rows[i].isSelected())
- tr.setSelectedRow(tr._rows[i]);
- return true;
- }
+ if ((i!==-1) && !this._rows[i].isSelected())
+ this.setSelectedRow(this._rows[i]);
+ this.calculateTorrentStates(function(s) {
+ var tl = $(event.target);
+ tl.contextmenu("enableEntry", "pause_selected", s.activeSel > 0);
+ tl.contextmenu("enableEntry", "resume_selected", s.pausedSel > 0);
+ tl.contextmenu("enableEntry", "resume_now_selected", s.pausedSel > 0);
+ tl.contextmenu("enableEntry", "rename", s.sel == 1);
+ });
+ }, this)
createSettingsMenu: function() {
- $('#settings_menu').transMenu({
- selected_char: '✔',
- direction: 'up',
- onClick: $.proxy(this.onMenuClicked,this)
+ $("#footer_super_menu").transMenu({
+ open: function() { $("#settings_menu").addClass("selected"); },
+ close: function() { $("#settings_menu").removeClass("selected"); },
+ select: $.proxy(this.onMenuClicked, this)
+ });
+ $("#settings_menu").click(function(event) {
+ $("#footer_super_menu").transMenu("open");
- $('#unlimited_download_rate').selectMenuItem();
- $('#unlimited_upload_rate').selectMenuItem();
- onMenuClicked: function(ev)
+ onMenuClicked: function(event, ui)
var o, dir,
- id = ev.target.id,
+ id = ui.id,
remote = this.remote,
- element = $(ev.target);
+ element = ui.target;
- if (element.hasClass('sort-mode'))
+ if (ui.group == 'sort-mode')
- element.parent().find('.sort-mode').each(function() {
- element.parent().deselectMenuItem();
- });
this.setSortMethod(id.replace(/sort_by_/, ''));
else if (element.hasClass('upload-speed'))
o = {};
- o[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = parseInt(ev.target.innerHTML);
+ o[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = parseInt(element.text());
o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = true;
else if (element.hasClass('download-speed'))
o = {};
- o[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = parseInt(ev.target.innerHTML);
+ o[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = parseInt(element.text());
o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = true;
- $('#settings_menu').trigger('closemenu');
- ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
// Prevents click carrying to parent element
// which deselects all on click
- // but still hide the context menu if it is showing
- $('#jqContextMenu').hide();
if (isMobileDevice) {
if (row.isSelected())
var limit, limited, e, b, text,
fmt = Transmission.fmt,
- menu = $('#settings_menu');
+ menu = $('#footer_super_menu');
this.serverVersion = o.version;
if (!limited)
e = menu.find('#unlimited_download_rate');
- e.deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
+ e.selectMenuItem();
if (this.isMenuEnabled && (RPC._UpSpeedLimited in o)
if (!limited)
e = menu.find('#unlimited_upload_rate');
- e.deselectMenuSiblings().selectMenuItem();
+ e.selectMenuItem();
- updateButtonStates: function()
+ calculateTorrentStates: function(callback)
- var e = this.elements,
- haveActive = false,
- havePaused = false,
- haveSel = false,
- haveActiveSel = false,
- havePausedSel = false;
+ var stats = {
+ total: 0,
+ active: 0,
+ paused: 0,
+ sel: 0,
+ activeSel: 0,
+ pausedSel: 0
+ };
delete this.buttonRefreshTimer;
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i) {
var isStopped = row.getTorrent().isStopped();
var isSelected = row.isSelected();
- if (!isStopped) haveActive = true;
- if (isStopped) havePaused = true;
- if (isSelected) haveSel = true;
- if (isSelected && !isStopped) haveActiveSel = true;
- if (isSelected && isStopped) havePausedSel = true;
+ ++stats.total;
+ if (!isStopped) ++stats.active;
+ if (isStopped) ++stats.paused;
+ if (isSelected) ++stats.sel;
+ if (isSelected && !isStopped) ++stats.activeSel;
+ if (isSelected && isStopped) ++stats.pausedSel;
- this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_pause_button, haveActiveSel);
- this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_start_button, havePausedSel);
- this.setEnabled(e.toolbar_remove_button, haveSel);
+ callback(stats);
+ },
+ updateButtonStates: function()
+ {
+ var tr = this,
+ e = this.elements;
+ this.calculateTorrentStates(function(s) {
+ tr.setEnabled(e.toolbar_pause_button, s.activeSel > 0);
+ tr.setEnabled(e.toolbar_start_button, s.pausedSel > 0);
+ tr.setEnabled(e.toolbar_remove_button, s.sel > 0);
+ });
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #dddddd, #bbbbbb);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #dddddd, #bbbbbb);
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #dddddd, #bbbbbb); }
- div.torrent_footer > * {
+ div.torrent_footer > div {
float: left;
margin: 2px 4px;
width: 18px;
border: 1px solid #888;
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none; }
- div.torrent_footer div.main_container {
+ div.torrent_footer #settings_menu {
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: #dddddd;
/* Opera 11.10+ */
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat; }
- div.torrent_footer div.main_container:active, div.torrent_footer div.main_container.selected {
+ div.torrent_footer #settings_menu:active, div.torrent_footer #settings_menu.selected {
background-color: #e6e6ff;
background-image: url("images/settings.png");
/* fallback */
-.trans_menu {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0; }
-.trans_menu ul {
- list-style: none; }
-.trans_menu ul {
- /* place it right above the button */
- position: relative;
- bottom: 18px;
- min-width: 210px;
- background-color: white;
- padding: 5px 0;
+.ui-menu-item {
text-align: left;
- list-style: none;
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
- -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); }
-.trans_menu ul ul {
- min-width: 150px; }
