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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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+<manualpage metafile="public_html.xml.meta">
+<parentdocument href="./">How-To / Tutorials</parentdocument>
+ <title>Reverse Proxy Guide</title>
+ <summary>
+ <p>In addition to being a "basic" web server, and providing static and
+ dynamic content to end-users, Apache httpd (as well as most other web
+ servers) can also act as a reverse proxy server, also-known-as a
+ "gateway" server.</p>
+ <p>In such scenarios, httpd itself does not generate or host the data,
+ but rather the content is obtained by one or several backend servers,
+ which normally have no direct connection to the external network. As
+ httpd receives a request from a client, the request itself is <em>proxied</em>
+ to one of these backend servers, which then handles the request, generates
+ the content and then sends this content back to httpd, which then
+ generates the actual HTTP response back to the client.</p>
+ <p>There are numerous reasons for such an implementation, but generally
+ the typical rationales are due to security, high-availability, load-balancing
+ and centralized authentication/authorization. It is critical in these
+ implementations that the layout, design and architecture of the backend
+ infrastructure (those servers which actually handle the requests) are
+ insulated and protected from the outside; as far as the client is concerned,
+ the reverse proxy server <em>is</em> the sole source of all content.</p>
+ <p>A typical implementation is below:</p>
+ <img src="../images/reverse-proxy-arch.png" alt="reverse-proxy-arch" />
+ </summary>
+ <section id="related">
+ <title>Reverse Proxy</title>
+ <related>
+ <modulelist>
+ <module>mod_proxy</module>
+ <module>mod_proxy_balancer</module>
+ <module>mod_proxy_hcheck</module>
+ </modulelist>
+ <directivelist>
+ <directive module="mod_proxy">ProxyPass</directive>
+ <directive module="mod_proxy">BalancerMember</directive>
+ </directivelist>
+ </related>
+ </section>
+ <section id="userdir">
+ <title>Simple reverse proxying</title>
+ <p>The <directive module="mod_proxy">ProxyPass</directive>
+ directive specifies the mapping of incoming requests to the backend
+ server (or a cluster of servers known as a <code>Balancer</code>
+ group). The simpliest example proxies all requests (<code>"/"</code>)
+ to a single backend:</p>
+ <highlight language="config">
+ ProxyPass "/" "http://www.example.com"
+ </highlight>
+ <p>To ensure that and <code>Location:</code> headers generated from
+ the backend are modified to point to the reverse proxy, instead of
+ back to itself, the <directive module="mod_proxy">ProxyPassReverse</directive>
+ directive is most often required:</p>
+ <highlight language="config">
+ ProxyPass "/" "http://www.example.com"
+ ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://www.example.com"
+ </highlight>
+ <p>Only specific URIs can be proxied, as shown in this example:</p>
+ <highlight language="config">
+ ProxyPass "/images" "http://www.example.com"
+ ProxyPassReverse "/images" "http://www.example.com"
+ </highlight>
+ <p>In the above, any requests which start with the <code>/images</code>
+ path with be proxied to the specified backend, otherwise it will be handled
+ locally.</p>
+ </section>