- Switches default (snapshot) make target to use the Deployment Xcode target
- Makes it possible to jam contribs using make in OS X like is done in Linux
- This means no universal binaries from make, unless "make release" is used. That's the only time it uses the contrib download script. The snapshot target builds contribs locally.
To sum up: this now means that on a Mac, using:
....should be functionally equivalent to:
make clean; ./configure; ./jam
git-svn-id: svn://svn.handbrake.fr/HandBrake/trunk@1430
(./DownloadMacOsXContribBinaries.sh ; cd macosx ; xcodebuild -target libhb -target HandBrake -target HandBrakeCLI -configuration UB OTHER_CFLAGS_QUOTED_1="-DHB_VERSION=\\\"$(HB_VERSION)\\\" -DHB_BUILD=$(HB_BUILD) " build | sed '/^$$/d' )\r
- (./DownloadMacOsXContribBinaries.sh ; cd macosx ; defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleGetInfoString '$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)' ; defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleShortVersionString '$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)' ; defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleVersion '"$(SNAP_HB_BUILD)"' ; plutil -convert xml1 "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake.plist ; xcodebuild -target libhb -target HandBrake -target HandBrakeCLI -configuration UB OTHER_CFLAGS_QUOTED_1="-g -HB_BUILD="$(SNAP_HB_BUILD)" -HB_VERSION=\\\"$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)\\\" -DHB_BUILD="$(SNAP_HB_BUILD)" -DHB_VERSION=\\\"$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)\\\" -CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=\\\"$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)\\\" " build | sed '/^$$/d' )\r
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C contrib all\r
+snapshot-app: contrib/.contrib\r
+ ( cd macosx ; defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleGetInfoString '$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)' ; defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleShortVersionString '$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)' ; defaults write "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake CFBundleVersion '"$(SNAP_HB_BUILD)"' ; plutil -convert xml1 "$(FULL_PATH)"/macosx/HandBrake.plist ; xcodebuild -target libhb -target HandBrake -target HandBrakeCLI -configuration Deployment OTHER_CFLAGS_QUOTED_1="-g -HB_BUILD="$(SNAP_HB_BUILD)" -HB_VERSION=\\\"$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)\\\" -DHB_BUILD="$(SNAP_HB_BUILD)" -DHB_VERSION=\\\"$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)\\\" -CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=\\\"$(SNAP_HB_VERSION)\\\" " build | sed '/^$$/d' )\r
(./DownloadMacOsXContribBinaries.sh ; cd macosx ; xcodebuild -alltargets -configuration UB OTHER_CFLAGS_QUOTED_1="-DHB_VERSION=\\\"$(HB_VERSION)\\\" -DHB_BUILD=$(HB_BUILD) " build | sed '/^$$/d' )\r
# Special case for Mac OS X: everything is handled from the Xcode project\r
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)\r
- ( echo "MacOs X doesn't use this makefile, to build the contrib please use ../jam" ; false )\r
+all: .contrib\r
+ ( cd .. ; ./configure ; cd contrib ; cp -f ../config.jam . ; ../jam )\r
+clean: \r
+ ( echo "Do a make mrproper to remove the contrib libraries )\r
+mrproper: \r
+ (rm -rf lib ; rm -rf include )\r