-.trans_menu ul ul#footer_sort_menu {
- min-width: 175px; }
-.trans_menu > * li {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 3px 10px 3px 20px !important;
- color: #000;
- cursor: default;
- text-indent: auto !important;
- width: inherit; }
-.trans_menu li.separator,
-.trans_menu li.separator.hover {
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
- margin: 5px 0;
- padding: 0px;
- background: transparent; }
-.trans_menu li span.arrow {
- float: right; }
-.trans_menu li.hover li.hover span.arrow, .trans_menu li.hover li.hover li.hover span.selected {
- color: white; }
-.trans_menu span.selected {
- margin: 0 3px 0 -15px;
- color: #666;
- float: left; }
+ white-space: nowrap; }
-.trans_menu div.outerbox {
- display: none;
- background: transparent;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
-.trans_menu div.inner {
- left: 0;
- margin: 0; }
-.trans_menu li.main li {
- z-index: 2;
- min-width: 78px; }
-.trans_menu a {
- text-decoration: none;
- cursor: default; }
- *
- * C O N T E X T M E N U
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
-div#jqContextMenu {
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none; }
- div#jqContextMenu ul {
- filter: alpha(opacity=98);
- -moz-opacity: .98;
- opacity: .98;
- -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
- div#jqContextMenu li.separator, div#jqContextMenu div#jqContextMenu li.separator:hover {
- background: inherit !important;
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd !important;
- margin: 5px 0 !important;
- padding: 0px; }
+#footer_super_menu {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ z-index: 3; }
@include verticalGradient($statusbar-gradient-top, $statusbar-gradient-bottom);
- > * {
+ > div {
float: left;
margin: 2px 4px;
width: 18px;
$active-color-top: $selected-gradient-top;
$active-color-bottom: $selected-gradient-bottom;
- div.main_container {
+ #settings_menu {
@include roundedBox(5px);
@include buttonImage('images/settings.png', $idle-color-top, $idle-color-bottom, $active-color-top, $active-color-bottom);
-.trans_menu {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
-.trans_menu ul {
- list-style: none;
-.trans_menu ul {
- /* place it right above the button */
- position: relative;
- bottom: 18px;
- min-width: 210px;
- background-color: white;
- padding: 5px 0;
+.ui-menu-item {
text-align: left;
- list-style: none;
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
- -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
-.trans_menu ul ul {
- min-width: 150px;
-.trans_menu ul ul#footer_sort_menu {
- min-width: 175px;
-.trans_menu > * li {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 3px 10px 3px 20px !important;
- color: #000;
- cursor: default;
- text-indent: auto !important;
- width: inherit;
-.trans_menu li.separator,
-.trans_menu li.separator.hover {
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
- margin: 5px 0;
- padding: 0px;
- background: transparent;
-.trans_menu li span.arrow {
- float: right;
-.trans_menu li.hover li.hover span.arrow, .trans_menu li.hover li.hover li.hover span.selected {
- color: white;
-.trans_menu span.selected {
- margin: 0 3px 0 -15px;
- color: #666;
- float: left;
-.trans_menu div.outerbox {
- display: none;
- background: transparent;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-.trans_menu div.inner {
- left: 0;
- margin: 0;
-.trans_menu li.main li {
- z-index: 2;
- min-width: 78px;
-.trans_menu a {
- text-decoration: none;
- cursor: default;
+ white-space: nowrap;
- *
- * C O N T E X T M E N U
- *
- *--------------------------------------*/
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
- border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- ul {
- filter: alpha(opacity=98);
- -moz-opacity: .98;
- opacity: .98;
- -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
- -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
- }
- li.separator, div#jqContextMenu li.separator:hover {
- background: inherit !important;
- border-top: 1px solid #ddd !important;
- margin: 5px 0 !important;
- padding: 0px;
- }
+#footer_super_menu {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ z-index: 3;
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #dddddd, #bbbbbb);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #dddddd, #bbbbbb);
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #dddddd, #bbbbbb); }
- div.torrent_footer > * {
+ div.torrent_footer > div {
position: relative;
float: left;
margin: 2px 4px;
border: 1px solid #888;
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none; }
- div.torrent_footer div.main_container,
- div.torrent_footer ul#settings_menu {
+ div.torrent_footer #settings_menu {
display: none; }
div.torrent_footer #prefs-button {
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
margin: 10px 0 20px 150px;
text-align: left; }
-div#torrent_context_menu {
- display: none; }
+.ui-menu-item {
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+#torrent_context_menu {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ z-index: 3; }
iframe#torrent_upload_frame {
display: block;
@include verticalGradient($statusbar-gradient-top, $statusbar-gradient-bottom);
- > * {
+ > div {
position: relative;
float: left;
margin: 2px 4px;
$active-color-top: $selected-gradient-top;
$active-color-bottom: $selected-gradient-bottom;
- div.main_container,
- ul#settings_menu {
+ #settings_menu {
display: none;
-// no context menu in the mobile version...
-div#torrent_context_menu {
- display: none;
+.ui-menu-item {
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+#torrent_context_menu {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ z-index: 3;
iframe#torrent_upload_frame {